This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.


a usefull Lib with a lot of helpfull utils


  • open source
  • github
  • new commandsystem: no need to register the commands in the plugin.yml
  • MySQL utils
  • custom events like: PlayerBlockMoveEvent
  • tons of other helpfull utils

optional dependencies:

you don't need any dependencies for this lib! But some classes depends on ProtocolLib (like [look in the javadocs above the class in github, if you want to know if a class depends on protocollib or not], if you want to use these, you have to install also the plugin ProtocolLib on your server.


/DKLib - only a test command, to see if DKLib is enabled or not

for Developers: How to use DKLib in your plugin

first Include the jar file as a dependency and install move DKLib to your servers plugin folder
then add this line to the plugin.yml of you plugin:
depend: [DKLib]

for Developers: Example for using the command system

create a class like this:
klick here...
then register the command in your main class like this:

    CommandManager cm;

    public void onEnable()
        //command test
        cm = new CommandManager(this);
        cm.registerCommand(new TestCommand(cm));
        //add a prefix for usage message, etc. default is ""
        cm.PREFIX = "§f[§4TEST§f] ";




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