- No databases. In-game signs only.
- Super permissions support ONLY.
- Protects any type of furnace, dispenser, chest, door, trapdoor, cauldron, enchantment table, or brewing stand.
- Broadcast specific admin actions to those with ""
- Denies explosions, pistons, and redstone from circumventing protection
- Timed doors, [Timer:#], that toggle after a certain delay
- Server-wide protected blocks, use [Everyone] on line 3 or 4
- Modular plugin hooking system, add your own easily
- Compatible with Lockette
- Optional sign coloring
- Localization support
As this is a Lockette-type plugin, also similar to Alerter or BlockLock, things may seem similar. This plugin was originally created as a continuation of Lockette by Acru to add trapdoor support and other recent developments. Portions of this project were reverse engineered from Lockette and the original idea for a sign-based locking system still belongs with Acru. Credit where credit is due. As this only supports super permissions, if you need a plugin that is more backwards compatible with older configurations, you may want to look at Lockette.
If you have another plugin such as Cenotaph or ChestShop3 that you have integrated with Lockette and would rather use Deadbolt instead, I have created a LocketteSimulator that will allow you to use Deadbolt.
Check GitHub for the most recent files, there is a slight delay in getting files posted here authorized by the staff.
Place a sign next to the item you want to protect and type in the following
- Line 1: [Private]
- Line 2: Your name will be automatically filled, users with "deadbolt.admin.create" can specify someone else.
- Lines 3 and 4: You have a couple options for these lines
- Another player's name
- Unrestricted access via [Everyone] while preventing breaking
- Create an automatic timed door using [Timer:1] through [Timer:9]
Not enough room for all the names you need? Make another sign with the [More Users] on line 1
For ease of use in maintaining your signs without having to break them:
- Right click the sign to select it.
- Use "/deadbolt <line number> <text>" to directly modify that line.
When placing signs, valid locations are to the NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, and WEST of the target block.
Other valid blocks include:
- Doors: The blocks above and below.
- Trapdoors: The block that it is attached to (hinge-block) and directly above/below the trapdoor itself.
- Fence gates: Any block horizontally adjacent to the gate itself.
Use your imagination and hide those unsightly signs under walls.
Also, color is now available! Just add "deadbolt.user.color" and use &1-9,a-f in your sign.
Developer's Corner
DeadboltListener is a new system designed to incorporate your favorite plugin directly into Deadbolt.
To create your own or to view Deadbolt's static API, head over to the Developer's Corner
Currently available for download
- PermissionsBukkit, PermissionsEx, bPermissions, GroupManager
- SimpleClans
[ClanName] [ClanTag]
- Towny
[TownName] [NationName] (All residents) +TownName+ +NationName+ (Assistant/Mayor only) 4 Config options: mayor,assistant,wilderness overrides.
Have a completed localization? Drop me a link to it and Ill add it to the repository.
Once added, it is available for automatic downloading by changing the "language" setting in config.yml.
The following issues are known:
- Double timer doors are broken
- Force coloring of Signs placed directly onto walls is broken.
- Vertical trapdoor chaining has been removed because it was only half implemented
Visit github and open an new issue.
Alternatively, try and find me at
omg md_5 uploaded a file
Quick solution: deny_quick_signs: true
Long solution: look at and create a or wait for me/someone else to do it.
The signs for other people thing should be fixed with the latest release. Try 2.0.10 and get back to me please.
A. This doesn't prevent people from creating private signs inside Faction Safezones, could this be fixed? People are causing issues because of this. They right click with the sign and it creates the private sign, bypassing Factions.
B. Admins with permissions nodes can't create signs for other people, neither can I as an OP.
C. Apparently people are getting robbed, even with the signs, not sure of this though.
I had a griefer attack my server that was able to destroy locked chests. He was also able to bypass Logblock, leaving nothing in the log. I do not know the name of the hacked client that he was using, but I'm looking into it. Do you have any idea how it would be possible to destroy a locked chest? Thanks in advance.
EDIT: Nevermind, I'm pretty certain that he somehow hacked OP permissions, to some degree at least, and had access to WorldEdit's superpickaxe.
@nebenezer @Robert107
Default behavior should be that default:OP gives it to ops, true gives it to everyone, false noone, which is the same as not having a default at all in the plugin.yml
As to nebenezer's problem, are you testing it yourself, or with other users? Even if you arent using default:OP, theres an option for useOPlist in the config.yml. So if youre an OP and testing it as an OP, well you can imagine what will happen. Anyways, your usual members are getting the admin perms? Is the broadcast going off that theyre accessing a chest they shouldnt as an admin?
The problem with general sign editing, is that any other plugin that uses signs, say [WebAuction] shouldnt be modified. I know theres atleast one or two general sign editing plugins out there.
Im really surprised I didnt get any notifications of all this chatter going on. Got one email with all the updates at once :\
Feature request: Ability to edit any sign using "/deadbolt <line number> <text>". I know this plugin is mainly a locking tool and you might not want to expand it to include lots of sign features, but surely almost all the functionality is there already.
Hey, looking at the plugin.yml... It seems my problem is all users are getting the deafult: op permissions.
If I change the 'default: true' to 'default: false' AND the 'default: op' to 'default: false' am I right to assume that should disallow any function that is not assigned to a group/player via its perm node in my /plugins/PermissionsEx/permissions.yml?
edit- re-read one of your posts.. instead of changing them I can just remove or comment out the 'default: <value>' lines?
edit- wish this forum had a strikethrough text button :P. I put a # in front of each of the default: lines, saved and dropped it in the deadbolt.jar (using 7zip) put the jar in the server, reloaded and symptoms have not changed.
Robert, thanks for your reply.
I read your problem before and as soon as I saw it involved multiple worlds I "skipped to next" :P
It's a little different but reading daemitus's response may have me on the right track :D I'm looking at plugin.yml in deadbolt.jar right now. I'm going to set everything to default false and give the deadbolt.user to my groups. Hehe, this is exciting, I hope it works :D
I have been an android enthusiast for a couple years, I don't know why I hadn't even thought to go poking around in the .jars
daemitus- I'm hoping the .jars don't need to be signed or anything? I'm going to just drop my edited plugin.yml back into the .jar and cross my fingers.
Hey, read my problem below, i had problems with PEX too, maybye it could help you!
It work's! Thanks!
You should write that somewhere! Other plugins fells in default permissions when they don't detect any permissions plugins, it's not common to have to modify the plugins.yml file.
Thanks again :)
Hey, having some trouble with Deadbolt :/ I stopped in at arkcraft and I must say WOW at the ship in the skyworld!! I am pretty proud of the ship I made but it pales in comparison. The gauntlet has been thrown down :P
Symptom: Deadbolt signs are not preventing players from accessing "protected" chests. Deadbolt signs ARE automatically being made when placing a sign on a chest. ModifyWorld IS checking for the superperms and showing that they are denied. Every user level tested can still open, fill and empty chests with items.
I've been using Deadbolt for a few weeks without a hitch.. until this weekend after I installed a few new plugins:
I installed Deadbolt 2.0 and regenerated the config file.. to no avail.
Up until this past weekend Deadbolt was working perfectly along side:
Do I have too many sign related plugins trying to work together? I am stumped.. if there is any other relevant info I can provide please let me know.
I was officially baffled when I saw PEX check the deadbolt admin perms and deny them even though they were getting into the chests :/
Correct, default: true gives it to everyone. So just remove all of those and you can give them out manually as needed. Alternatively, try negating the permission with something like "-deadbolt.user.*"
What do you refer with [Groupname]?
I don't want any permissions to be given by default to anyone, i want to use the deadbolt.user.* for give them!
The situation i got here its the following:
I got 3 worlds,but i want to deadbolt work only in two of them, but not in the third. Im using PEX with MySQL and i configured the following permissions:
The other permissions, for ie the permissions of deathcontrol plugin, are working just fine.
What im doing wrong with your plugin?
Can i disable the default permissions modifying the plugin.yml? For example:
Modifying this...
deadbolt.user.create.chest: description: Allows user protection of chests default: true
to this...
deadbolt.user.create.chest: description: Allows user protection of chests default: false
Thanks for your responses, plugin and patience :3
Some of the permissions are given out by default to everyone. Open up the JAR and look at plugin.yml for exactly what.
In regards to PEX, do you mean getting [Groupname] to work or do you mean getting the permissions at all working?
Hey, just a little question:
How i make it work with PEX?
Couse its working even when it dosen't have permissions!
I should download and use this 1.3 (PermissionsEx 1.14)? It will work with PEX 1.17 and R1?
Lovely. Ill just go back to hard denying explosions. Shame.
A user of mine found a bug:
My config is denying explosions from exploding protected blocks. But, if anyone explodes a tnt, or a creeper near a chest, it will not break, but all the itens inside will vanish. They wont even drop on the floor.
I would appreciate a lot if this could be fixed.
Also, the colour tags of the lines doesnt seem to be working for me.
@SplenectomY So long as I didnt screw that up too, just open up the JAR and extract it from the top level folder. Its a .class file and goes in plugins/Deadbolt/listeners