Dakado Health

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

Hearts Hearts Hearts
Have you ever wanted to add to your VIP group something special or just wanted to have server with levels and their bonuses ? Or just simply wanted more fun ? Now it is possible, with this plugin you will be able to set max player's health from 1 to 999999. This plugin was originally made for my RPG server called WoWCraft with level and HP-system and for GameTeam.cz community.

Hearts -----------------------------------------(Build v3.2.3 for 1.7.x )-----------------------------------------


  • More hearts!
  • Set max player's health.
  • Add max player's health.
  • Decreasing max player's health.
  • Check player's max health.
  • Healing player to his maximum health.
  • Healing other players.
  • Configurable default health of players.
  • Configurable messages (By default are in English).
  • Automatic update of configured player's health.
  • Checking actual/ max HP.
  • You can enable faster health regeneration.
  • *Let your players buy hearts!.*New*
  • Multiworld Support, your HP will stay over all worls!
  • Regeneration options, define how fast will hearts be regenerated!*New*
  • Option to completely disable regeneration.*New*
  • *Permissions health! Player with permission will receive certain amount of HP*New*

Health Permissions:

Health permissions have been changed! Now you need to configure them in the in config, this change is caused by heavy code from the old system. Just look at the configuration section.


(Click, that a link).


(Old command system works too, but try to use the new one).
/dhp help:
description: Displays the help menu.
/dhp buy <amount>:
description: Player buys HP for the specified cost in config.
/dhp increase <player> <amount>: (In v2.7 console command only!)
description: Adds player's max health.
/dhp add <player> <amount>: (In v2.7 replacement of "hpincrease" command)
description: Adds player's max health.
/dhp set <player> <amount>:
description: Sets max player's health.
/dhp decrease <player> <amount>:
description: Decreases player's max health.
description: Check your actual/ max health.
/hp <player>:
description: Check actual/ max health of other players.
/dhp heal (player):
description: Heals player.
/dhp reset (player):
description: Resets player's health to default.
/dhp reload
description: Reloads config.


hp.hp.others hp.reset
hp.heal.others - Healing other players.


(outdated) (Click, thats a link).


This plugin utilises Hidendra's plugin metrics system, which means that the informations about plugin and server version are collected and sent to mcstats.org.

If you wish to disable this feature, you can do so by opt-ing out, which you can do in the config file under /plugins/PluginMetrics/

TO-DO List:

HP Toogle. Per world HP.

Feature requests, issues and questions:

If you have any questions about my plugins post it in comments or shot me a PM here on Bukkit. Please remember that I am coding this public plugins in my free time for you guys. I have nothing from it and I am not payed to code this plugins, so be patient and grateful, thanks. Also if I helped you or you like my work please donate it will give me motivation :)


If this plugin helps you please feel free to donate and keep this project updated. I am coding public plugins in my free time for you guys!


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