
CreativeControl configuration files

plugin/CreativeControl file config.yml

  ## MySQL, the database type, can be SQLite, MySQL or H2.
  Type: SQLite
  ## host, the MySQL host name
  host: localhost
  ## port, the MySQL port
  port: 3306
  ## user, the MySQL user name
  user: root
  ## pass, the MySQL password
  pass: 123
  ## database, the MySQL database to be used by this plugin
  database: minecraft
  ## prefix, the prefix used to create the tables in the sql database
  prefix: crcr_

## this section will define wich group the player will be added when he change his gamemode to creative, the player will not be removed from his original group
  ## Enabled, if true, this system will be used
  Enabled: false
  ## MoveFrom, the group that will be affected when the player change his gamemode
  MoveFrom: MembersSurvival
  ## MoveTo, the group that the player will be added when he change his gamemode to creative
  MoveTo: MembersCreative
  ## Op have all permissions?
  OpHasPerm: true

## if you have an larger server with tons of creative players placing/breaking blocks, you should increase the "count", decrease the "sleep" and "each"
  ## each, set here, the time in milliseconds to wait after each execution.
  each: 50
  ## count, set here, the number of queries to run after make a bigger pause
  count: 50
  ## sleep, set here, the time in milliseconds to wait after the count being reached.
  sleep: 5000

  ## MaxCapacity, the maximum cache capacity, higher this value is, better will be the performance, but also the memory usage will increase.
  MaxCapacity: 15000
  ## PreCache, the amount of items to be cached on startup
  PreCache: 10000

  ## Single, if true, only the world.yml file will be used, other ones will be ignored.
  Single: false
  ## Conflict, if true, if required, some functions of this plugin will be automatically disabled to avoid conflict.
  Conflict: true
  ## FriendSystem, if true, the friend system will be enabled, this may take a bit of resources, just a bit.
  FriendSystem: false
  ## AutoWrite, if true, config updates will be automactialy written to this file
  AutoWrite: true

  ## Check for updates?
  Enabled: true

  ## UseWorldEdit, if true, worldedit will be used to make selections.
  UseWorldEdit: true
  ## The Item ID used to select regions
  Tool: 369

  ## Use Player Move Event? This may take a lot of resources on large servers, but is required to Creative/Survival regions work.
  PlayerMove: false
  ## Enable MiscProtections? This may take some extra resource, but will be much more comfortable to play with creative mode.
  MiscProtection: false

  ## Inventory, if true, will have an inventory to survival and other to creative
  Inventory: true
  ## Status, if true, will save the player survival status [e.g Health, Food, etc]
  Status: true
  ## Teleport, if true, the player will be teleported to the floor on login if needed
  Teleport: false
  ## SetSurvival, if true, the player will be set to survival on login (ATTENTTION: THIS MAY GLITCH WITH AUTH PLUGINS)
  SetSurvival: false

  ## Quiet, if true, any messages will be displayed
  Quiet: false

  ## Console, if true, debug messages will be displayed in the console
  Console: false
  ## Stack, if true, common errors will be printed by full [leave it true C:]
  Stack: true

plugin/CreativeControl/worlds files worldName.yml

  ## This is a creative world? This option will not do anything if "ChangeGameMode" is false.
  Creative: false
  ## Should this world be ignored by this plugin? It means any protection will work.
  Exclude: false
  ## ChangeGameMode, If true, this plugin will handle the gamemode per world,
  ## So if you set Creative to true, your gamemode will be Creative, if false will be Survival in that world.
  ## To bypass this, add the permission "CreativeControl.World.Keep"
  ChangeGameMode: false

## Obs: Use Block ID Only, ID:DATA is not supported yet, [] means the list is empty
  ## Commands, Every command who start with what have defined here, e.g /sell hand, will be blocked to use with creative.
  Commands: /buy, /sell, /logout
  ## BlockPlace, Creative players will be unable to place those blocks
  BlockPlace: 8, 9, 10, 11, 46, 51, 52, 79
  ## BlockBreak, Creative players will be unable to break those blocks
  BlockBreak: []
  ## ItemUse, Creative players will be unable to use those Items, this means right/left click
  ItemUse: 259, 326, 327, 384, 385, 389
  ## ItemInteract, Creative payers will be unable to interact with those Items/Blocks, this means right click only
  ItemInteract: 23, 54, 58, 61, 62, 84, 116, 117, 130, 145
  ## Inventory, Creative players will be unable to have those items in their inventory
  Inventory: []
  ## EconomySign, List here, the first line of all signs that creative players will be unable to interact with.
  ## Obs: DONT INCLUDE [] or color codes, ONLY letter from A to Z or Numbers!, use _ for spaces! LOWER CASE ONLY!
  EconomySigns: buy, sell, trade

## To any option in "MiscProtection" Works, Events.MiscProtection has to be "true" in config.yml.
  ## NoTNTExplosion, if true, TNT placed by creative players will not explode.
  NoTNTExplosion: false
  ## IceMelt, if true, ICE placed by creative players will not melt
  IceMelt: false
  ## LiquidControl, if true, liquids placed by creative players will not flow [CPU INTENCIVE]
  LiquidControl: false
  ## Fire, if true, Blocks placed by creative players will not burn.
  Fire: false

  ## WorldEdit, if true, blocks generated by WorldEdit will also not drop when breaked.
  WorldEdit: false
  ## OwnBlocks, if true, Blocks placed by creative players will be protected, and just the owner will be able to break it, but when this block is breaked, he also not drop
  OwnBlocks: false
  ## NoDrop, if true, Blocks placed by creative players will not drop when breaked
  ## NoDrop use less resources than OwnBlocks.
  NoDrop: true
  ## Explosions, if true, Creative blocks [NoDrop and OwnBlocks] Will be protected against explosions
  ## When NoDrop is activated, the explosion will not drop creative blocks,
  ## If OwnBlocks is activated, the explosion will be cancelled.
  Explosions: false
  ## CreativeOnly, if true, only creative players area ble to break creative blocks. [REQUIRE NoDrop or OwnBlocks Activated]
  CreativeOnly: false
  ## Pistons, if true, Creative blocks [NoDrop and OwnBlocks] Will be protected against pistons.
  ## If this is false, when a piston push a block, he will be unprotected.
  Pistons: false
  ## BlockAgainst, if true, the OwnBlock protection will check if the block against is protected
  BlockAgainst: false
  ## CheckAttached, if true, attached blocks like torches will be protected, disable this to save cpu
  CheckAttached: false
  ## inverted, if true, the exclude list will work as a include list, so, the block will only be protected if he is listed here.
  inverted: false
  ## exclud, Blocks listed here, will be ignored on NoDrop/OwnBlocks protections, more blocks you list here, better will be the performance.
  exclude: 0, 8, 9, 10, 11

  ##ItemDrop, if true, Creative players will be unable to drop items
  ItemDrop: true
  ##ItemPickup, if true, Creative players will be unable to pickup items
  ItemPickup: true
  ## PvP, if true, Creative players will be unable to attack other players
  PvP: true
  ## Mobs, if true, Creative players will be unable to attack mobs
  Mobs: false
  ## Eggs, if true, Creative players will be unable to use Monster/Chicken eggs.
  Eggs: true
  ## Target, if true, Creative players will not be target by mobs
  Target: false
  ## MobsDrop, if true, when a creative player kills an mob, will not drop items/exp
  MobsDrop: true
  ## IronGolem, if true, prevent Creative players from creating Iron Golems
  IronGolem: true
  ## SnowGolem, if true, prevent Creative players from creating Snow Golems
  SnowGolem: true
  ## Wither, if true, prevent Creative players from creating Wither
  Wither: true
  ## ClearDrops, if true, when a Creative player die, the drops will be removed [E.g on /suicide]
  ClearDrops: true
  ## Enchantments, if true, Creative players will be unable to enchant items. [Useless if InvInteract is true]
  Enchantments: true
  ## MineCartStorage, if true, Creative players will be unable to use chest/furnaces in minecarts [Set to false if InvInteract is true]
  MineCartStorage: true
  ## BreakBedRock, if true, Creative players will be unable to break the 'bottom' of the world
  BreakBedRock: true
  ## InvInteract, if true, Creative players will be unable to interact with any type of inventory.
  InvInteract: true
  ## Bonemeal, if true, Creative players will be unable to use Bone meal.
  Bonemeal: true
  ## InteractVillagers, if true, Creative players will be unable to interact with villagers.
  InteractVillagers: true
  ## PotionSplash, if true, Creative players will be unable to use potions
  PotionSplash: true
  ## ItemFrame, if true, Creative players will be unable to use itemframes
  ItemFrame: true
  ## VehicleDrop, if trus, This plugin will try to prevent minecarts and boats created by creative player to drop!
  VehicleDrop: true
  ## VehicleLimit, set a limit of how much vehicles a creative player can create without destroying the old one
  VehicleLimit: -1
  ## StackLimit, set the limit of amount per item that a creative player can have
  StackLimit: 1
  ## InventoryOpen, if true, Creative players will be unable to open any inventory apart from the creative inventory.
  InventoryOpen: false