
Open the plugins/CreativeControl folder, open the file messages.yml with notepad+ or whatever you use and translate everything after the ":"

If you want, send me your translation and i will put in the description :)

Here a copy of the original messages.yml

    nocreative: Creative mode isnt allowed in this world
    nosurvival: Survival mode isnt allowed in this world
    pertence: "This block belongs to "
    placepersec: You has been kicked for placing to mutch blocks per second
    placemore: "You cant place more than "
    more: " blocks per second"
    cantplace: "You cant place "
    snowgolem: You cant create Snow Golens
    irongolem: You cant create Iron Golens
    breakpersec: You has been kicked for breaking to mutch blocks per second
    breakmore: "You cant break more than "
    cantbreak: "You cant break "
    pvp: "You cant attack other players!"
    mob: "You cant attack "
    cmdblacklist: "This comand isnt allowed in creative mode"
    cantuse: "You cant use this in creative mode!"
    cantdrop: "You cant drop " 
    chicken: You cant use chicken eggs
    cantusethis: "You cant use "
    use: "&cYou dont have permission to use this command"
    type: "&7Type &4'/cc help'&7 to see the commands"
    add1: "&7add blocks from the selection"
    delete1: "&7delete blocks from the selection"
    reload1: "&7reload the config file"
    cleanup1: "&7Database Cleanup"
    more: "&7to see more info"
    deleteall: "&7Remove all blocks inside the selection from the database"
    deletetype: "&7Remove all blocks of a specific type inside the selection from the database"
    deleteplayer: "&7Remove all blocks of a specific player inside the selection from the database"
    addplayer: "&7add blocks from the selection to a player"
    cleanupall: "&7Will clean your &4entire&7 CC database"
    cleanupplayer: "&7Will clean all data of a specific player"
    cleanupblockid: "&7Will clean all data of a specific block type id"
    cleaningall: "&7Cleaning all your database"
    dbsize: "&7This may take a while, depends on your database size"
    somelag: "&cExpect some lag"
    dbcleaned: "&aDatabase cleaned successfully in "
    deletedbfile: "&7Delete file database.db into CreativeControl folder"
    cleanasplayer: "&7Will clean all data of a specific player"
    cleanastype: "&7Will clean all data of a specific block type id"
    cleanupall2: "&7This command will delete everything in your MySQL database, and is not reversible"
    cleanupplayer2: "&7This command will delete every data for a specific player, but not will exclude its inventory/status files."
    cleanuptype2: "&7This command will delete every data for a specific block type id."
    reloadhelp: "&7This command will reload the config file to apply new changes"
    addhelp: "&7This command add all blocks inside the WorldEdit selection to the database"
    otherplayername: "&cYou can't use other players name"
    installwe: "&cInstall WorldEdit first"
    selectfirst: "&cSelect a region with WorldEdit first"
    selectsize2: "&7Selection size "
    blocks: "&7 blocks"
    selsize: "&7This may take a while, depends on selection size"
    delsucess: "&aBlocks deleted from the database successfully in "
    addsucess: "&aBlocks added to the database successfully in "
    removeall3: "&7This command remove all blocks inside the WorldEdit selection from the database"
    removetype3: "&7This command remove all blocks of a specific type inside the WorldEdit selection from the database"
    removeplayer3: "&7This command remove all blocks of a specific player inside the WorldEdit selection from the database"
    removingforp: "&7Removing data for the player "
    removedforp: "&7Removed all blocks for the player "
    removingfortype: "&7Removing data of type "
    removedfortype: "&7Removed all blocks of type "
    nothereyet: "You can't use this command here yet, sorry :'("
    help: Type '/cc help' to see the commands
    reload: /cc reload - reload the config file
    restart: /cc restart - restart the plugin
    hooked: Vault Hooked as Permission plugin
    notfound: Vaul not Found
    default: Defaulting to SuperPerms
    ready: SQLite Ready
    start: SQLite Starting...
    close: Closing SQLite...
    ready: MySQL Ready
    start: MySQL Starting...
    close: Closing MySQL...


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