Death and Rebirth
The plugin is not going to be continued on it's own, you'll find a rewritten and much better version in
Death and Rebirth gives Minecraft a new death system. After dying a player needs to be resurrected which can be done by other players or by using a shrine.
Note: I'm (G4meM0ment) student and need money to finish my driving license. So if you want I would add special features and ideas for you to the plugin for a little donation. PM me!
Download Devbuild v3.1.04 (Hotfix 30th of December)
Development builds of this project can be acquired at the provided continuous integration server. These builds have not been approved by the BukkitDev staff. Use them at your own risk.
Requires Vault
Vault bridges support for various Permission and Economy plugins
If you want to report bugs and errors please use the ticket-system. Please don't report tickets to themuCkk!
- If a player dies he becomes a ghost
- Ghosts
- ... can't use chests and furnaces and can't pickup items
- ... are ignored by monsters
- ... don't take damage
- ... are not involved in pvp
- ... can't interact with blocks (except doors, levers and buttons)
- Hardcore mode
- ... player needs to wait until resurrection
- ... others can resurrect them
- Grave robbery with item and amount to set
- Resurrection only at daytime
- Ghost names ("Ghost of <Playername>")
- Grave-signs
- Two dropping systems
- Shrines: get near a shrine to resurrect yourself and right click it to bind your soul
- Resurrection through other players
- Automatic version check on join (for Ops)
- Skins, sounds and the colors of the gohst-sky are editable (using Spout)
- Multi-language support
- Supported by CraftBukkitUpToDate (Thanks!)
- Supporting:
- Permissions
- Spout
- MobArena
- Heroes
- mcMMO
- Citizens 2
Other Pages
- Installation - How To
- Language Files - Get messages in your language
- Information - What exactly does this plugin do?
- Commands - Overview
- Configuration - Explanation of all values
- Permissions - Nodes and their rights
- Spout - What does Spout offer you
- Ideas for future updates - A To-Do list
- Known Bugs - A little list which hopefully will soon be empty
- Ressources - Which were used
Version 3.1 - Tutorial
You can donate to G4meM0ment via this button
And to themuCkk
I've just readded the devbuilds
Could you update this plugin soon? I really love it. :D
Like I mentioned before, I'm almost certain that the problem is being caused by Monster Apocalypse and it's mass-aggro feature. I need to know whether building in support is something you can do or if I would have to take this to the Monster Apocalypse dev.
I have a small problem with the plugin MoneyDrop (Which allows mobs and players to drop money on death) where you can pick up your money as a ghost.
For sure, will be added in the next update.
I dont know if is a issue but when you die, the ghost can interact with npcs. There are some way to block this? Because make quest in ghost its to easy xD.
I can't agree with your issues, just create a ticket and make a video, give me a list of your plugins.
The bug is still there... :/
Monsters will STILL try to swarm around players that are ghosts.
It also breaks my displayname if I log out as a ghost and log back in.
Thanks so much for update it!!! and the command rebirth player dont work in console, only with players near the ghost, could you add the option to console can rebirth? Sorry for my poor english
No, that's entirely not the case. Libigot works just like bukkit and works fine with every bukkit plugin I've tried. It's basically an upgrade of bukkit that contains some anti-lag features and doesn't have that one change that pissed off a lot of plugin devs a while back (I'm not tech-savvy enough to understand what was actually going on).
I'm not working with minecraft anymore that much, as far as I know Libigot is a new server software for minecraft and I would need to create an libigot plugin for that, but if any dev knows more about he could tell me.
Just so you know, Heroes is still functional on Libigot (works very much like Bukkit), there's no particular reason to remove support for it unless you just don't like them or something.
Fortunately, however, I do not use Heroes. I am very much excited about this update!
Please rebirth this plugin!!
Hey you! It would be nice, if you'd bring us an update! Thanks ;)
thats the point of creating resurrection shrines
I would love this plugin and would get it but I would like it to have a timed auto resurrect? In case a team fully dies and no one wants to resurrect them, I want them to have a user defined amount of time before auto resurrect. People will leave my server if they cant play after they die.
I have slight problem with plugin:
Sometimes, if a player logs out or the server resets while the player is a ghost, he will either lose the "Ghost of..." tag when he logs back in, or he will retain the tag even after he revives. At least once, ghosts have lost the ability to fly on a server reset.
Additionally, and more importantly, monsters still target ghosts, even though I've set them to be invisible (this might have something to do with the mass aggro feature of Monster Apocalypse). This results in skeletons firing exploding arrows at targets they can't hit and zombies breaking things while trying to get to the ghost.
hi guys,
very nice plugin i will use it for my hardcore server.
just i tested it and detect some bug! if you are die in a wall you respawn normal. thats it.
thanks for this plugin : )
Okay I got it to work without spout(spout was causing a number of errors in my server, however, player inventory is lost and an error occurs unless drop is set to TRUE, so that players always drop their items. It doesn't seem to remember them otherwise
Doesn't work properly with 1.5.1, players lose their entire ivnentory, and on resurection it gives an error the first time, and then wont resurrect the player again after, saying an internal error occurred.
Here's the log.
Seems like an awesome plugin, though, you gonna release an update soon?