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UploadedApr 24, 2013
Size219.52 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.5.1-R0.2
- == V 5.9 ==
- Improved SQL connection
- Improved ItemStack Limit/BlackList
- Fixed blocks not being unprotected properly
- Fixed NPE on set creative armor
- Fixed NPE on creative task
- My github is broken, I cant remember everything I changed now....
- == V 5.8 ==
- Fixed all known inventory related issues
- Improved thread-safety in some parts of the code
- Safe to use with CraftBukkit 1.4.7 and 1.5.0
- == V 5.7.1 ==
- Fixed physics option messing everything up
- Fixed /cc reload
- Fixed concurrency issue with the configuration
- Fixed CheckAttached with OwnBlock
- Improved or not blocks that fall with physics
- == V 5.7b == This still v5.7, just with 3 simple fixes
- Fixed vault being required
- Fixed inventory loss when failed to process one single item
- Fixed attached blocks
- == V 5.7 ==
- Rewrite of several parts of the plugin
- Huge performance improvement, a database conversion is required, while the conversion is not finished, you will not notice any changes
- Improved configuration automatic update, including auto-fixer and unused nodes removal
- Improved database structure (big thanks to RussellReal)
- All commands has been refactored to save message strings and code
- All messages nodes has been updated (command not translatable yet, boring job)
- Added more information to the /cc status command
- Fixed /cc cleanup corrupt command
- Fixed concurrency issue with async events
- Added option to move the player to another group
- Added option to protect blocks against physics
- Fixed and updated all vehicle preventions (limit and nodrop working)
- Fixed vault hook
- == V 5.6 ==
- Fix SQLite abstract method error
- Might fix negative permissions to op
- Fix Thread-Safety issue
- Fix per-gamemode permission system
- Fix garbage collector
- Some other small tweaks
- == V 5.5.2 ==
- Fix console spam
- Fix possible memory leak
- == V 5.5.1 ==
- Fix sql version
- == V 5.5 [USE V5.5.1] ==
- Fix soulsand and netherwarts
- Fix items with special enchantments
- Added more detais to report
- Small changes
- == V 5.4.8 ==
- Added total protections to report
- Added Multiverse-Inventories detection
- Added MobArena support
- Added Queue Emergency Thread
- Fixed Firework inventory saving
- New Error Handling
- Added SQLite > MySQL < migrator
- Memory optimization (gc)
- Huge performance improvement on the updater, cleanup
- Skip DELETE queries on dump queue (Fastest dump queue)
- == V 5.4.7 ==
- small performance improvements
- == V 5.4.6 ==
- Added performance monitor
- Fix OwnBlock
- Some others small tweaks
- Compatible with CB 1.4.6 R0.3
- == V 5.4.5 ==
- Added option to check for attached blocks
- Fixed OwnBlock DontSave permission
- Improved BlockManager
- Splited NoDrop and OwnBlock in two different groups
- Fix NoDrop/OwnBlock not being protected
- Huge performance improvement on NoDrop
- Compatible with CB 1.4.5 R0.3
- == V 5.4.3 ==
- New SQL Queue, less intensive than the old one.
- Fix health error when try to set a number higher then 20
- Fix random NullPointerException when breaking doors
- Fix StackLimit removing items from chests
- == V 5.4.1 ==
- New FastCache for NoDrop (Less memory usage and fastest search)
- Alpha Version! Adventurers only!
- == V 5.4 ==
- Fix saving potions
- Fix inventory lost on server restart
- Fix regions not working
- Fix single configuration (again)
- == V 5.3 ==
- Fix Single Configuration
- Fix Updater and Cleanup errors
- Fix MySQL Connection when password is empty
- Added DontSave permission to OwnBlock/NoDrop
- Experimental changes to HashSet, the performance should be even better now.
- more...
- == V 5.2 ==
- Fix NullPointerException on EntityExplode and InventoryClick
- Fix Cleanup Player and Cleanup Type
- Improved Inventory BlackList
- Added Add/Del/Info Tool
- Removed old messages nodes
- == V 5.2.2 ==
- Fix blacklist permissions
- New EconomySigns blacklist
- Fix Signs and survival players
- == V 5.2.1 ==
- Improved SQL Connector
- Improved SQL Queue
- Improved SQL Cache
- Improved configuration cache
- Improved anti-economy sign
- Improved anti-itemframe
- Improved anti-bonemeal
- Improved inventory manager
- Added inventory black list
- Added dump stacktrace
- Fixed queue not saving on plugin disable
- Fixed protections not being removed in some cases
- == V 5.1.5 ==
- Fixed ItemFrame
- Fixed Permissions
- == V 5.1.1 ==
- Added temporary Wither fix
- Added itemframe usage
- Added Anvil block
- == V 5.1 ==
- xAuth Updated
- new '/cc cleanup corrupt' command, to remove corrupt protections
- brand new sql class, better now.
- added missing call to dump the queue if it isn't empty, losing the protections that are in queue
- updated to 1.3.2-R0.1
- I'm testing this update for so long, that I forgot what I changed!
- == V 5.0.4 ==
- Fixed NoDrop don't working.
- == V 5.0.3 ==
- Started WorldEdit Support [Only set, undo and redo yet] under testing
- Possible fix to HawkEye
- Added Only Creative can break creatives blocks option.
- == V 5.0.2 ==
- Fixed inventory lost
- /cc reload now check events/database changes.
- == V 5.0.1 ==
- Fixed Null Pointer Exception on block break.
- Update checker now can be toggled off. [bukkit rules]
- == V 5.0 ==
- Added anti villager interaction
- Added anti potion usage
- Added MultiVerse-Inventories detection
Old ChangeLog
Please, report if you find bugs!