This plugin will prevent players from dropping items from their inventory and when they die. A configurable message will be shown when players tried doing so on an enabled DoNotDrop world.
Useful for KitPvP severs and skyblock to prevent item sharing.
Drop the DoNotDrop.jar at your bukkit server /plugins folder Restart Server Login.
prefix: '&4&l[&6&lDoNotDrop&4&l]' MessageOnDrop: '&4Please do not litter our precious world! ' MessageOnDeath: '' ReturnItem: true Worlds: - Worlds - Skyblock - KitPvP
Your installation got me lol i aint droping the DonotDROP.jar in plugins folder. Haha just something funny i should point out
Return Items only works for when you drop an item, not when you die.
ReturnItem does not work.
This is pretty much more than a /gamerule keepinventory, you can have a message on death or drop, you can return the item or not return it, and it's configurable for each world.
Its Called keepInventory (A Gamerule Command In Vennila <- Spelt Wrong)
Gone 4evar
If they don't drop inventory upon death, where does it go? Do they keep it? Is it lost to the void?
any permissions ?! or command a player can do