Death and Rebirth
The plugin is not going to be continued on it's own, you'll find a rewritten and much better version in
Death and Rebirth gives Minecraft a new death system. After dying a player needs to be resurrected which can be done by other players or by using a shrine.
Note: I'm (G4meM0ment) student and need money to finish my driving license. So if you want I would add special features and ideas for you to the plugin for a little donation. PM me!
Download Devbuild v3.1.04 (Hotfix 30th of December)
Development builds of this project can be acquired at the provided continuous integration server. These builds have not been approved by the BukkitDev staff. Use them at your own risk.
Requires Vault
Vault bridges support for various Permission and Economy plugins
If you want to report bugs and errors please use the ticket-system. Please don't report tickets to themuCkk!
- If a player dies he becomes a ghost
- Ghosts
- ... can't use chests and furnaces and can't pickup items
- ... are ignored by monsters
- ... don't take damage
- ... are not involved in pvp
- ... can't interact with blocks (except doors, levers and buttons)
- Hardcore mode
- ... player needs to wait until resurrection
- ... others can resurrect them
- Grave robbery with item and amount to set
- Resurrection only at daytime
- Ghost names ("Ghost of <Playername>")
- Grave-signs
- Two dropping systems
- Shrines: get near a shrine to resurrect yourself and right click it to bind your soul
- Resurrection through other players
- Automatic version check on join (for Ops)
- Skins, sounds and the colors of the gohst-sky are editable (using Spout)
- Multi-language support
- Supported by CraftBukkitUpToDate (Thanks!)
- Supporting:
- Permissions
- Spout
- MobArena
- Heroes
- mcMMO
- Citizens 2
Other Pages
- Installation - How To
- Language Files - Get messages in your language
- Information - What exactly does this plugin do?
- Commands - Overview
- Configuration - Explanation of all values
- Permissions - Nodes and their rights
- Spout - What does Spout offer you
- Ideas for future updates - A To-Do list
- Known Bugs - A little list which hopefully will soon be empty
- Ressources - Which were used
Version 3.1 - Tutorial
You can donate to G4meM0ment via this button
And to themuCkk
Thx for the response..i was just hoping to get it to work. I'm putting together a 1.6.4 server and didint want to try the other package since i didnt need all of that, wasnt sure itd be compatable with 1.6.4 and there wasnt any further info on it
It should allow players to be unconscious until revived. It was never fully implemented. I dont know why you should want to use this old plugin. The new one is implemented into rpgessentials.
Anyway support dropped for all of them.
taking a chance that someone might know...but Dev build v3.1.04 appears to have added a line to the config that the wiki doesn't cover:
Anyone know the format for this setting? or what it actually does (other than the obvious)? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
If you could would you make this a forge mod?
Life as a teacher just got busy for this teacher, but I will get back to you about this.
You can pm me for private/fast tasks.
I hope you can help out getting it to work with bukkit 1.7.2. I am serious about the real money. It seems like a great plugin for my students.
Thanks for your help.
Ohh sorry i meant its for 1.6.4 atm. Dunno got a lot of things to do.
I tried it with 1.7.2 and it did not work. But if you say so I will try it again. When shall we see an update posted?
If we get to work there will be real money coming your way.
I need this plugin!
Actually rpg essentials is for 1.7.2 but it's core feature will get a 1.7.4 version probably
I am willing to pay for an upgrade to 1.7.2.
Any takers?
I would love to use this on my school server with my students because they don't care if they keep dying.
rpgessentials does not work in 1.7.4
Actually there is kind of an update for 1.6.4 in rpgessentials, I'll upload a new dev build immediatly. This could contain unwanted features or other kind of problems (still in alpha)
This needs an update
Here's an idea for future versions.
Wraiths can kill other players if they wish. However this will not help them return to full life and they CANNOT use shrines like normal ghosts. They must kill the player responsible for their death. Only then do they resurrect (A command can be added in that if the killer disconnects from the server, the wraith comes back to life automatically).
Since a shrine is Sacred ground, if a wraith gets too close to one, he'll be set on fire and take damage. Will also suffer weakness II, slowness I effects, so long as he is inside the Shrine perimeter.
To prevent a player having to deal with an army of wraiths, should they kill dozens in PvP, only one wraith per player.
Well that's just a rough idea for something in the future. Keep up the good work by the way, this is an excellent plugin.
Please update :(
in Console rebirth commands gives error.
Is there an ETA on this? Also, isn't the name "rpgessentials" already taken? (I take it the one you're talking about is this one:
I can try making a fix for this, but dar is actually in a complete rewrite, so it will be included to rpgessentials with rpgitem which will support soulbound items in the future (on your request?)... If I got time I'll have a look at it earlier.
I have problem. I'm using Soulbound ( along with this plugin, and I'm trying to make it so that soulbound items are kept when players die. However, while the soulbound item is kept immediately upon death and carried around with the player while he is a ghost, he loses the item when he revives.
Is there a way that Death and Rebirth can fix this, or can this only be fixed on Soulbound's end?
Trying to make the player not die, should simulate the player is just unconscious