Custom Enchantments 2.1b
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UploadedNov 23, 2014
Size180.30 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.7.9-R0.2
- 1.7.4
- 1.7.2
Version 2.1b
- (Hopefully) Increased performance by unregistering some unused events that took alot of time to process somehow
- Shockwave now allows you to set materials that should not be affected by the enchantment, you can add either the Bukkit material's name or it's ID
- Shockwave now no longer affects blocks that are outside of PvP-areas
- Ice Aspect's slow strength and duration can now be configured
- Added a new config option called "OccurrenceChance", this specifies the chance (in percent) of the effect occurring
- Fixed a bug that may lead to renamed enchantments not being recognized
- Fixed some parts of /ce reload that caused it not to work under some circumstances
- Fixed a bug that caused the cost of items and enchantments to not be applied if it was marked as a string
Version 2.1a - The Spooky Scary Bugfix Update
- The Firework arrow now stops shooting fireworks when it exploded
- The Glowing effect now persists longer to avoid the minecraft effect of it fading away
- Made some enchantments more noticeable:
- Vampire now plays a sound effect and heals food aswell
- Ice Aspect now plays a sound and shows the effect
- Tons of bugs with the /ce command have been fixed
- The Explosion enchantment now checks if the block that was mined first was intended to be mined by the tool
Version 2.1
- Added a new config option "Global.Enchantments.StrictEnchantmentChecking"
- Added tool enchantments
- Added Smelting: Tool enchantment that smelts blocks when mined. The effect has a chance of (10*Enchantmentlevel)% to occur
- Added Explosive: Tool enchantment that creates an explosion when mining. The Explosion will not cause any blocks to be lost and will only mine blocks the tool used by the player was designed to mine. The effect has a chance of (10*Enchantmentlevel)% to occur. Additionally, if enabled in the config, there is a (5*Enchantmentlevel)% chance to increase the radius of the explosion
The following list contains only major bugs that were fixed
- Some effects that were based on randomization were interpreted wrongly
- Enchantment levels should now be recognized correctly
- Some of the /ce commands were not correctly executed
- The Lightning enchantment now works correctly
Version 2.0a
- Fixed bugs with the enchantment table, the config and more
- Made CE compatible with Worldguard 6.0, it is now no longer compatible with versions below this
Version 2.0
The long awaited update :P
Note: These are mostly the big changes, smaller ones may not appear on this list
- You can now enable performance-logging, which prints a warning to the console when a specific event/item/enchantment took too long to be handled by Custom Enchantments
- Sign-shops have been removed and replaced with /ce menu, they may be reimplemented later on. For now, old signshops will redirect to the menu of /ce menu
- New main command node /ce or /customenchantments
- The /ce give command can now be used to give CE-Items with infinite numbers of custom and vanilla enchantments
- The /ce list has been downgraded a bit (Will be changed later on)
- New /ce menu command, which adds a new, more convenient alternative to /ce enchant and the sign shop, players will be charged a set price if it is set in the config and the server is using Vault
- Commands do not have to be written out completely anymore, the starting letter is enough (With an exception being /ce)
- You can now change the display name of your Items, the permissions however will only respect the original name of the item, which is equal to the name of the item's section in the config.
- The color of the items can now be changed aswell
- New config options for some items
- Item reworks, most of them are just minor changes/upgrades, check out the Item page as soon as it is updated
- Every item now has a cooldown that can be set in the config, some do not have any effect due to being problematic
- Enchantment names can now be changed aswell
- New config options for some enchantments
- The enchantment table is now a more reliable source for the enchantments
- ENCHANTMENT LEVELS! The levels go from 0-10 and can currently only be obtained through /ce enchant
- Obsidian Shielding disappeared (?) and will be readded later on
The Permission nodes have been changed:
- Main node: ce.*
- Command node: ce.cmd.*
- Item node: ce.item.*
- Enchantment node: ce.ench.*
The permissions for the individual commands are as follows:
- The 'Menu' command:
- The 'Reload' command: ce.cmd.reload
- The 'Give' command: ce.cmd.give
- The 'Change' command: ce.cmd.change
- The 'Enchant' command: ce.cmd.enchant
The permissions for items and enchantments follow the format of ce.[ench/item].[original Enchantment/Item name], this name can be looked up in the respective config section of the Item/Enchantment.
- The plugin was completely rewritten (With the exception being the effects of most items/enchantments)
- Better performance (In theory, not tested on a larger scale)
- Items and Enchantments now use abstract classes, making the process of adding new content way easier for me
- Lots and lots of bugfixes
The command /ce menu causes problems with versions lower than 1.7.9 of Bukkit, these are mostly visual though.