Death and Rebirth
The plugin is not going to be continued on it's own, you'll find a rewritten and much better version in
Death and Rebirth gives Minecraft a new death system. After dying a player needs to be resurrected which can be done by other players or by using a shrine.
Note: I'm (G4meM0ment) student and need money to finish my driving license. So if you want I would add special features and ideas for you to the plugin for a little donation. PM me!
Download Devbuild v3.1.04 (Hotfix 30th of December)
Development builds of this project can be acquired at the provided continuous integration server. These builds have not been approved by the BukkitDev staff. Use them at your own risk.
Requires Vault
Vault bridges support for various Permission and Economy plugins
If you want to report bugs and errors please use the ticket-system. Please don't report tickets to themuCkk!
- If a player dies he becomes a ghost
- Ghosts
- ... can't use chests and furnaces and can't pickup items
- ... are ignored by monsters
- ... don't take damage
- ... are not involved in pvp
- ... can't interact with blocks (except doors, levers and buttons)
- Hardcore mode
- ... player needs to wait until resurrection
- ... others can resurrect them
- Grave robbery with item and amount to set
- Resurrection only at daytime
- Ghost names ("Ghost of <Playername>")
- Grave-signs
- Two dropping systems
- Shrines: get near a shrine to resurrect yourself and right click it to bind your soul
- Resurrection through other players
- Automatic version check on join (for Ops)
- Skins, sounds and the colors of the gohst-sky are editable (using Spout)
- Multi-language support
- Supported by CraftBukkitUpToDate (Thanks!)
- Supporting:
- Permissions
- Spout
- MobArena
- Heroes
- mcMMO
- Citizens 2
Other Pages
- Installation - How To
- Language Files - Get messages in your language
- Information - What exactly does this plugin do?
- Commands - Overview
- Configuration - Explanation of all values
- Permissions - Nodes and their rights
- Spout - What does Spout offer you
- Ideas for future updates - A To-Do list
- Known Bugs - A little list which hopefully will soon be empty
- Ressources - Which were used
Version 3.1 - Tutorial
You can donate to G4meM0ment via this button
And to themuCkk
No, hardcore mode offers you the hardcore options in the config. Have a look at the configuration page.
What's the "UNCONSCIOUSMODE" in the config file?
Need Help Hardcore mode not working i have it set to true do i need to set the server to hardcore also
wow. this is update (o.O)
Is there a way I can make it so that ghosts (and only ghosts) don't get kicked for flying?
Whatever it was, it's been fixed now.
Thanks G4me! :D
I am pretty sure this is not a bug in DAR but in Spigot and fixed in #1130.
Erm, the plugin currently appears to be mostly non-working. I'm on Spigot build 1101, so it should still work.
Death and Rebirth does not give me any messages. Whenever I die, instead of respawning at my corpse (as I put in the config), I respawn at the server's spawn. The game does not tell me that I am a ghost either through a message or through changing my display name. It still prevents me from placing/breaking blocks or hitting mobs, and from taking damage, though. However, it does not block me from opening doors or triggering switches. /reb works, but I don't receive any message telling me when I've entered the shrine.
I've verified that Death and Rebirth is enabled on the world in question.
No error messages are showing up in the server logs.
Any ideas?
I would turn the title off, I haven't worked that much around with names, but as far as I know at thwe moment it's quite hard to implement all name changing plugins.
I have a somewhat minor issue.
It appears that the ghost name, "Ghost of <Player>," doesn't work well with other title plugins. I generally use dstitles for my titles. I have my title set to "Lord Typical_Name," but it seems that when I die, my new name becomes "Lord Ghost of Typical_Name" rather than "Ghost of Lord Typical_Name." Is there a way to fix this, or should I just turn the "Ghost of" title off?
No you need to imagine it like a normal plugin with a config allowing you to enable the sub-plugins and folders with the normal DaR files in it.
Wouldn't it be simpler for both you and the server admins to have them be separate plugins? I know I would much rather not have this be merged with another project.
I need to check this, please create a ticket.
Hey, great plugin! Really encourages RP on my Server! I had a question, however. Grave robbing doesn't seem to work. I have a shovel, but I never get anything, even with what I assume is the percentage at 100. Config:
I released one of the last stand alone versions, in the future you'll find all of my plugins + a lot more new stuff combined in G&E RPGEssentials. Announcing more in the future.
@Typical_Name @Tony556
Hopefully the link will work now.
We can't access the dev build because dropbox won't let us. It gives me a 403 error and tells me to sign in even though I've already signed in.
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The devbuild should be for CB 1.6.2-R0.1
When will the next update for 1.6.2 come around?
Also, if I am to use for a server, may I modify some of the code in it so that the resurrection effect is changed? If so, under what terms may I do it under? I'm new to the licenses, and I would like it if you could give me permission to edit it in that regard.