Dungeon Maze
Current version: Dungeon Maze 0.2.5 Beta for Minecraft 1.9~1.12
Dungeon Maze
Dungeon Maze is a world generator for Minecraft, it's a CraftBukkit plugin. Dungeon Maze generates an infinite world with a lot of cool and strange stuff in it. The world contains 7 layers of epicness, each layer does have different content. All the layers contains a lot of Monsters, but also a lot of treasures. It's a very cool map to explore with some friends. Give it a try! Will you survive? Check out the announcement trailer bellow!
Announcement Trailer
- Dungeon Maze generates an infinite world of epicness!
- Each world contains 7 layers, each layer may contain different strucures.
- Dungeon Maze contains a lot of Monster Spawners, so it contains a lot of mobs
- The Dungeon Maze plugin does have some commands to easily generate a new Dungeon Maze world.
- And a lot more...
Command | Action |
/dm help [query] | View help |
/dm createworld <world-name> [preload] | Create world |
/dm teleport <world> | Teleport to world |
/dm loadworld <world> | Load a world |
/dm unloadworld <world> | Unload a world |
/dm listworlds | List Dungeon Mazes |
/dm reload [force] | Reload Dungeon Maze |
/dm reloadpermissions | Reload permissions |
/dm restart [force] | Restart Dungeon Maze |
/dm checkupdates | Check updates |
/dm installupdates | Install updates |
/dm status ... | Status info |
/dm services ... | Services command |
/dm version ... | Version info |
Use the /dm help command to list all available commands and to view detailed help.
Dungeon Maze supports permissions all major permissions systems. Bellow you could find all the permission nodes. If you don't have an permissions system installed, all the commands are only permitted to OP's
Permission node | Action |
dungeonmaze.command.createworld | Create world command |
dungeonmaze.command.teleport | Teleport command |
dungeonmaze.command.loadworld | Load worlds command |
dungeonmaze.command.unloadworlds | Unload worlds command |
dungeonmaze.command.reload | Reload command |
dungeonmaze.command.reloadpermissions | Reload permissions command |
dungeonmaze.command.restart | Restart command |
dungeonmaze.command.checkupdates | Check updates command |
dungeonmaze.command.installupdates | Install updates command |
dungeonmaze.command.status | Status command |
dungeonmaze.command.services | Services command |
dungeonmaze.bypass.surface | Bypass the surface blocker |
dungeonmaze.bypass.build | Bypass permission of the world protection |
dungeonmaze.notification.update | Ability to see update notifications in-game |
All command permissions can be found using /dm help <command>
The downloadable files of Dungeon Maze are hosted on bukkit itself. To download the files you have to click the 'Download' button on the top right of this page (above the sidebar) to get the newest version. You could also visit the following page to see all the available downloads hosted on bukkit: http:dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/dungeon-maze/files/
- Download the plugin
- Add the DungeonMaze.jar file to the /plugins directory of your server.
- Start your server and enjoy the plugin :)
How to create your first Dungeon Maze world: Page: How to create your first Dungeon Maze world Use Dungeon Maze with Multiverse: Page: How to use Dungeon Maze with Multiverse
Because I like programming and I want to share my code so other developers could fix an issue directly if they found a problem for example, I share the source code of my project. It's available on github:
Are you a developper?
The Dungeon Maze plugin have an API, that allow you to hook your plugin with our. You can find more information on this page : Our API
This plugin sends statistics about the usage to the server http://mcstats.org/. You can disable it in your /plugins/PluginMetrics/config.yml
This plugin try to update itself by default via an Updater, you can disable it in our config.yml really easily.
The updater check only BukkitDev approved files.
Please donate some money so I can buy some coffee to make better plugins and host the website, I would really like it if you give an donation and I probably put you on the sposor list :-)
Hey, I have recently tried to make a world with "/dm createworld <worldname>" and "/mv create <worldname> normal -g DungeonMaze" and both times I have gotten a ton of errors in my console. After it few seconds of errors it crashes my server. Not sure what is happening or what is causing it. Might be because the plugin is not for 1.8? Thank you for your time!
Any news about the coming update ? Can't wait to add dungeon to Farming map :p
@timvisee Thank you for the time you use for this plugin. Awsome plugin :-)
1.8 please ;_;
Whoa this looks like it deserves so much more attention
Hello, I was wondering if there was anyway to make this 1.8 compatible, when ever I try to generate my world (with Dungeon Maze) the server crashes.
I am using the latest version of Spigot, Multiverse and of course Dungeon Maze.
Could the crash be caused by other plugins I have installed on my server?
Maybe it's because this plugin is not supported by Spigot?
I'd really appriciate a solution, or at least a response. Thanks! ;)
Hey. This plugin looks really cool but for some reason it wont work for me. When ever I try to load a new world, it kind of crashes but doesn't really, if that makes any sense. It kicks all players and it looks like it's crashed from the players view, but on the console it hasn't crashed. Now, whenever it trie to load the world, this is what the console does:
18.03 16:19:42 [Server] INFO 0 regions loaded for 'MortemTerra' 18.03 16:19:42 [Server] INFO Loaded configuration for world 'MortemTerra' 18.03 16:19:42 [Server] INFO (MortemTerra) Fire spread is UNRESTRICTED. 18.03 16:19:42 [Server] INFO (MortemTerra) Lava fire is blocked. 18.03 16:19:42 [Server] INFO (MortemTerra) Lighters are PERMITTED. 18.03 16:19:42 [Server] INFO (MortemTerra) TNT ignition is PERMITTED. 18.03 16:19:42 [Server] INFO Default configuration file written: /plugins/WorldGuard/worlds/MortemTerra/blacklist.txt 18.03 16:19:42 [Server] INFO Default configuration file written: /plugins/WorldGuard/worlds/MortemTerra/config.yml 18.03 16:19:41 [Server] INFO Preparing start region for level 6 (Seed: -5126391127425319496) 18.03 16:19:41 [Server] INFO Loading World & Settings - 'MortemTerra' - Env: NORMAL - Type: NORMAL & generator: DungeonMaze
And it just stays like that without loading any new messages. I've left it for about 30 minutes and it still wont do anything. Now, this is when I try to load it with multiverse, however when I load it with just dungeon maze, it does the same thing exept it says "loading worlds spawn 4%" and stays like that, and doesn't go up. I can restart my server and it lets players join, but it still doesn't load the world. On multiverse I can see the world on the world list, but it shows it's unloaded. When I do /mv load (worlname) it says "error trying to load world." Any suggestions?
Thanks! And yes, in fact, it's currently planned to implement a feature like this, that add's support for MythicMobs. I can't say when I expect the update (with support for this) to be released though.
You could take a look your self into the current progress on the GitHub page here:
Tim Visée
This plugin looks amazing, however do u think u could make it work with mythic mobs? So that way the dungeons could be a lot harder
Cool! That's the major reason I posted the GitHub link indeed, it's great news that it's (almost) working. About Multiverse, maybe you're using a different (incompatible) Multiverse library version, or the functionality is indeed broken, I'll take a look into it because I honestly don't know what is causing the issue. By the way, the version you compiled is definitely in the beta, or maybe even pre-alpha state, the current version in the 0.2 branch might contain some nasty bugs (mainly because the current development version will also be commited to GitHub even if it contains dangerous bugs). Thus I recommend you to run the current available version on dev.bukkit.org if that version works fine.
In the mean while, about the version you compiled. What do you think about the new command system, and the help commands that are currently available? It took me a while to complete the whole system, but it seems to be fairly solid. For example, the current command system even tries to find out what command you meant to run when executing an unknown command. Give '/dm createworlt <worldName>' a try, this will automatically run the 'dm createworld <worldName>' command (which thus fixes incorrect spelling).
Also, I'm currently working on the world data files, the current version of Dungeon Maze is writing data files into the world directory (located at /world/DungeonMaze/') containing aditional information about each Dungeon Maze worlds, the chunks, the positions of chests, special buildings and so on. Because this is a work of process, and is changed with almost all commits currently committed, it's recommended to generate a whole new Dungeon Maze world when compiling a new version, or else the plugin might break the world.**
Tim Visée
Thanks for the link. I compiled it and am running it. So far, looks great!
I noticed that the hook up to multiverse did not quite work, dm logs that it hooked up successfully but mv does not see it as a generator. Not a big deal since the world can be generated on its own.
Thanks! I'm doing my best on the 1.8 version, I've been working on this update for a while already. By the way, I'm trying to add lots of new functionality to the plugin, that's why it's taking longer than a 'regular' update. If you're interested in the current code state of the update, compared to the last release, please check this link:
If you've any suggestions for the plugin, I'd love to hear them.
Tim Visée
This plugin looks fantastic! How is the 1.8 version coming along ? I very much would like to be able to try it out on my server.
Hello timvisee, I'm working on MMO server, so I wanna see this features if they are possible ofcourse: 1) Possibility to create a dungeon itself, so u can teleport from world "upworld" to dungeon, like in games such as DragonNest or boss locations in Lineage2. 2) Possibility to use some "keys" for using this locations. 3) Possibility to use this locations again and again in their 1st form. (No damage, all monsters alive etc. 4) Possibility to use mobs from CustomNPC world (so if it possible, it will be looked like admin created a map, plugin duplicated map, player entered dungeon, left dungeon, dungeon was deleted and reloaded from backup) 5)Also I have an idea for, I think, another plugin. Would it be possible, to give player ItemX, which will give a player some permissions? I just wanna do the thing, that player can't use some items without other. For example u can use sword without armour etc. Also I have huge amount of ideas, but I dont wanna be too unpolite to ask them all. Comment pls if u wanna and thanks for ur plugin.
I'm sorry I don't fully understand your question. Did you know a Dungeon Maze is an infinite Dungeon styled world, and it's not just a single Dungeon chamber in a normal world, or anything like that. Yes, each Dungeon Maze has it's own separate world, and I don't think it's possible to put two mazes in a single world.
So, what do you mean exactly by 'each dungeon can only be on a single world.' What feature would you like to see in an upcomming update?
Tim Visée
Hello,. does this plugin need separate worlds for every dungeon?
would be cool if it can be a generator so every dungeon can be on a single world. awesome work nonetheless
Hey, same! Good to see you. I'll contact you using a private message about your offer, besides I also have a few questions I need to ask if you don't mind.
Tim Visée
Happy to see you again Tim :)
If you need some help ... :)
Just to give an update. I'm currently working on an update for CraftBukkit-1.8, expecting to be able to release this version soon.
Tim Visée
Luckily, I've got some free time. I just hate it to abandon projects, like this one. The problem is that I don't have much time to keep everything up-to-date since I'm fairly busy with other projects. I'm currently working on an update for DungeonMaze to make it compatible with the newest Bukkit version available. I might be able to implement some new features into Dungeon Maze, but I'm not sure about that yet. As soon as I've a working version available, it'll be available on this Dungeon Maze page.
Tim Visée