Dungeon Maze
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UploadedNov 19, 2012
Size118.29 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.4.5-R0.1
Version (19-11-2012)
- Added API (by @Xephi - Commits: #3a2c22e, #57449bf)
- Added block whitelist feature (by @Xephi - Commits: #ae28a94)
- Added mob spawner choose in the config file (by @Xephi - Commits: #e6feb28)
- Rewrote config file handler (by @Xephi - Commits: #553353d)
- Fixed some small bugs
Version 0.1.5
- Version Skipped
Version (25-10-2012)
- Fixed the surface terrain generation bug
Version 0.1.4 (25-10-2012)
- Dungeon Maze now starts before it enables other plugins, this should sove some problems
- Metrics have been added for beter usage statistics
- Improved permissions system
- Improved update checker
- Improved function to check if a world is loaded
- Improved some other parts in the core of the plugin
- Removed the Entity Listener
Version 0.1.3 (15-10-2012)
- Hopefully fixed the console errors
- Removed the feature that Dungeon Maze automaticly generates it's first world
Version 0.1.2 (12-10-2012)
- Fixed bug with custom named worlds
Version 0.1.1 (9-10-2012)
- Added multiverse support
- Added feature to block people going up to the surface
- Added feature to protect the whole world
- Some minor bug fixes
Version 0.1 (24-9-2012)
- First public plugin release!