DiscoNight v2.1.0-SNAPSHOT


  • Filename
  • Uploaded by
  • Uploaded
    Mar 27, 2014
  • Size
    35.97 KB
  • Downloads
  • MD5

Supported Bukkit Versions

  • CB 1.7.2-R0.3
  • 1.7.4
  • 1.7.2



This is a SNAPSHOT of the next version. This will not be auto downloaded nor will it auto update so only update to this if you plan on checking back here for the next version to fully enable all parts of this version.

This Adds in MC Stats and organizes/adds new options to the config file. To use this you will need to update the config file (delete the old one and a new one will take its place) MC Stats is a stat gathering option that a bunch of plugins use and is totally optional though it helps me know whats using my plugin and where. Remember to report all bugs you find so I can improve the plugin!

Change Log

+ Added Help console command

+ Added Start console command

+ Added Stop console command

+ Added List console command

+ Added Update console command

+ Added Reload console command

+ Added a few new config options (you will need to update the config file)

+ Save file now enabled to work

+ Small changes to the code

+ In game Start and Stop commands now have the ability to start/stop Disco Night in other worlds

Permission messages and a few other options do not work yet as this is a SNAPSHOT