Dungeon Maze
Current version: Dungeon Maze 0.2.5 Beta for Minecraft 1.9~1.12
Dungeon Maze
Dungeon Maze is a world generator for Minecraft, it's a CraftBukkit plugin. Dungeon Maze generates an infinite world with a lot of cool and strange stuff in it. The world contains 7 layers of epicness, each layer does have different content. All the layers contains a lot of Monsters, but also a lot of treasures. It's a very cool map to explore with some friends. Give it a try! Will you survive? Check out the announcement trailer bellow!
Announcement Trailer
- Dungeon Maze generates an infinite world of epicness!
- Each world contains 7 layers, each layer may contain different strucures.
- Dungeon Maze contains a lot of Monster Spawners, so it contains a lot of mobs
- The Dungeon Maze plugin does have some commands to easily generate a new Dungeon Maze world.
- And a lot more...
Command | Action |
/dm help [query] | View help |
/dm createworld <world-name> [preload] | Create world |
/dm teleport <world> | Teleport to world |
/dm loadworld <world> | Load a world |
/dm unloadworld <world> | Unload a world |
/dm listworlds | List Dungeon Mazes |
/dm reload [force] | Reload Dungeon Maze |
/dm reloadpermissions | Reload permissions |
/dm restart [force] | Restart Dungeon Maze |
/dm checkupdates | Check updates |
/dm installupdates | Install updates |
/dm status ... | Status info |
/dm services ... | Services command |
/dm version ... | Version info |
Use the /dm help command to list all available commands and to view detailed help.
Dungeon Maze supports permissions all major permissions systems. Bellow you could find all the permission nodes. If you don't have an permissions system installed, all the commands are only permitted to OP's
Permission node | Action |
dungeonmaze.command.createworld | Create world command |
dungeonmaze.command.teleport | Teleport command |
dungeonmaze.command.loadworld | Load worlds command |
dungeonmaze.command.unloadworlds | Unload worlds command |
dungeonmaze.command.reload | Reload command |
dungeonmaze.command.reloadpermissions | Reload permissions command |
dungeonmaze.command.restart | Restart command |
dungeonmaze.command.checkupdates | Check updates command |
dungeonmaze.command.installupdates | Install updates command |
dungeonmaze.command.status | Status command |
dungeonmaze.command.services | Services command |
dungeonmaze.bypass.surface | Bypass the surface blocker |
dungeonmaze.bypass.build | Bypass permission of the world protection |
dungeonmaze.notification.update | Ability to see update notifications in-game |
All command permissions can be found using /dm help <command>
The downloadable files of Dungeon Maze are hosted on bukkit itself. To download the files you have to click the 'Download' button on the top right of this page (above the sidebar) to get the newest version. You could also visit the following page to see all the available downloads hosted on bukkit: http:dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/dungeon-maze/files/
- Download the plugin
- Add the DungeonMaze.jar file to the /plugins directory of your server.
- Start your server and enjoy the plugin :)
How to create your first Dungeon Maze world: Page: How to create your first Dungeon Maze world Use Dungeon Maze with Multiverse: Page: How to use Dungeon Maze with Multiverse
Because I like programming and I want to share my code so other developers could fix an issue directly if they found a problem for example, I share the source code of my project. It's available on github:
Are you a developper?
The Dungeon Maze plugin have an API, that allow you to hook your plugin with our. You can find more information on this page : Our API
This plugin sends statistics about the usage to the server http://mcstats.org/. You can disable it in your /plugins/PluginMetrics/config.yml
This plugin try to update itself by default via an Updater, you can disable it in our config.yml really easily.
The updater check only BukkitDev approved files.
Please donate some money so I can buy some coffee to make better plugins and host the website, I would really like it if you give an donation and I probably put you on the sposor list :-)
I'm sorry, but something like that is currently not supported, and will probably not be added. The worlds being generated by the plugin are infinite by default, and it requires quite a lot of time to modify it in such a way.
You might be able to generate a world, and making a route yourself (maybe with other tools like WorldEdit) to make the perfect dungeon that suits your needs.
Tim Visée
This feature is currently not supported, but it's definitely something that's planned. In fact, I'm currently trying to implement such a feature, with as much control as possible. This feature should be coming in one of the upcoming releases.
Tim Visée
This feature isn't currently supported. Dungeon Maze doesn't manage any chest access, both inside and outside of Dungeon Maze worlds. Ofcourse, players are allowed to access chests by default in world. If you'd like to limit players to Dungeon Maze chests only, you might want to find a different plugin for such control.
Tim Visée
Just downloaded this and have a few errors in my console listed below.
26.02 15:10:33 [Server] INFO org.bukkit.plugin.InvalidPluginException java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError com/timvisee/dungeonmaze/DungeonMaze : Unsupported major.minor version 52.0 26.02 15:10:33 [Server] ERROR Could not load 'plugins/DungeonMaze.jar' in folder 'plugins'
Is this the java problem you mentioned in the comments earlier ?
Just trying to get it to work.
Thank you.
Hi! Your plugin is great, but I can't use it in my survival/rpg server becouse I need dungeons have a start point and end point, and withut connecting with other dungeons. Could you do that or modify this a little bit for me please?
Can items that spawn in chest be changed and/or configured? That way certain items could be blocked/added to chests spawn in dungeons.
I don't get how the permission works? How do I alow players to only open chests in a DM world?
Thanks, I hope you're having a great time using the plugin.
I'll definitely take a look into the spelling error you mentioned, this should be easy to fix, and it must have been changed accidentally.
About the second problem, yes, I'll try to fix this, and make the message better to understand for players.
If you have any other suggestions, please let me know.
Tim Visée
Great plugin! Wish for two little things:
1) Fix the typo in "br!" Should be "break!" when it tells players they cannot break blocks in the world
2) When no surface access is allowed, it spams the chat until player reaches a dungeon. Can you get rid of that? I think players will just expect they are still warping. The error is not only lots of spam, but confusing to some.
Thanks. Also, thanks for posting the error you're getting. The latest version of Dungeon Maze requires you to use Java 1.8. I think you're running Java 1.7, if that's indeed the case I recommend you to update Java to the newest version by downloading it from their website, at java.com.
Also, you noticed that you are using CraftBukkit 1.8.8. Are you sure you're running CraftBukkit, it looks like you're running a Spigot instance instead. Anyways, if the above solution (updating Java to 1.8) doesn't work, make sure to contact me again. It would be great if you can then specify exactly what version you're using exactly. You can check this by using the /version command in-game or in the server console and pasting the result in your message.
Hope this helps,
Tim Visée
Hey Tim,
Great work on this plugin so far. I'm trying to roll my own server for my kids and this plugin doesn't want to load. I'm running CraftBukkit 1.8.8
rg.bukkit.plugin.InvalidPluginException: java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: com/timvisee/dungeonmaze/DungeonMaze : Unsupported major.minor version 52.0 at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader.loadPlugin(JavaPluginLoader.java:135) [spigot.jar:git-Spigot-5f38d38-18fbb24] at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.loadPlugin(SimplePluginManager.java:329) [spigot.jar:git-Spigot-5f38d38-18fbb24] at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.loadPlugins(SimplePluginManager.java:251) [spigot.jar:git-Spigot-5f38d38-18fbb24] at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_8_R3.CraftServer.loadPlugins(CraftServer.java:292) [spigot.jar:git-Spigot-5f38d38-18fbb24] at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.DedicatedServer.init(DedicatedServer.java:198) [spigot.jar:git-Spigot-5f38d38-18fbb24] at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:525) [spigot.jar:git-Spigot-5f38d38-18fbb24] at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745) [?:1.7.0_79]
The plugin itself, doesn't use too much RAM for the kind of plugin it is. In fact, there are many plugins that use much more RAM than Dungeon Maze. The problem however lies in the world files, based on some recent research I did. Because of the way these world (files) are generated, the chunk data of the world tends to get quite big. This affects the used RAM quite a lot when these chunks are loaded on your server. So, the extreme RAM usage is probably caused by the Minecraft server loading the Dungeon Maze chunks, and not by the plugin itself.
A possible solution would be to load less Dungeon Maze chunks in those worlds around players, and to unload chunks sooner than Minecraft does by itself. This is currently not configurable in Dungeon Maze itself, but if you would like to see a feature like this, make sure to ask me.
About the configuration, a feature like this would make Dungeon Maze to use more RAM than it currently uses (or the overall performance would get really slow). This customization feature also decreases the overall performance of the world generation unless most features are turned off. I don't think turning most features off decreases the world size by any notable size, thus I'm not quite sure if that would be a solution for the problem. This customization feature has been planned, but I can't say whether this feature get's released any time soon in the main Dungeon Maze builds.
About the note 'to do less dungeons' you made. Dungeon Maze is only generating parts of the Dungeon Maze world that are requested for generation by the Minecraft server itself. Thus on world creation, it generates the chunks around the spawn location as usual. And when players are walking around, chunks around the player are generated if they aren't available yet. Dungeon Maze doesn't generate parts of the world that aren't used. Sadly, there currently isn't a rock solid solution to generate parts of the worlds without locking the main server logic (without causing lag spikes), which would be a good step towards the solution if this was indeed possible.
If you have any other suggestions or idea's, please let me know.
Tim Visée
this plugins eats too many ram, this should be more configurable to do less dungeons or do something for better performance
Thanks for your quick response. That sound like a good idea, but I'm not really sure how easy it would be to implement that feature, since the current generation is quite complex and not that dynamic with shapes larger than a single room. Maybe that will be something to add later, I'm just not sure yet. I'll definitely take a look into it though.
Tim Visée
Thanks for the reply and by random boss rooms i mean like larger rooms maybe circular with an empowered mob that inhabits that area maybe like infernal mobs or mythic mobs something like that would make it feel like a true dungeon. If you need any more suggestions, let me know because i see a lot of potential in this plugin and find it very enjoyable.
I'll take a look into configurable chest contents, and mythic drops intergration soon!
What do you mean exactly with random boss rooms?
Tim Visée
could you add random boss rooms, mythic drops intergration, more loot in chests
Dungeon Maze 0.2.1
I'm proud to announce that Dungeon Maze 0.2.1 has been released. This version has full support for the latest CraftBukkit version 1.8.8. With this update, the whole plugin has been rewritten improving the performance a lot. Various new features have been added and lots of bugs have been fixed.
Changelog summary:
The download will be officially available on Bukkit Dev as soon as it has been accepted by the Bukkit Dev administrators.
You can also download Dungeon Maze 0.2.1 directly using the following link:
Download Dungeon Maze 0.2.1
Important note: This update requires new Dungeon Maze worlds to be generated. Old Dungeon Maze worlds are no longer supported, because the world generation system has been changed.
Warning: This version requires Java 1.8 and CraftBukkit 1.8.1 or higher.
Tim Visée
At first, the error log doesn't seem to be complete. Could you please send the full error? (the error messages are usually truncated on those online server management panels. So please copy it from your log file).
The error does seem to originate from some plugin manager you're using. Are you trying to (re)load or manage Dungeon Maze with a plugin manager?
Also, are you sure your server is running Java 1.8 oe higher? Earlier Java versions such as 1.7 are not supported!
Tim Visée