
Config.yml holds the configuration settings for DynamicEconomy.

By changing values within it, you can alter and customize how you use DynamicEconomy.

Config.yml is found in the DynamicEconomy folder within your plugins folder.

Upon opening it, you will see these fields:


prefix can be set to any word, character, sentence, etc, a string. The prefix is outputted before any DynamicEconomy output to a user. So, if prefix is "[$]", and DynamicEconomy outputs "Sale Success!", it'll actually output "[$] Sale Success!" AKA, it will prefix any output with the string you assign to "prefix". If you wish to have no prefix, leave it blank. You can also use color codes such as &2 and &f with the prefix.


Default amount can be set to any number above 0. Default amount is the amount sold/bought if the user forgets to indicate an amount. So, if a user calls /buy gold, it'll buy the default-amount worth. If default-amount is set to 0, it'll buy none. If it's 1, it'll buy one, and likewise if you set it to 64, it'll buy 64 gold ingots. I recommend keeping it at 1 or 0 to avoid bankrupting users.


local-price-notify can be set to either true or false If true, a user will be told of the new price of the item upon completing a transaction. If false, a user will not be told of the new price of an item upon completing a transaction. IE, if true, upon buying something, a user will get something like "New price of gold is $400, (+.5%), whereas, if it is false, the user will not get this message.


Same as local-price-notify, except applicable to the entire server. If true, all users online will be told of the new price of an item, when it changes. If false, they will not be notified.


log-writing can be set to true or false If true, DynamicEconomy will write a custom log to log.txt If false, it will not log anything.


Any positive value, in decimal percent form. If set to .3, the sales tax is 30%. This 30% will be charged and deducted from any sales. If a user sells $100-worth, 30% of the $100 ($30) will be deducted, for an end sale of $70.


Any positive value, in decimal percent form. If set to .3, the purchase tax is 30%. This 30% will be charged and added to any purchases. If a user buys $100-worth, 30% of the $100 ($30) will be added, for an end total cost of $130.


Either true or false If false, nothing special. If true, all sales and purchase tax charges will be added to the economy account set in account-name


User Economy account into which tax charges should be deposited. If you set it to "", deposit-tax-to-account must be false, because "" is an invalid username/account

location-restrict & min/max-y


I recommend you to not use these, regions have replaced them. However, some people only want very limited location restrictions, and this is it.

If location-restrict is true, min & max y are used. If false, min & max y don't matter.

If true, a player must be between min-y and max-y to use the economy. If out of that zone, player cannot buy/sell.

This is useful if you want the player to be able to use the economy as long as they are not underground ( min-y 64, max-y 128).


Either true or false If true, then the commands for getting price, selling, and buying, are /deprice, /debuy, and /desell This config exists for servers who have other mods using /buy, /sell, or /price


Either true or false . If true, then the update-checker will be enabled, and players with the appropriate permission will be notified if there is a new DE version out. If false, players will not be notified.


Either true or false If true, you can create shopregions, the only regions in which users can buy & sell items in the economy. Outside of the regions you define, they cannot use /buy or /sell If false, users can buy or sell anywhere, or between min & max y (if you are using min & max y)


Either true or false If true, the loans system will be enabled and users can take loans from the bank. If false, the loans system will be disabled.


Either true or false If true, the interest rate of the world will be the one you define in interest-rate, the next setting in the config. If false, DE will use prices of several items to determine an interest rate that will change with the price of those items. I recommend dynamic interest.


A double, in percent form (.05 = 5%) that sets the static interest for loans, if use-static-interest is set to true.


The dynamic interest rate, which will constantly change if it is enabled. You can set this to whatever value as the initial interest, and DE will change it based on transactions from thereon.


A special value used by DE to calculate the dynamic interest rate. DO NOT CHANGE. If changed, the calculation of interest rate will be changed drastically. You can fool around with it, but I recommend not changing it permanently.


The amount of time, in minutes, after which the user must pay back their loan. So if this setting is 20, the user will be charged the cost of his loan and interest 20 minutes after taking the loan.


The maximum number of loans a player can have. Pretty self explanatory. DE allows more than one loan as an option, so you can allow that, or set this to 1 to only allow one loan at a time.


The maximum loan a user can take out.


The minimum loan a user must take out. I recommend making it greater than 0, I don't know what terrible things could happen if it is less than or equal to 0.


Either true or false. If true, the entire DE loan system (giving loans, charging, etc) will use money from a specified account. If false, any money from users paying back loans will go nowhere, and money users take out will come from thin air.


A string, the economy account from which money will be taken and deposited for loan transactions.


How often to check for overdue loans, in ticks. The default setting is 300. 1 Second = 20 ticks, so 300/20 = 15 seconds. Thus, DE will check for overdue loans every 15 seconds. If it finds that one of the online users has to pay his loan, it will charge them for the cost.


A list of all the items you wish to ban from global sale, separated by commas. I recommend using the in-game /banitem or /unbanitem to facilitate this command unless you plan to ban a LOT of stuff. The reason is because /unbanitem may not work with item names you put in here, because they have to be identical to the "TRUE" name of the item. The true name of the item is its name in Items.yml. So if you want to list banned items here manually, but unban them from in-game, you have to use their true name. Otherwise, just to ban, you can list any alias of the itemname; so for cobble you could write cobble,cobblestone, or 4.


Same as banned-sale-items, but it bans these items from being purchased. Same rules as above apply.


Either true or false. If true, prices of items not purchased in a while will decrease. So if no one has purchased diamonds in a while, their price will decrease slightly. If false, this will never occur.


Either true or false. If true, prices of items not sold in a while will increase. So if no one has sold diamonds in a while, their price will increase slightly. If false, this will never occur.


Any percent value, as a decimal (.1 = 10%). This is the percent by which the item price will decrease if not purchased in a certain amount of time.


Any percent value, as a decimal (.1 = 10%). This is the percent by which the item price will increase if not sold in a certain amount of time.


The time, in minutes, that an item has to be unpurchased/unsold for in order for its price to decay/inflate. By default, it is 1440 (24 hours). So, if diamond isn't sold/bought for 24 hours, its price will decay/inflate by the percentages set in the percentage settings above. If you set this to 10, then diamond will decay/inflate in price if not purchased/sold for 10 minutes.


The time, in minutes, that DE will check for items whose price is ready to decay/inflate. Meaning, DE doesn't constantly check if there's an item that's ready to decay/inflate. Since by default this setting is 60, DE will check every 60 minutes for items to decay/inflate, and decay/inflate them accordingly. So for example if DE checks for items to decay/inflate at 12:42, but diamond hasn't been purchased/sold for 23 hours and 58 minutes, the price won't decay/inflate (assuming 24 hour decay/inflation period). So at 12:44 the price of diamond should decay/inflate, but remember, DE only checks for this every 60 minutes, so the next time it checks will be 1:42, which is when it'll notice diamond is ready to decay/inflate and will decrement/increment its price. I set this to an hour since I don't think the difference matters for the price decay/inflation, but you can make it much more frequent.


Either true or false. If true, then the "velocities" in Items.yml will be taken as percentages rather than fixed prices. So if the velocity of an item is .1 and this is true, it'll increase in price by 10% when purchased, and decrease by 10% when sold, rather than a fixed change of 10 cents.


A set of world names, separated by commas that you wish to use DE on. So if you have multiple worlds, you can limit DE-usage to only certain worlds by separating their names in this setting by commas OR simply writing one world to restrict it to that one world (no commas necessary).


Any symbol, with color codes (&2, &f, etc) that will display before any cost.


Either true or false. Enables or disables the random events feature of DE.


Time, in minutes, after which DE will attempt to throw a random event. So, if 10 (as it is by default), DE will try to throw a random event every 10 minutes.


The percentage, as a decimal (.1 = 10%) that a random event will occur. So, by default, every 10 minutes ( the interval for random events), there is a 10% (by default) chance that a random event will occur.


Any color code. This designates the color of a dynamicsign "tagline". This is the color of the itemname and the type of sign. So, for a dynamicsign displaying the velocity of stone, "STONE VELOCITY" will be in this color.


Any color code. This designates the color of a dynamicsign "info" field. This is the color of the actual information from the sign. So, if a dynamicsign shows the price of stone, the actual price will be in this color.


Any color code. This designates the color of the "INVALID SIGN" text that'll appear if a dynamicsign was incorrectly entered.


True or false. This designates whether "Item Groups" are enabled or disabled. Item Groups is a DynamicEconomy feature that lets you make "groups" of items, and then allow users to only purchase certain groups. So, if you have group 'ores' with all the ore blocks in it, you can make a user only able to buy ores. You can also give them the ability to purchase multiple groups, or all groups (aka any item). Additionally, you can let them purchase one group but not sell it (each user has both allowed purchase groups, and allowed sale groups).


True or false. If this is true, the /buy, /sell, or /debuy, /desell commands will be enabled. If it's false, they'll be disabled. The reason for this command is that some servers would like ALL economic transactions to go through a sign, region, or shop kind of deal instead of via globally accessible commands. Therefore, this setting lets you disable those commands.


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