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UploadedAug 30, 2011
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Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1060
Version 2.3.6
- players can now unbind their souls
- if reverse spawning is enabled: players will spawn at the nearest shrine if their soul is not bound anywhere instead of spawning at the spawn point
- grave signs are now removed properly (half steps etc. wont get destroyed)
- fly speed of ghosts is now configurable. the default value was redruced
- new option: pvpdrop. if it's enabled a player will drop one random item if another player kills him. this overrides the dropping option
- soulbinding can now be turned off for each shrine individually (toggle: /shrine binding name). resurrection is always possible
- if ghostName ist left blank in the config, it's handled like it's disabled buggy
- added new messages
- fixed nodrop: items are now saved in a file and will be regained even if the server crashes or restarts without stopping
- fixed displayname/title(spout) related problems. if you have custom names they should reset properly now
- fixed resetting sky colors
Version 2.3.5
- added support for build in permissions system of bukkit. as a consequence, nocheat will prevent the flymode
- added a reverse-spawning option
- added an option to disable signs
- new messages (for you translators out there)
- spout name and skin is saved and restored after rebirth (e.g.if you use playereditor)
- added permission node "dar.nodrop"
- fixed lightning toggles
- fixed self-rebirth
- fixed bug on killing someone with a command
- fixed onDisable not working properly
- fixed /dar not working in the console
Version 2.3.4
- fixed: message bug
- fixed: "Could not pass event ENTITY_DAMAGE" bug
- fixed: permissions bug (dar.res not working properly)
Version 2.3.3 CraftBukkitUpToDate support
- new messages
- if dropping is disabled all ghosts get their items back on server shutdown (else they would be lost)
- fixed checking of amount not working properly
- fixed message bug with spout
- fixed a bug causing an error while adding shrines
- fixed a bug where ghosts could attack with a bow
Version 2.3.2
- fixed crashing when running spout
- fixed ghost toggle message
- fixed reload not working
- fixed checking of citizens and nocheat
Version 2.3.1
- fixed /shrine select not working correctly
- admins now need to click with a stick to get a shrines name
Version 2.3
- new command: /shrine
- new shrine system
- new command: /mygrave
- multi-language support
- different sky color for ghosts (configurable)
- lightning effect on death and on rebirth (configurable)
- new permissions node: dar.ignore
- shrine radius is now configurable
- config gets saved on changes (to prevent damages on crashes)
- D&R is now saver against the influence of other plugins (for example: EssentialsSpawn, AdminCMD, Towny)
- players don't become ghosts if they die in the void
- fixed grave bug (grave-signs lost the inscription)
- fixed skin bug (no change on death)
- rewritten message code (for multi-language support)
- cleaned up the code a bit
Version 2.2
- works with bukkit #1060
- code improvements (messages and shrines)
- dar-command now works in the console
- res is now reb to prevent problems with Towny
- added automatic version check
- added NoCheat support
- skins and sounds are now changeable in the config
- slabs and wool will be now resetted correctly when using /dar rm
- added the possibility to left-click shrines for ops which will return the name of the shrine
- added dropping system
Version 2.1
- shrines are now save from explosions
- flying for ghosts
- NPCs from citizens are ignored
- new configuration options (fly, ghost interaction, shrine mode, ghost chat)
- bugfix: no chat messages were displayed
Version 2.0
- added Spout and multiworld support
- Permissions is no longer needed (but still supported)
- Changed /shrine to /dar and added new arguments
- Bugfixes
Version 1.1
- Players can now bin their souls by right clicking a shrine. /res will then work everywhere and teleport them to the shrine (if they are dead)
- Ghosts can't be attacked by players and players not by ghosts
- Ghosts can't interact with blocks (they are still able to use doors, buttons and levers)
Version 1.0
- first release