Denizen 0.6 Build #83
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UploadedJun 5, 2012
Size50.43 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.2.5-R3.0
0.6 Build #82
- Requirements code reformat is done, thanks for being patient if you were watching the Jenkins!
- FINISH command now increments a counter so you can check for a certain number of FINISHes. Use: FINISHED (# of times) [name of script]. The # is optional and will assume 1 if not specified. There's a chance that this broke any recorded FINISHes that may be in your config. Sorry about that. You can manually change them from True to 1 to fix this. New FINISHes will overwrite without any issues.
- TIME requirement can now check for DAWN and DUSK in addition to DAY and NIGHT.
- Requirements that use items can now use the #:# (typeId:data) format. So, for gray wool, 35:7. You can still specify just WOOL and any color will do.
- Script combiner will now only read .yml files, this fixes issues with hidden files in your scripts file corrupting the combined read-only-scripts.yml. NAME, WORLD, PERMISSION, GROUP, POTION_EFFECT can now all use multiple arguments. For example, WORLD world_1 world_2 world_3 world_4 will return true if one of the worlds listed matches. You can use up to 24 arguments.
0.6 Build #71
- Started code reformat, this will make it easier to extend.
- Added ability to use multiple scripts! Denizen will read any .yml file in the /plugins/Denizen/scripts/ folder. You will need to place your existing scripts.yml in that folder. Denizen will generate a read-only-scripts.yml to the main Denizen folder. This should be left alone. Also made config.yml generate automatically upon startup.
- Added config node chat_globally_if_no_chat_triggers
0.5.3 Build #60
- PlayerQue now uses ConcurrentHashMap to avoid ConcurrentModificationException. (Thanks tenowg!)
- /denizen reload and /denizen save can now be used in the console.
- Check for interact_delay_in_ticks = 0 and change it to 1. (Thanks Sparta!) Probably a good idea to keep this at least 10, though.