Announcer [v1.7.4]
Announcer is a very simple plugin, which only does what's its name told us. It automatically sends a broadcast out of a list controlled by a schedule.
- Sends Scheduled Broadcast to all Players
- Easy to configure by 'config.yml' or ingame with the '/announce' or '/acc' command.
- Supports chat colors and newlines with &n.
- Supports executing commands inside Announcements. (Like "Now it will turn day!&n/time day")
Click here for commands and permissions Commands and Permissions
== Colour Codes ==
For people who don't know § = &
- §4 Red
- §c Rose
- §6 Gold
- §e Yellow
- §2 Green
- §a Lightgreen
- §b Lightblue
- §3 Cyan
- §1 Navy
- §9 Blue
- §d Lightpurple
- §5 Purple
- §f White
- §7 Lightgray
- §8 Gray
- §0 Black
'[player]' - Will be replaced with the players display name that is receiving the message
'[online]' - Will be replaced with online players / max players
'[health]' - Will be replaced by the players HP / Max HP
'[eco]' - Will be replaced by the players money - REQUIRES Vault
Please note auto updating is currently not a feature anymore and will be re-implemented ASAP
This plugin utilises Hidendra's plugin metrics system, which means that the following information is collected and sent to
A unique identifier
The server's version of Java
Whether the server is in offline or online mode
The plugin's version
The server's version
The OS version/name and architecture
The core count for the CPU
The number of players online
The Metrics version
Opting out of this service can be done by editing plugins/Plugin Metrics/config.yml and changing opt-out to true.
Tutorial via text
An absolutely invaluable plugin. Very reliable considering I've never had an issue with using it on a version of minecraft, or updating to a new version of minecraft. 10/10.
What I find incredible is that this plugin's last update was for 1.9 and yet it still works flawlessly in 1.17.1! Great, incredibly useful plugin that I've used in all of my servers public and private!
Amazing plugin, but you should add an option/command to announce a message, excluding the prefix.
(example: "/announce say:noprefix Thanks for playing!", or, "/announce say true/false (include prefix, true or false) Thanks for playing!")
1.8x verison
Announcer 1.7.4 is working on Spigot 1.12.1 with PermissionsEx 1.23.4 on Java 1.8.0_144 (64-bit) on Ubuntu Server 16.04.3 LTS (64-bit).
is there a way to disable players typing /announce whilst still allowing them to see the broadcasts?
Doesn't work on 1.11. No announcements broadcast even by command. Please update or mark as abandoned!
In reply to Momshroom:
It would be nice if you could add onClick events to this plugin!
Keep the good work
Does this work on Spigot 1.11? Nothing is broadcasting for me, even with /announce broadcast/say commands. No errors either.
Same for me on 1.10
Still such an awesome plugin! I thank you once again Deckerzmc for making such a great plugin.
- KevFive
Not currently, but i am planning on putting it up.
Great plugin @Deckerzmc! I see the license is GPLv3, is the source code on Github or somewhere?
List is only for people who wanna manage the broadcasts
Great plugin! :)
But just wondering, any plans on adding a permission so players can type /announce list without giving them full permissions?
Please note unless it breaks i have no plans on adding anything unless people suggest it
The plugin has an option to setup intervals between messages.
Use the command /announce interval <AMOUNT>
Great Plugin does everything I need!!!! Only 1 question If I have multiple messages how can I put a pause in between them so all messages don't run the same time?