Custom Enchantments
This plugin adds a whole bunch of awesome new Items and enchantments that are independent of the Minecraft Enchantment system.
This is my first plugin and at the same time my first Java Project.
For Suggestions/Commissions/Bugs/etc., leave a comment below.
Official Servers
If you want to see the plugin in action, check out the following servers!
Current official Servers:
Videos of the Plugin
Please note that the following Videos were made using older versions of the plugin:
- /ce - The main command node for Custom Enchantments
Please note that for any command after the main node, you do not have to enter it's full name, the first letter is enough (Example: /ce list = /ce l).
Words in angle Brackets ( < > ) mean that the argument is required, while words written in square Brackets ( [ ] ) are optional.
- /ce runecrafting - Opens the runecrafting inventory.
- /ce menu - Opens an inventory menu for navigating and obtaining Custom Enchantments and Items.
- /ce reload - Reloads the CE config.
- /ce remove [Enchantment] - Removes an enchantment (or all of them) from an item.
- /ce list <Enchantment/Item> - Lists all Custom Enchantments or Items.
- /ce enchant [Required material] <Enchantment> [level] - Adds the specified Enchantment to the item in your hand. If a required material is given, the command will only work if the player holds that item. If an item already has the enchantment, the level will be increased.
- /ce item <Item> - Transforms the item in the player's hand into the specified Custom Item.
- /ce change <Name/Lore> <Color/Set/Add/Reset> [New Value] - Allows you to change the name/lore of the item in your hand
- /ce give <Player> <Material> <Item/Custom or Vanilla Enchantment:Level> [Custom or Vanilla Enchantment:Level] ... - Gives the target player an item with the set material containing the given Enchantments. Please note that the Material has to be either the Minecraft material ID or the Bukkit material ID. The same goes for the Vanilla enchantment names. You can add infinite vanilla and custom enchantments to the item using this command.
Enchantments | Items
Admin Information
Config Explanation | All permissions
Enchantment Books
Version 2.4 added a feature called Runecrafting that allows enchantments to be put on books.
They can be created using /ce ench or /ce menu, given through /ce give and obtained by enchanting a book using the enchanting table.
If disenchanting is enabled, enchanted items can also be turned into enchantment books.
Using an enchantment book or an enchanted item on an Anvil will open the Runecrafting inventory, which can also be opened by using /ce menu or /ce runecrafting. The lower slot requires the enchanted item while the top slot requires the item to enchant.
Sign shops
If you are using version 2.2 or higher of the plugin, you can sell Enchantments by setting up a sign in the following format:
- "[CustomEnchant]" (Without the "s) as the first line.
- The Enchantment you want to sell as the second line.
- The cost of the enchantment as the fourth line. This requires Vault and a compatible economy plugin
Players that do not have the enchantment will have the enchantment applied to their current item, if they already have the enchantment they are trying to buy, the level of the enchantment will increase by 1, up to the specified maximum level of the Enchantment (Can be set in the config).
If you have Vault installed, you can set a price for the Items/Enchantments through the config. The items and enchantments can then be bought in /ce menu.
CE's in Kits
To add Custom Enchantments and Items into kits, follow this guide:
- Check out if your kit plugin supports colored names and/or lores.
- Find example kits that add colored names and/or lores in your kit plugin
- For items, set "name: <Item>", for Enchantments, set "lore: <Enchantment>". You may have to find out how to add multiple lines of lore via your kit plugin
The <Item> is structured like this: <Colorcode of the Item><The full Itemname>, the <Enchantment> is defined as: <Colorcode of the Enchantments><EnchantmentName> <Level in roman numerals>
The Colorcodes can be found on this site.
Lifesteal would be "lore: &4&oLifesteal" (If you didn't change the standard color of the enchantments) &4 stands for the Color Dark Red, &o stands for the name being italic
In essentials, Lifesteal II and Poison III would be "lore: &4&oLifesteal II|&4&oPoison III" (Note: the '|' in the middle of the two enchantments seperates multiple lines in the lore of the kits made by essentials)
Flamethrower would then be "name: &4Flamethrower"
Bug reports
To make it faster and easier for me to help you with bugs and errors occuring, please send me a pm containing the following information:
- What version are you using? (See the Point Further Information to find out if a newer Version is avaivable)
- Does your console give you any errors? If yes, please send me a copy of them, this might make the further steps obsolete.
- What situation did the error occur in?
- Can you reproduce the error or does it happen randomly?
If you want to support development, you can donate by clicking here. It really helps me out a lot and I am thankful for every single donation, no matter how small :)
If you want to contribute to Custom Enchantments or just want to take a look at the source code, you can check out the official repository of Custom Enchantments. Please note that the project was not originally designed for the public, so the project contains little to none documentation.
Current Version: 2.4c
Things that are planned for the future can be found here and you are also free to leave suggestions on there aswell
The main page for older versions can be found here.
Cool! your plugin is turning out to be great!
It will take a while for the 1.0.7 file to be approved, please wait :)
Thanks for the Suggestions! As for the watermaster though, should it maybe just double damage or something?
With the addition of Crossbows, Shotguns and more bows in the next updates, I will most likely do that, as well as apply most of the enchants to bows too. :)
Where's the download for 1.0.7?
ideas for enchants,
You should make poison on the bow also, I think that would be amazing!
Uploaded Version 1.0.7, with tons of new Mechanics. Check /ench custom to see the new Stuff added!
Sent you a pm, hope to figure out why it's causing you grief.
no it is not, i just changed everything to capital letter and made requirepermission to true. It still doesn't work
the first letter of the Enchantmentname has to be a capital letter, check if its working. :D
well this is what i have
- customenchantment.Gooey - customenchantment.poison - customenchantment.block - customenchantment.lightning - customenchantment.minigun - customenchantment.hookshot - customenchantment.rocketboots - customenchantment.powergloves - customenchantment.assassin these are the only enchants i want, and it always says you dont have permission.
Which ones do you want to forbid?
you just use customenchantment.<Enchantmentname>
<Enchantmentname> is the name of the enchantment which you can look up in /ench custom 1/2/3
the customenchantment.Enchantmentname. Im trying to forbid some players using some enchantments but it just doesnt work, any help?? please!!
As 1.6 will probably take a long time to be released, I'll release my Version before that ;)
Thanks for the suggestions! Most of them are currently planned!
Hello there, good sir!
First off, great plugin. I love it! Though, I have some suggestions.
Bows are used widely in Minecraft, and I think more enchantments should be added to them. I love the mini-gun feature, and I think it could be used to create further amazing stuff.
- Shotgun. A enchantment which makes the bow shoot 5 arrows, instead of one.
- Rifle. The bow shoots a three round burst of arrows. Like the minigun, it doesn't need to be pulled back far for the arrows to shoot very far. Its like the mini-gun, but only shooting a three arrow burst, rather than 20.
- Sniper Rifle. Shoots one arrow, at high velocity. Doesn't dip much, like the mini-gun arrows. Very high damage?
- Grenade Launcher. Shoots a live TNT where-ever it is shot. I could aim at a player, and fire, then TNT would go hurling their way. This would use TNT for ammo, instead of arrows.
This plugin is amazing, though I think with these added things, it would gain alot more popularity! Popularity, you deserve.
Well done mate, and get back too me as soon as you can!
Thanks, Alex. K
:D Thanks for reading my comment! Keep up the good work! I'm guessing the next plugin update will come along in 1.6 or will it be earlier? (Just a question, dont want to rush you)
That are some awesome ideas right there, (and of course I read your guys messages :P ) I'll definetly add those! You should look forward to the next update, it will be incredibly awesome!
Your plugin is amazing! i use it on my server and its fun to play around with :) Some ideas you should add (if its possible and hopefully u read this lol)
- Bow that can shoot fire charges with the fire charges in the player's inventory
- Thorns enchantment, but also sets the attacker on fire
- Sword that does wither effect
- boots that make you walk faster (and possibly jump higher? or is it too op?)
- more bow enchants ( I love bows)
It worked after I re-downloaded it, thanks for your suggestions, and nice plugin.
Are you using /ench assassin ? Is everything else working for you? Check for spelling errors and if it still doesn't work, pm me and I'll fix it.
The command for the assassin's blade doesn't seem to work. ive seen other people have this problem too and im wondering if you have any suggestions?