
There is a full config with all descriptions of every single option.

  hpadd: "Succesfully added player health"
  to: "to"
  decrease: "You have decreased HP of player"
  noperm: "You do not have permission for that command."
  hpreset: "Succesfully reseted HP of player"
  hpset: "Succesfully set player max health"
  healed: "You have been healed."
  healedother: "You healed player"
  bought: "You have bought"
  for: "for"
  hpupdate: "Updating HP..."
  overlimit: "You have reached the maximum limit!"
  default: 20 #Default for all players (can be overwritten by HealthPermissions)
  newdefault: 20 #Default health for new players (players that have not played on your server yet)
  operator: 30 # Default HP for operators
  enabled: false # Enable / disable /dhp buy command, if enabled you need Vault and Economy plugin.
  hplimit: 30 # The limit for buying health. (Maximum health that can players buy).
  cost: 1000 #Price of 1 health in HP Shop (/hpbuy)
  currency: "Coins" # Your currency name.
  fastregeneration: true        # Enables faster health regenration
  disableregeneration: false     # Completly disables regeneration
  custom: false        #Enables custom regeneration that is modified by the "multiplier"
  multiplier: 1    # Any number between 0.1 - 10, 0.1 = the slowest regeneration, 10 = the fastest regeneration
  installed: true # do not change this!
  joinheal: false #Heals player to his full health after he joins server
  alwaysdefault: false  # all players (except of OP or players with special permission) will have default health defined as "default"

##########  HEALTH PERMISSIONS:  ##########

    - perm1 #Specify permissions in this example it will be "hp.perm1"
    - perm2
    - perm3
    perm1: 25 # This value belongs to permission "hp.perm1" player with this permission will have automatically 25 HP.
    perm2: 30
    perm3: 40