Discord Status Bot
DSB allows you to showcase your Minecraft server to your Discord server in a highly configurable embed message with PlaceholderAPI support.
- PlaceholderAPI support.
- Highly customizable messages.
- Lightweight and optimized.
- Useful error messages and error handling.
- Open source.
- Multi-versioned.
- Multi-languaged.

Setup discord bot
- Go to https://discord.com/developers/applications.
- Click new application in the top right.
- Enter the default name of your discord bot.
- After pressing create, click the Bot section on the left tab.
- Press "reset token" and copy it for later.
- Click the installation section on the left tab.
- Install link -> Discord Provided Link.
- Guild Install -> add "bot".
- Permissions -> add "Embed links", "Read Messages/View Channels", and "Send Messages".
- Copy the link and enter it in your web browser.
Setup plugin
- Stop your Minecraft server.
- Put the jar file in the plugins folder of your server.
- Start your server.
- Open the client.yml file in /plugins/DiscordStatusBot/.
- Enter your discord bot token and the channel ID you want the message to send to.
- Save and close then open the message.yml file and edit to your desire.
- Reload the plugin using /dsb reload.
For any bug reports or issues please submit them here.