Let the head hunt begin!
Using high quality textures 85% supplied by Minecraft-Heads.com ❤️
- Super configurable
- Heads as a loot drop, or with a command
- Huge variety (e.g., snow fox, lime sheep, zombified swamp farmer villager, …)
- Behead messages and translation support
- Regularly updated heads from the latest Minecraft snapshots
- Complete API for other developers to hook into
Default values picked to fit well on most servers,
However, if you like getting into configuration, here's just a taste of what you can do:
- Adjust drop rates based on mob type
- Adjust drop rates based on ticks-lived
- Adjust drop rates based on what weapon is used
- Adjust drop rates based on spawn conditions (Breeding, Spawners, /summon, ...)
- Require using specific weapon(s) to get heads to drop
- Enabling charged creeper head drops
- Change any head textures, or add your own
- Optionally require killed by a player (configurable what counts as 'killed by a player')
- Opt-in automatic updates
- ...and more! Check out config files in the GitHub repository
For an always update-to-date list, check here.
dropheads.canlosehead: Can drop a head upon death
dropheads.canbehead.<mob_type>: Can get heads from killing the given mob
dropheads.alwaysbehead.<mob_type>: Get heads for 100% of kills (unless canlosehead is false)
dropheads.silentbehead: Avoid triggering a global behead message in chat *
dropheads.canplacehead: Can place a head as a block
dropheads.clickinfo: Can see the name of a head by clicking it *
dropheads.spawn: Can get heads with a command *
dropheads.droprate: Can check head drop rates with a command
* = has sub-permissions
Troubleshooting / F.A.Q.
Q: Heads are not dropping!
A: There a many possible causes; here is a quick checklist of things you should try:
* Check if another plugin is causing the issue (compatibility)
* Check if you have the dropheads.canbehead permission
* Check head-drop-rates and spawn-cause-modifiers configs (e.g. spawn egg rates are nerfed!)
* Keep in mind the time-alive, weapon-used, and looting modifiers.
* If killing a player, check if they have the dropheads.canlosehead permission
* If you have modified your config files, check them carefully for other causes
Q: Does this plugin cause lag?
A: It shouldn't! I hear it is much faster than Xisumavoid's datapack :)
Q: Can I edit the head textures (i.e., to match a resource pack)?
A: Yes! Look in the head-textures.txt file
Q: Migrating from another heads plugin?
A: It should be an easy drag-n-drop replacement, but if you have any issues let me know!
Q: How do I install on Forge/Fabric/Singleplayer?
A: DropHeads currently only works on Bukkit and its forks (Spigot, etc); try the MMH-Nano datapack
Q: Where do I get help / report a bug?
A: You can post a comment below, create a bug report, or DM me :)
Q: Older versions of Minecraft?
A: Currently, DropHeads runs on 1.13+. You can find older DropHead jars for 1.12 in the Files tab, otherwise seek out a plugin with support for legacy versions, such as PlayerHeads.
- Fabric support
- Improve existing textures
- Tropical Fish heads (have the 22 common ones, still need the 3104 rare varieties ☹️)
- Horse variants (for the different patterns)
- Carpeted llamas
Please reach out if you find bugs or have a texture suggestions!
Hi there! Sorry to be the one to ask the dreaded question, but are there any plans to update this plugin to 1.20.6 anytime soon? I use this plugin on my Aternos server and unfortunately they do not allow users to upload their own plugins, otherwise I would've updated it myself. I love this plugin and so do my friends on the server, I've accidentally caused a head-hunting frenzy :D
In reply to rewby23:
Yep, was traveling irl this last week but will be putting full focus into getting a 1.20.6 update out over the next couple days / this week
In reply to EvModder:
Awesome, thanks for the quick reply! Hope your travels were good :>
In reply to rewby23:
Btw, I finished a development build for DH v3.8.4, which supports MC 1.20.5-6, about 2 days ago, but since I had to rewrite a lot of code due to the NBT tag changes (Mojang replaced item NBT with a new custom_data_component API in 1.20.5) I still have a lot of testing I'd like to do before posting to Bukkit, and then there is usually a day or two after that before the download becomes available. However if you are in a rush to update to 1.20.5 (even though the craftbukkit/spigot/paper/purpur releases are still in beta), and DH is the last plugin you're waiting for, feel free to try out the dev build
In reply to EvModder:
Oh awesome! I would love to try it out, thanks for letting me know! I'll have no choice but to wait for the regular release since Aternos won't let me actually upload plugins, but I'll definitely have a fun time messing around with it myself.
Hi, is there a way to add the killer's name in the lore and the date the head dropped? Thanks.
head: "Head"
skull: "Skull"
toe: "Toe"
player: "Player:"
mob: "Mob:"
mhf: "mhf:"
hdb: "hdb:"
code: "code:"
player: "block.minecraft.player_head.named"
giant: "${MOB_TYPE}'s Toe"
In reply to jcorpse_:
This is a great suggestion, and unfortunately there wasn't a way to fully do this with the existing plugin.
The HeadTimestamps add-on (from the extras page) can only put dates in the lore currently, but I've got a bit of time tonight and I think I can add to it. Perhaps I'll rename it to "HeadLore+" or something.
UPDATE: HeadTimestamps v1.2 now supports placeholders for the killer/victim :)
what would be the command to set all head/skull drop rates to 50%? If you can't do that, what would be the command to set the wither skull drop rate to 50%?
In reply to duweido:
To change them all at once, editing the head-drop-rates.txt file will be a lot easier than commands.
Just set the default/unknown droprate to 50%, and delete every other droprate in that file, and then everything will be 50%. For setting it on just wither skeletons specifically,it would look like "WITHER_SKELETON: 0.5"
Can I edit the drop rates of everything or do I have to go one by one?
In reply to Pres0_:
Well, you could delete everything in head-drop-rates.txt (in DH's folder) and then set "UNKNOWN: 0.5" (or "DEFAULT: 0.5" also works I think) for example, which would set the drop rate for EVERYTHING to be 50%.
Basically, it uses the "UNKNOWN" EntityType whenever a droprate for something isn't specified.
E.g., you could define a few things as 0 to make them not drop, players are 1.0 to make it 100%, and then UNKNOWN as 0.5 to make all other mobs 50%, or something like that, depends what you're going for
Hey, I got my first Tropical Fish Head and it's named like this, I'm using latest plugin version on 1.20.4 https://imgur.com/a/tbVS3ry
In reply to lokyycs:
Sorry about this (and the late reply)!
Turns out some optimizations I made for tropical fish in the last release caused this bug, it seems to affect all tropical fish varieties. I'll go ahead and upload a fixed jar rn, it should be visible/available to download by sometime tomorrow.
In reply to EvModder:
No worries for the late reply, should I see/download the jar here on the site or on github?
In reply to lokyycs:
Well, I would normally recommend the one here on the site, but Bukkit's manual review process has been taking a while, so if you want it right away I recommend grabbing it off GitHub (it's the same jar)
Hi, How do you obtain the Dyed Shulker Heads? is it possible in Survival or is that a give in creative only thing?
In reply to NidRambo:
Unfortunately it's not possible to dye Shulkers in vanilla (without /summon, command blocks, datapacks, etc.) so likewise the dyed Shulker heads are unobtainable in regular survival.
I think there are some plugins/datapacks out there that add a feature to right-click a shulker mob with a dye color to dye it
In reply to EvModder:
okey thank you for letting me know! :)
If I am right I believe this limits the spawn rate of wither skulls is that correct because I killed many wither skeletons in the course of 5 whole hours and had none spawn.
Please tell me if this is correct
In reply to dark_master1052:
I'm sorry to tell you, but it does not affect the chance to get a wither skull.
Only if the server has one of these things changed:
* Player does not have
permission* Config file has been changed for