[CTSNC] ★ Animated Scoreboard and Tablist, NameTag, Chat, ... ★
Thanks to jerrposition for making this!
★ Modules ★
Scoreboard: http://herbystar.eu/resources/scoreboard-module.4/
Tablist: http://herbystar.eu/resources/tablist-module.6/
Chat: http://herbystar.eu/resources/chat-module.3/
DisplayName: http://herbystar.eu/resources/displayname-module.2/
Stats: http://herbystar.eu/resources/stats-module.5/
★ AnimatedScoreboard ★
This plugin also has a advanced version with more features!
★ Setup ★
- Stop your Server!
- Download TTA!
- https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/tta-title-tablist-actionbar-ping-api-1-8-1-9.19595/
- Put the plugin in your plugins folder!
- Change all the parts in the config like your own ideas!
- Start the Server!
- Have Fun!
This plugin collect Metrics informations! Like Java version, game version, system version, player count. These informations are only used to improve this plugin!
★ API ★
★ Variables ★
- By donwloading/using this plugin you agree to the following terms!:
- -> You are not permitted to claim this plugin as your own!
- -> You are not permitted to decompiling the plugin's sourcecode!
- -> You are not permitted to modify the code or the plugin and call it your own!
- -> You are not permitted to redistributing this plugin as your own!
Then a Scoreboard row or the Scoreboard header or a CustomTag is to long! ;)
For me it worked well, there is a bug at the moment with the newest version! I will try to fix it asap! Try to use /cts me scoreboard then it should appear again ;)
Scoreboard does not work for 1.9.2 please feel free to update it :(
A great numerous billets available where it can be different with my 5 pl :) but unfortunately my server failed "The string length is longer coal received maximum allowed (25> 16)" if someone can help I? Thank you! :(
You can delete the world folder and use a old backup version before CTSNC was installed then the Tags are away. ;)
Yeah, I removed both tta and ctsnc but they still remain :/
This is a problem with Minecraft it saves the Tags in the world file. Did you try to disable customtags and start the server with tta and ctsnc? ;)
So even after fully removing this plugin and the API, my custom tags still remained. (Even no permissions for them)
What's going on?
Do you have also TTA installed? https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/api-title-tablist-actionbar-ping-api-%E2%98%85-1-8-1-9-%E2%98%85-tta.19595/
Doesn't work i installed it and i use type /cts or any of the commands nothing happens please tell me how to fix it?
Yes activated
Thanks for the ideas ;) Other persons ask for those features already :D
Thanks for your report! Did you activate the special variables in the config.yml in the PlaceholderAPI folder? I will check the plugin, but I dont think that I will add a support in the next time sry.
(1) So how can i attach PlaceholderAPI variable to the scoreboard?
Like what is the variable to put in the ScoreBoard.yml
I tried. For example:
and it just show up as a plain string.
(2) I don't know if this has been asked, but since 1.9 added CustomNameVisible back. [[http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/health-bar/|HealthBar ]] plugin by filoghost is back in active. However, CTSNC seem like using the same global scoreboard. So the CTSNC scoreboard won't show up while HealthBar is loaded. Could you add the compatibility? Once again, if it's a dupilicated request you can ignore this.
Thanks for reading this. I appreciated it
I have another idea, you should also add /cts scoreboard <scoreboard name> so you could have 2 scoreboards and you can switch to any scoreboard you want. And can you also add /scoreboard kills reset so when I do this it would reset everyones kills or I could also reset a players kills. Thanks!
I am glad that you like the plugin :) Very nice idea I will try to add it in the future ;)
This is the BEST server plugin anyone could ask for! Thanks you so much!!!!
One quick suggestion, can you please add a variable like [TS] and before you execute /timestart it would show like this in the scoreboard
Game Time: 00:00:00
Once you execute /timestart
It would start count up by whatever you set it to (configurable in config)
And to stop the timer /timestop and it would go back to looking like this again
Game Time: 00:00:00
If you can add this, this would be amazing!! Thank you so much!! Hope you take this suggestion!
WDW_Mickey Technician on Fun Parks Inc. Grand Opening March 19, 2016 IP: NOT TELL YET!
Sry not yet, because their API not work and the author dont respond!
Variables? Thirst? :)