dtlTraders was created to easily setup admin shops for your server.
Make and manage your shops with a GUI. Seriously, no hassle with configs and commands ;)
Do you like dtlTraders? Let other people know by a review!
⋆ Features:
- Easy way to setup and manage shops using a GUI
- Make/edit your shops just by drag and drop
- 3 types of shops: 'Sell', 'Buy' and 'Limit'
- 3 types of item content: 'static' and 'tradable' and 'trade'
- 1 powerful trader type: "trader" (/trait trader) bind the dtlTraders shops with citizens(2) NPC's
- Support of vanilla and custom NBT/DataTags
- NBT/DataTags makes custom item from 3rd party plugins possible
- Advanced users can customize there own items using the configs.
- Allows stack trades
- ANY economy plugin support
- Auto converts shops created with older versions of dtlTrader
- adding a description to items
- Compatible with spigot/bukkit 1.8 - 1.13.x
New features on Version 5.0.4:
- Set what you need to see first with "default shop"
- Get rid of the shops you don't want with "toggle shops"
- Make your rank based shops with custom "permissions"
- Adjust shop interaction with "custom input amount" and "stack shift"
Do the real trade with the "Trade Shop" !Delayed to next version- More navigation buttons and GUI modules with a aim to "One GUI"
For users that wants more features, we have a premium plugin named: dtlTradersPlus
Features of dtlTradersPlus:
- Make your shop bigger by adding more pages
- Set a command to open the shops without need to interact with a NPC
- Bring the shop function to a next level, set commands on items you sell
- 2 types of commands on items function: 'Buy and Run' and 'Buy and Keep (run it later)'
- And you can do all of it just using a GUI
- All the features of dtlTraders (non premium version)
New features on Version 5.0.4:
- New method for commands on items: "Run as OP"
- And it could not be easier with "mirror shop" just copy between shop types and other shops
- Get real shop experience with the "discount" function
Unlock premium features with dtlTradersPlus. Buy your copy at: www.4Creation.pro/dtltradersplus
Buying the premium version, helps US continue working on future updates for both versions dtlTraders and dtlTradersPlus. ☕
➲ Installation:
- Download dtlTraders(Plus).jar and place it into your plugins folder. Since the recreation version "5.0.0" you need to delete the dtltraders folder! (shops created with older versions are automatic converted!)
- Download Citizens (Citizens2) and place that into your plugins folder as well.
- You also need Vault and ANY economy plugin.
- Start your server.
- Installation is done.
Note: If you want to convert again , check the Documentation and go to the section converter for more.
↝ Simple guide:
- Create or add trait trader's to a npc with the GUI /dtltraders trait
- Make your shops using /dtltraders create "name"
- Add the items in your inventory that you want to sell in the shop
- Manage/edit shops content using /dtltraders edit or /dtltraders trait
- In the edit options you can drag/drop items, set prices, set limits, set names and much more .
- After finish, right click on the NPC and choose the shop you want to hook into.
- You are done :)
- Advanced guide: Dtltraders-5.0.0 and higher
/dtltraders shorter aliases: /dtl and /traders
- Documentation
- Old documentation
- Older versions
- Spigot page
- Old Sourcecode (Old version of dtlTraders (V3.4.2)) (Recreation version V5 hasn't been published)
▶ Video tutorial:
This is a tutorial we made for dtlTraders 'V5.0.0' and above, we guide you there for a fresh installation and you get answers by upgrading from the older versions:
Video tutorial is not ready yet!
We only give support for versions started with V5.0.0 !
✉ Contact or Issues:
For questions or suggestions:
- PM me
- Join Discord channel: https://discord.gg/fyabsMF
- Send a mail to: [email protected]
For issues:
- Use the issues tracker by clicking: here
- Join Discord channel: https://discord.gg/fyabsMF
Special thanks to TheWGBbroz for making the recreation possible
Created with our experience @4Creation
This was the best npc shop plugin. I loved it. We'd love an update!
Hello Adamantyte,
An update is coming soon for dtlTraders :)
Wondering if this will get updated to 1.11. I get an error passing right click to the plugin.
Hello SentryTheDefiant,
An update is coming soon for dtlTraders :),
so sad, it is only one plugin for traders to citizen2 ...
so sad, it is only one plugin for traders to citizen2 ...
If there is a small chance ... you can upgrade ..
Plugin Is Broken
I'm having yet another problem with this plugin, I could set special blocks/items for pricing and it worked until about the 3rd restart of the server and now I can't fix it. Also I may be able to delete the file but I don't want to because I'm afraid the files for the shops will delete.
Not trying to be rude, but ffs will someone PLEASE fix this plugin
I have been looking for the answer to this question for AGES and I can't find it ANYWHERE!!!
Good evening ladies and gentlemen! I have a question, I already installed the dtl traders plugin and it seems not to be a problem with the plugin. I am trying to add items to my shop but I can not open the shop meanwhile I am holding Items. When i drop the Items I can open the shop but it is stupid to open the shop without having any items to place in the shop
Please help me!
Hey Paaattiii, thanks for keeping this plugin alive !
Don't forget to change the version string in plugin.yml tho :p
The Issue tickets are being ignored so I'll post this here.
The issue.
1.10 features are NOT all supported. Any item with modified attributes (like attack damage) or a 'hide attributes' flag will fail to load on server bootup. This makes the plugin useless to those trying to sell or buy complex items.
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Create an item with modified attributes, such as attack damage. 2.Place the item in a shop. 3.Reset the server.
What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
Expected the shop to load up correctly. It did not.
What version of the product are you using?
Please provide any additional information below.
Lore, custom name etc. work fine. Modified attributes and the 'hide' flag do not. This is REQUIRED for full 1.10 compatability.
Example of what works in the saves.yml:
- diamond_sword p:2.00 a:1 s:19 d:83 n:&fDonut .lore .unbreakable:
- ^eA plain donut.
Example of what won't work:
- diamond_sword p:2.00 a:1 s:20 d:83 g.dmg:generic.attackDamage/1,00/0 n:&fDonut .lore .unbreakable:
- ^eA plain donut.
- diamond_sword p:2.00 a:1 s:20 d:83 n:&fDonut .hidef:6 .lore .unbreakable:
- ^eA plain donut.
Please fix this, the user interface of the plugin is great, and it would be such a shame if I had to switch to a crappy plugin just because this one doesn't support attribute modifiers.
what do you mean?
http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/dtltraders/ -> Recent files
Thanks for Posting it on Bukkit
Ahm give me the link if DEVBUKKIT approved it Please :)
waiting for approval :) i have now access to the bukkit site as author
This is what I encounter -> http://imgur.com/eAuoJb9
What is the Problem of it? Can you post it on DropBox.com ?
why? Screenshot: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_Y2k3grwl9UZmNKUmZXLTlrd1E/view?usp=sharing
i dont know... i ask him ;)
I can't Download your Recompile DTLTrader for 1.10 ?
Do you plan on carrying out long-term updates for this, or will this be more of a one-time thing? I'd rather just find another plugin for shops if it's the latter.
Too bad, but understandable. Still wanted to say thank you for creating this wonderful plugin. Good luck for your future.
Thanks also to Paaattiii for providing an 1.10 download link so quickly. Just made a quick test and it works.