Disallow color and styling usage, block illegal usernames, filter chat messages, and stop spam, all in one!
The idea
What if... what if there was a simple, compatible and flexible spam fighter?
DontUseThat is aimed at providing a simple way to fight spam, but also to fight chat exploits, add username rules, add a more extensive color and styling permissions system, and all of that in one single plugin.
- Instant log-in and log-out prevention!
- Configurable rules!
- Automatic IP banning (configurable)!
- Color and styling permissions
- /plugins and /about permissions
- Chat timeout (both message and command)
- IP blocking! (block IPs in chat)
- Username rules
- Operator and permission-based warnings (let users with the node know an user attempted to do something he couldn't)
This plugin is still experimental. I am working on it every day to make it better.
DontUseThat is a complex plugin to code. I am administrator on CreenCraft which is currently running the plugin, and the whole community is helping me test everyday. Thanks to them!
I expect to release a first alpha version soon, featuring most of the things I mentioned here.
To-do list
- Word blacklist
- Allow wildcards
- Username blacklist (like work blacklist but only applies to usernames)
- Login logs
- Command blacklist (run only from console)?
- URL blocking
- Command warning (when player uses commands which are considered "dangerous" (configurable))
- Emergency command - de-op all players leaving the player who ran the command the only op, this command would be customizable (such as /emergency [password] or /[customcommand] [custom arguments], where customcommand would only be known by the actual physical server operators)
- Economy transaction watcher (Vault dependency), warnings if big amounts get tranfered (configurable)
- Any suggestions?
I don't know, maybe. I don't know how that plugin works. I came up with these ideas as my server needed them, I'm working on something full and complete but I don't know if this project will ever come to an end, at the pace it's going right now... I'll keep going for a while though.
Can't you also use AntiAd for the blocking of ip's I'm just saying that is wat I use
I will try my best. This project is slowly developing and I'm constantly changing things. I'll make sure to notify you when an alpha or beta is out. Thanks for your support!
Also, that plugin was created after mine. I'm currently working on this plugin but things aren't working as expected. Don't mean to be rude but people are really wanting IP blocking! I will definitely use this plugin when it comes out but for now. Use PwnFilter to block IP's.
Lemon I Know We Might Not Get On Very Well... But This Is Another Site.. And I Am Very Intrested In DontUseThat. I Know You May Hate Me.. But Lemon I Am Curious If This Plugin Download Will Be Out Soon, Sounds Amazing And Works Amazing On Creen! Lemon Please Tell Doctor I'm Sorry Even Though He Wont Care.. But At Least I Said It! Im Sorry Lemon But Please Reply.. KaiCrafter
Awesome, thanks.
The IP blocking is still in testing and rather slow. I need to find a faster way to check for it. However, yes. All that you said will be implemented in the first alpha :)
Thanks for the reply, the main things I'm looking for are the IP blocking, command warnings and the command blacklist, which would come in handy but you also have a lot of good idea's too :)
Hello, and sorry for the late reply.
Yes, soon. I don't know when, but I plan on releasing an alpha by end of the month, hopefuly.
It is not very stable right now, and features are half added. I need to add a lot of things to it and it, but yeah. Essential protection is there, but I still need to work on spam protection.
For information, the things on the to-do list are not yet implemented or half implemented, so yeah. Still a work in progress, and experimental!
Hey, will you be releasing this plugin for download soon, even if its only in testing stage. I'm interested thanks.