Drop Zone

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

Fight for loot! With Drop Zone, players can fight for the rare loot dropped randomly throughout the world. Similar to Wasteland in ArmA 3, a chest containing loot will be randomly 'dropped' for players to find and capture. You can configure a wide variety of custom messages and settings to fit the needs of any RPG, PvP, or Factions scenario.

A chest will randomly drop in the world, or worlds, you choose. The chest's coordinates will then be displayed in a configurable message to everyone with the permission to see the message. Then, the chest will spawn and contain a configured amount of items. However, the chest can also only spawn between two coordinates, if you configure it to operate as such. The list of different chest contents can be prioritized, to allow for some chests to spawn more often than others.


  • As many different chest options as desired
  • Set what items spawn in the chests
  • Change the rule if items can be placed, or only removed from chests
  • Set which world they spawn in
  • Have a time limit for how long the chest lasts
  • Set the probability of each item list
  • Choose if a beacon is placed beside the chest
  • Set if the chest can be placed in only land, water, neither, or both


None so far, but may add a configuration reload command



  • dropzone.message - Players with this permission receive the message of where the chest coordinates are.

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