DragonTravel Phoenix Alpha v0.0.0.17 - WORKS WITH 1.7.10-R0.1 ONLY!!!!!
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UploadedJul 15, 2014
Size100.08 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.7.9-R0.1
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- You need to update your config.yml (if DragonTravel does not update it automatically)
- You need to update your messages-xyz.yml (if DragonTravel does not update it automatically with English default values)
To update the files manually, create a backup and delete them. DragonTravel will create updated versions on startup which you can then configure again.
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- This version has not been fully tested, so it will probably contain some bugs and should be used carefully and is not recommended for productive servers!
- I am busy with my exams until 26th July, that's why I push out this version, so you can use DragonTravel with CB 1.7.10-R0.1.
- Please report all bugs you find immediately, I will fix them as soon as possible.
- Added some commands for use from console, the following commands are available now:
- reload
- version
- author
- showstats
- showflights
- remdragons <worldname|all>
- remstat <stationname>
- remflight <flightname>
- flight <flightname> <player>
- Added support for Faction-signs
- following layouts are available
- faction specific (bring players of the specified faction to the faction's home)
- general (bring the player to his faction's home)
- Added config option "MaxTravelDistance" to limit travels to a certain distance (Default: -1 = disabled)
IMPORTANT: Only works with CB 1.7.10-R0.1