Custom Crates
This plugin is a crates plugin designed for any servers, but mostly for prison or factions. The crates are fully cuztomizeable. So are keys used to open the crates. The plugin works with Pex or Group manager or other permission plugins. You may have to give certain permissions for crates to be useable. Key names and Lores can be set. Rewards and items that you receive can be set also you can get ranks to be given with a crate also percentages for this you receive can be set. You can also set a name above the crates that can be colored. Most of this is in game. But nobody has the permission for this you will need then permission added the player: cCrates.admin. More will be added. Find bugs let me know! Want to see this in action? Visit my server [] and tell us what you think!
dude put the file back I need it badly
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