Custom Enchantments
This plugin adds a whole bunch of awesome new Items and enchantments that are independent of the Minecraft Enchantment system.
This is my first plugin and at the same time my first Java Project.
For Suggestions/Commissions/Bugs/etc., leave a comment below.
Official Servers
If you want to see the plugin in action, check out the following servers!
Current official Servers:
Videos of the Plugin
Please note that the following Videos were made using older versions of the plugin:
- /ce - The main command node for Custom Enchantments
Please note that for any command after the main node, you do not have to enter it's full name, the first letter is enough (Example: /ce list = /ce l).
Words in angle Brackets ( < > ) mean that the argument is required, while words written in square Brackets ( [ ] ) are optional.
- /ce runecrafting - Opens the runecrafting inventory.
- /ce menu - Opens an inventory menu for navigating and obtaining Custom Enchantments and Items.
- /ce reload - Reloads the CE config.
- /ce remove [Enchantment] - Removes an enchantment (or all of them) from an item.
- /ce list <Enchantment/Item> - Lists all Custom Enchantments or Items.
- /ce enchant [Required material] <Enchantment> [level] - Adds the specified Enchantment to the item in your hand. If a required material is given, the command will only work if the player holds that item. If an item already has the enchantment, the level will be increased.
- /ce item <Item> - Transforms the item in the player's hand into the specified Custom Item.
- /ce change <Name/Lore> <Color/Set/Add/Reset> [New Value] - Allows you to change the name/lore of the item in your hand
- /ce give <Player> <Material> <Item/Custom or Vanilla Enchantment:Level> [Custom or Vanilla Enchantment:Level] ... - Gives the target player an item with the set material containing the given Enchantments. Please note that the Material has to be either the Minecraft material ID or the Bukkit material ID. The same goes for the Vanilla enchantment names. You can add infinite vanilla and custom enchantments to the item using this command.
Enchantments | Items
Admin Information
Config Explanation | All permissions
Enchantment Books
Version 2.4 added a feature called Runecrafting that allows enchantments to be put on books.
They can be created using /ce ench or /ce menu, given through /ce give and obtained by enchanting a book using the enchanting table.
If disenchanting is enabled, enchanted items can also be turned into enchantment books.
Using an enchantment book or an enchanted item on an Anvil will open the Runecrafting inventory, which can also be opened by using /ce menu or /ce runecrafting. The lower slot requires the enchanted item while the top slot requires the item to enchant.
Sign shops
If you are using version 2.2 or higher of the plugin, you can sell Enchantments by setting up a sign in the following format:
- "[CustomEnchant]" (Without the "s) as the first line.
- The Enchantment you want to sell as the second line.
- The cost of the enchantment as the fourth line. This requires Vault and a compatible economy plugin
Players that do not have the enchantment will have the enchantment applied to their current item, if they already have the enchantment they are trying to buy, the level of the enchantment will increase by 1, up to the specified maximum level of the Enchantment (Can be set in the config).
If you have Vault installed, you can set a price for the Items/Enchantments through the config. The items and enchantments can then be bought in /ce menu.
CE's in Kits
To add Custom Enchantments and Items into kits, follow this guide:
- Check out if your kit plugin supports colored names and/or lores.
- Find example kits that add colored names and/or lores in your kit plugin
- For items, set "name: <Item>", for Enchantments, set "lore: <Enchantment>". You may have to find out how to add multiple lines of lore via your kit plugin
The <Item> is structured like this: <Colorcode of the Item><The full Itemname>, the <Enchantment> is defined as: <Colorcode of the Enchantments><EnchantmentName> <Level in roman numerals>
The Colorcodes can be found on this site.
Lifesteal would be "lore: &4&oLifesteal" (If you didn't change the standard color of the enchantments) &4 stands for the Color Dark Red, &o stands for the name being italic
In essentials, Lifesteal II and Poison III would be "lore: &4&oLifesteal II|&4&oPoison III" (Note: the '|' in the middle of the two enchantments seperates multiple lines in the lore of the kits made by essentials)
Flamethrower would then be "name: &4Flamethrower"
Bug reports
To make it faster and easier for me to help you with bugs and errors occuring, please send me a pm containing the following information:
- What version are you using? (See the Point Further Information to find out if a newer Version is avaivable)
- Does your console give you any errors? If yes, please send me a copy of them, this might make the further steps obsolete.
- What situation did the error occur in?
- Can you reproduce the error or does it happen randomly?
If you want to support development, you can donate by clicking here. It really helps me out a lot and I am thankful for every single donation, no matter how small :)
If you want to contribute to Custom Enchantments or just want to take a look at the source code, you can check out the official repository of Custom Enchantments. Please note that the project was not originally designed for the public, so the project contains little to none documentation.
Current Version: 2.4c
Things that are planned for the future can be found here and you are also free to leave suggestions on there aswell
The main page for older versions can be found here.
Are you planning on adding the ability to charge exp for it in the future?
That option is not available at the moment.
A vanilla minecraft Enchanted Book has on default Always the Enchanted Effect, it cannot be disabled in any way, You can access /ce runecrafting to apply the custom enchantment books or right click the anvil with any Custom Enchanted item in your hand, the top slot is the item you wanna custom enchant, the bottom is the enchanted book.
On default, there would be a delay cosmetical effect which takes some time.
How do I make it soo if they enchant a book and they get a custom enchant on the book they can put it in the anvil and it will put it on the item and not repel it and also how do I turn off soo if a custom enchant goes on the book it won't look enchanted
Hello, I was wondering if there is a way instead of charging money if you could charge exp from the player?
As darkman already answered, /ce remove <enchantment> will do the trick :)
The anvil is not the correct place for Custom Enchantments. The permissions ce.runecrafting for Runecrafting in general and ce.cmd.runecrafting for the runecrafting command allow you to give your users ways to Runecraft :)
What version of Custom Enchantments are you using? This entry should be updated to say '40000' for each level.
Not really, I aimed for last weekend for one, but a ton of things got in the way of that... I'd rather not make any promises on when it gets out. Whenever I get time to work on it, I'll work on pushing an update out :D
I'll make it revert to one of the previous pages instead then, thanks for the feedback :)
If you use the plugin GroupManager, you type /mangaddp <rank> ce.runecrafting ce.cmd.runecrafting
with PEX I don't know.
how do u do that? lol im a dumbass srry
I have no idea other than adding the permission.
How come with DEOP's it wont work? Is there something i can do to fix that?
I think it's an oversight.
ce.runecrafting or ce.cmd.runecrafting, And if you hold an enchanted book having a custom enchant, and right click with it on an Anvil, it automatically becomes Runecrafting.
If you do it the legit way, you can't. If you use commands, /ce remove (enchantment) or leave the (enchantment) away for all custom enchants.
Say you have an enchanted book with 2 enchants okay? Is there any way to get one of the enchants off of it?
How do I make it so everyone can use the /ce runeforging because the anvil keeps saying this item is being repulsed..
Is there any fix as to why all the levels of an enchantment are the same price?
you already can
Is there any ETA for a content update? (adding more enchants?)
Please make it so it does not close the gui when you purchase a book!
This would make things so much faster!
Not really, as the enchantments are based on the contents of an items lore :/
Is there anyway to make it so items with special enchantments cannot be repaired in anyway?
Sorry for the lack of support, I'll be checking out the problems you reported and see if they can be fixed as part of the next update.
Not abandoning the project, but putting it on hiatus as real life is kicking in :P
The next update will contain several fixes, though I'm not sure if there will be any new enchantments.
What permissions are you having problems with exactly?
Thanks for helping others out, I'll be reworking the permissions to be more intuitive
This does not seem to be the full error, please send the full log via pm.
Will do :)
The glow was added to the custom enchantments commands, though it is not required for the effect to happen. Are there any errors in console when you are using them?
Does it tell you that you paid for the Enchantment?
I'll see what is causing this.
The items in the crate just need to have the correctly formatted enchantment in the lore. That means that you have to use the exact color and name.
What should it do?
It is for the time being.
The error indicates that you are shift clicking when placing an item into the upper slots. If that is not the case, could you please tell me when the error is occuring?
/ce give <Player> book <Item/Enchantment:Level>
You can use the normal enchanting table if you have it enabled in the config, but runecrafting is the only way to use the books.
This is a config value already, -1 is just the default value.
Thanks for the feedback :)
I'll try to update the permission usage to make them easier to use :)
I'll get onto fixing that :)
I'll add that in as an option :)
Once I have enough time I will also seek out alternatives to Runecrafting.
Thanks for the report, though the errors you reported should not crash the server :o
Global Enchantments will work on everything
ce.runecrafting or ce.cmd.runecrafting for the command
I'll try to get one out this weekend
Runecrafting was added in 2.4
I do not revise versions, but 1.8 will still be supported as I am aiming to support as much versions as possible.
'/ce enchant', using the enchantment table or using enchantment books via Runecrafting
What do you mean by putting them together?
Not sure exactly, once a really big rework happens it will be version 3.0 :D
Alright, thanks for the info!
Yes, you can contribute on the GitHub page.
ce.runecrafting or ce.cmd.runecrafting
Alright, thanks for the idea! :D
Thank You So Much, I've Been Looking For A Solution For Ages :D