This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.
Hi it's my firt plugin for minecraft.
CreeperPerm is permissions system for begginers.
this plugin doesn't need any another plugins to set player rank.
/creeperperm - all commands
/creeperperm rank <player_name> <group> - rank up player to entered rank
/creeperperm add <permission> <group> - adds permission to group
/creeperperm default <default_group> - sets default group fo players
/creeperperm reload - reloads permissions.yml and config.yml
creeperperm.* - all permissions (recomended for admins)
creeperperm.rank - permission for /creeprank
creeperperm.add - permission for /cperm add
creeperperm.default - permission for /creepperm default
creeperperm.reload - permission for /creepperm reload
thank you so much for making this permissions ex makes me mad lol its super confusing! :DDDDDDDD But, on the other side, wheres the download?
Can you please add a download link i would love to have this omg! Where is the download this is getting annoing :l
thank you so much for making this permissions ex makes me mad lol its super confusing! :DDDDDDDD But, on the other side, wheres the download? Can you please add a download link i would love to have this omg! Where is the download this is getting annoing :l
wiem ze nie ma downloadu
nie ogarniam troche jezyka java
Ładnie. Pobieram ;)
Nie ma downloadu. Wyślij na i daj na rozmowe polaków
Will you be able to email me the file? Wanting to try out this plugin :D
I'm sorry but I can not do file ;/