

For players:

  • /dg : General information and help directory. Use /dg deityname to see information about a deity, and if you have the deity, use it to see the power of your skills.
  • /check : Shows information about yourself.
  • /claim : Used to claim deities, when a "select item" is held in hand.
  • /alliance : Toggles alliance chat on and off.
  • /forsake : Used to give up deities. /forsake all will remove all your deities.
  • /shrine : Shows which shrines you may warp to.
  • /value : Shows the value of the item held in hand.
  • /bindings: Shows all the items you currently have bound to skills.
  • /shrinewarp: Used to warp between shrines. You can use it as "/shrinewarp <deityname>" to warp to your shrine dedicated to that deity, or "/shrinewarp <shrinename>" to go directly to a uniquely named shrine.
  • /shrineowner: Used to give other players the permission to use your shrine. To give another player access to your shrine, stand near it and type "/shrineowner add <playername>". To remove their access to the shrine, stand near it and type "/shrineowner remove <playername>". To make another player the owner of the shrine, use "/shrineowner set <playername>".
  • /removeshrine: Used to remove a shrine that you own and are standing near.
  • /fixshrine: Used in case the center block of a shrine is destroyed for any reason.
  • /nameshrine: Used to rename a shrine you own and are standing next to.
  • qd : Typed simply as "qd" in game, use it to quickly display your HP and Favor. If you are allianced with Athena, typing "qd <playername>" will show some information about that player including their HP, Favor, and deities.

Admin commands:

  • /checkplayer : Admin command to check a player's information.
  • /givedeity : Admin command to give a player a deity.
  • /removedeity : Admin command to remove a player's deity.
  • /setfavor : Admin command to set a player's favor.
  • /setmaxfavor : Admin command to set a player's max favor.
  • /sethp: Admin command to set a player's HP.
  • /setmaxhp: Admin command to set a player's maximum HP.
  • /setalliance : Admin command to set a player's alliance.
  • /setdevotion : Admin command to set a player's devotion for a specific deity.
  • /setascensions : Admin command to set a player's number of ascensions.
  • /setkills : Admin command to set a player's number of kills.
  • /setdeaths : Admin command to set a player's number of deaths.
  • /removeplayer : Admin command to remove a player from the save (if the player's file is bugged)

Console commands:

  • getfavor <player name> : prints that player's current favor.
  • setfavor <player name> <amount> : sets the player's favor to the given amount.
  • addfavor <player name> <amount> : adds the amount to the player's current favor.
  • getmaxfavor <player name> : prints that player's maximum favor.
  • setmaxfavor <player name> <amount> : sets the player's max favor to the given amount.
  • addmaxfavor <player name> : adds the amount to the player's max favor.
  • getascensions <player name> : prints that player's current number of ascensions.
  • setascensions <player name> <amount> : sets the player's number of ascensions to the given amount.
  • addascensions <player name> <amount> : adds the amount to the player's current ascensions, and adjusts their devotions accordingly.
  • addhp <player name> <amount> : adds the amount to the player's current amount of hp. Cannot go over the player's max hp, even if the amount is higher.
  • getdevotion <player name> : prints the player's total devotion between all their deities.
  • setdevotion <player name> <deity> <amount> : set the player's devotion for the given deity to the given amount.
  • adddevotion <player name> <deity> <amount> : increases the player's devotion for the given deity by the given amount.


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