Let the head hunt begin!
Using high quality textures 85% supplied by Minecraft-Heads.com ❤️
- Super configurable
- Heads as a loot drop, or with a command
- Huge variety (e.g., snow fox, lime sheep, zombified swamp farmer villager, …)
- Behead messages and translation support
- Regularly updated heads from the latest Minecraft snapshots
- Complete API for other developers to hook into
Default values picked to fit well on most servers,
However, if you like getting into configuration, here's just a taste of what you can do:
- Adjust drop rates based on mob type
- Adjust drop rates based on ticks-lived
- Adjust drop rates based on what weapon is used
- Adjust drop rates based on spawn conditions (Breeding, Spawners, /summon, ...)
- Require using specific weapon(s) to get heads to drop
- Enabling charged creeper head drops
- Change any head textures, or add your own
- Optionally require killed by a player (configurable what counts as 'killed by a player')
- Opt-in automatic updates
- ...and more! Check out config files in the GitHub repository
For an always update-to-date list, check here.
dropheads.canlosehead: Can drop a head upon death
dropheads.canbehead.<mob_type>: Can get heads from killing the given mob
dropheads.alwaysbehead.<mob_type>: Get heads for 100% of kills (unless canlosehead is false)
dropheads.silentbehead: Avoid triggering a global behead message in chat *
dropheads.canplacehead: Can place a head as a block
dropheads.clickinfo: Can see the name of a head by clicking it *
dropheads.spawn: Can get heads with a command *
dropheads.droprate: Can check head drop rates with a command
* = has sub-permissions
Troubleshooting / F.A.Q.
Q: Heads are not dropping!
A: There a many possible causes; here is a quick checklist of things you should try:
* Check if another plugin is causing the issue (compatibility)
* Check if you have the dropheads.canbehead permission
* Check head-drop-rates and spawn-cause-modifiers configs (e.g. spawn egg rates are nerfed!)
* Keep in mind the time-alive, weapon-used, and looting modifiers.
* If killing a player, check if they have the dropheads.canlosehead permission
* If you have modified your config files, check them carefully for other causes
Q: Does this plugin cause lag?
A: It shouldn't! I hear it is much faster than Xisumavoid's datapack :)
Q: Can I edit the head textures (i.e., to match a resource pack)?
A: Yes! Look in the head-textures.txt file
Q: Migrating from another heads plugin?
A: It should be an easy drag-n-drop replacement, but if you have any issues let me know!
Q: How do I install on Forge/Fabric/Singleplayer?
A: DropHeads currently only works on Bukkit and its forks (Spigot, etc); try the MMH-Nano datapack
Q: Where do I get help / report a bug?
A: You can post a comment below, create a bug report, or DM me :)
Q: Older versions of Minecraft?
A: Currently, DropHeads runs on 1.13+. You can find older DropHead jars for 1.12 in the Files tab, otherwise seek out a plugin with support for legacy versions, such as PlayerHeads.
- Fabric support
- Improve existing textures
- Tropical Fish heads (have the 22 common ones, still need the 3104 rare varieties ☹️)
- Horse variants (for the different patterns)
- Carpeted llamas
Please reach out if you find bugs or have a texture suggestions!
In reply to livvyjed:
Drop percentage chances can be edited in the `head-drop-rates.txt` config file
"dropheads.canbehead" is a permission not a command - it should be true by default, so that's probably not the issue. There's also a config file which lets you adjust droprate based on the spawn conditions of mobs, e.g. mobs from spawneggs have a 0% chance in the default config, so that could potentially be your issue. Of course there's a lot of potential causes for why heads might not drop, my #1 go-to recommendation is to look at a zombie pig (hover cursor over it) and type "/droprate" - it will print out the drop chance and anything that is affecting it
In reply to EvModder:
Thank you!!
Hello. At the start I'll thank you for amazing plugin which I use for couple years.
Also, I have my first feature request here - players asks for ability to change existing heads for another model - for example they have much enderman/spider/etc. heads from grinders and change them to hamburgers (TheUnderground11 player head) or pepsi cans (Empty8enny player head). My idea is optainable by command special renaming anvil which will change player head owner... Or just a command - I'll restrict it to special cuboid where using that command will be allowed. That will unleash creative potential :)
In reply to Jacold_:
Heads for mobs (like endermen) don't actually use a head owner, it just links to a texture on the Minecraft servers (which is any current or former skin - 60% of the mob heads were all created used the same player account, but it doesn't matter since they don't store that).
E.g., bee head: http://textures.minecraft.net/texture/59ac16f296b461d05ea0785d477033e527358b4f30c266aa02f020157ffca736
Sorry that's just the technical details I thought you might be interested in.
To answer the question more specifically - yes there could certainly be a command which changes the texture URL in a head to a be a different texture URL, like
/changeowner <name of player whose skin to use, or just a URL>
However I think you could also do this with vanilla commands, specifically with "/data modify". I'm not super familiar with vanilla commands or command blocks but I have a general idea of how it might work in this case, so if you need help figuring it out feel free to DM on Bukkit (or on Discord: same username) and we can give it a go
Hi, amazing plugin but player heads are not dropping on cracked pls help cause we(my friends) all use cracked 4.99/5
In reply to Zacgamingpro1234:
Uhh I thought I responded to this but I guess it got deleted (Bukkit/Mojang staff do not want to support cracked players)? Or maybe the submit button didn't work? Idk.
Either way, basically what I said before is that player heads will always be Steve/Alex on cracked servers because there won't be access to the Mojang service/api for skins. It should still be dropping regular Steve heads though, if not (or if there is an error in the console) please DM me and we can try and work it out
I don't have a question or anything. I just wanted to say thanks for the work developing this plugin. It adds a lot of fun for the completionists/collectors!
In reply to stigmatic:
Thank you! I agree it's a fun way to add some "late game" collector content; it's also adds a fun reason to design farms for obscure mobs (with no natural drops)
I have a question:
Is it possible to disable the Plugin in certain worlds on a server?
I have a CB server with farmingworld and nether and i want to disable it on the Citybuild, so the players have to go to both of the other wordls to get the heads.
But in fact its a very good PlugIn
In reply to g_s_adler1938:
Hmm, probably the best way would be to use a "per-world-plugin" system (iirc there are plugins that let you limit certain plugins to certain worlds, but I've never used anything like that myself and don't know what it's called).
Alternatively you can actually run the two worlds on different servers linked together thru teleport, transfer packets, or Bungeecord/Waterfall (once again, I haven't done that personally so I won't be able to tell you how but I'm sure there's some resources out there).
As a final option, if you have a permission plugin that lets you customize per-world-permissions, you could use droprate-multiplier-permissions in the config.yml to create a player/group a permission that multiplies the droprate by 0 in world where you want to disable heads
In reply to EvModder:
Thanks for the answer, I solved id with PerWorldPlugins
Is it possible to see somewhere how many heads are in total? Ik there are over 700 if not even over 800. And I was also wondering if anytime soon you are going to start updating the tropical fish, carpeted llamas and horses patterns. I also just got a problem where I placed a head, broke it and it is named "dropheads:WHITE|SHEEP's head", playing on a clear spigot server 1.20.1 with only this plugin installed with latest jar.
In reply to lokyycs:
For counting the heads, just look at the number of lines in the head-textures.txt file (minus the comments at the top bottom). It will vary depending on whether you enable Grumm/Dinnerbone, Sideways-Shulker, Collared-Cat/Wolf, Saddled/Carpeted Equines, and other variations, because that will increase the total # of textures which will be available.
I think currently there are ~600 with all of the above-mentioned variations turned OFF, but obviously the number goes up quite a lot when you start turning them on.
For tropical fish, it's been a WIP for a looong time. I'm not a super talented skin artist myself, and there are not a lot of artists out there who seem super excited about the idea of creating 3584 head textures lol. That said, I've been looking into ways to write code to do color-substitution for the 12 different models (shape+pattern), which could make the task considerably faster.
Carpeted llamas is something I've been wanting to commission for a while, but it's been on a lower priority while I was focusing on other core-feature updates, but now most of those tasks are complete, so it'll probably be something I focus on again between now and the next release.
That problem sounds like a config/compatibility issue, unless it's a bug in the latest version (although nobody else has reported it yet), perhaps try with a freshly-generated config as well as no other plugins?
Also, from before you edited the message, regarding a singleplayer release:
I've been planning for a long time to have a fabric-compatible version of the plugin (which would work for singleplayer with fabric launcher and also fabric servers), but due to my unfamiliarity with their API I haven't quite figured out how to port everything yet... This is still something I hope to complete within this year however.
In reply to EvModder:
Thanks for all the information and still can't wait for all the fish, horses and llamas when they will eventually come, also how would I go about enabling the variants that you mentioned in the first comment? One more thing, so I play alone on my server, I refreshed the files for the plugins like you said and the names are fixed, but now I set the announcements to GLOBAL and I don't see them on the chat.
In reply to lokyycs:
The variants (which need to be enabled in config.yml) are:
drop-grumm-heads: false
drop-sideways-shulker-heads: false
drop-collared-heads: false
drop-saddled-heads: false
As for the announcements, I'm not sure what changed to break that for you, but I recommend making sure you're on the latest version of DH (v3.8), and checking the default config against your own to see what changed (besides the variants setting)
In reply to EvModder:
I have with the latest version, set both of the options on GLOBAL and then LOCAL and nothing worked. I'm the only one on the server, since I run it only for this plugin, and I'm staying OP'ed, could that have anything to do with it? Also, how would I go about obtaining the more weird heads like different types of minecarts, boats, the different 'stages' of the wither and the Iron Golem etc like those ones, or is it not possible to do it in vanilla survival?
In reply to lokyycs:
Currently there isn't a way to obtain the boats/minecarts (open to suggestions for how to make these obtainable - some servers have done it through wandering traders, etc.).
For the "stages" of the iron golem, if "cracked-iron-golem-heads" is true in the config, then they drop the most damaged version, and you can repair them by placing & clicking with an iron ingot (similar to how iron golem entities are repaired)
For the behead messages not showing up - that's actually a pretty recent bug (my bad) on craftbukkit 1.20 servers, I have a fix for it in v3.8.1, which you can get on the GitHub or wait for it to update here to Bukkit (should be soon)
Hello, I have some questions.
The first one is the server OP will bypass the drop rate, meaning that the entity killed by an OP will 100% drop the item.
Also, I would also like to know how to set up a global broadcast when an entity drops its head, not player head drop only.
In reply to tomsanau:
The first issue (OPs getting 100% droprate) is caused by certain outdated / poorly designed permission plugins, but you can usually get around the issue by removing the `dropheads.alwaysbehead` or `dropheads.alwaysbehead.<mob>` permission from OPs (it is false by default but some permission plugins ignore that and force it to true, I can't tell you how to set it to false since it will depend on what permission plugin you use, but they (hopefully) have their own instruction docs for that).
For global broadcast of all heads, go to the top of the config.yml file and change "default: LOCAL" to "default: GLOBAL" for the `behead-announcement` setting
That's a great plugin, the best of it's kind. Though, through the year of using it, I've noticed a few bugs: can't place heads on floor and when you decapitate someone there's a double death message, one for kill and other for decapitation. There's also no discordsrv hook, so I'd love to see it at some point.