DeathArena v2.3


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  • Uploaded
    Apr 10, 2014
  • Size
    46.39 KB
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • 1.7.4
  • 1.7.2


Added loads in the config!

SignStart: '[KitPvP]'                                                      #What the signs should start with (at the top)
ImmuneTimeInSeconds: 0                                            #The time before one can be attacked - attacking someone else revokes this
HasDoneTheUUIDs: true                                               #Leave this alone
DeathMessage: '&9%killer% &6(on %health% hearts) just killed &9%victim% &6and earned
  %money% &9%currency%&6.'                                   #The message broadcasted on a player's death
DeathMessagePrefix: '&b[KitPvP]'                                 #The prefix of the deathmessage

You'll also notice that you'll see a bunch of code in the config. This is the new UUID support that has been added. The names in the config are now useless, but don't delete them until you see this in the console (THE UUID CONVERSION HAS FINISHED)

I've added an option for players to drop a golden apple, and the player who gets to it first, gets 10 seconds of Regeneration III.

The /kitpvp reload plugin just freezes the plugin instead of reloading it.