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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • CB 1.4.5-R0.2


  • == V 5.3 ==
  1. Fix Single Configuration
  2. Fix Updater and Cleanup errors
  3. Fix MySQL Connection when password is empty
  4. Added DontSave permission to OwnBlock/NoDrop
  5. Experimental changes to HashSet, the performance should be even better now.
  6. more...
  • == V 5.2 ==
  1. Fix NullPointerException on EntityExplode and InventoryClick
  2. Fix Cleanup Player and Cleanup Type
  3. Improved Inventory BlackList
  4. Added Add/Del/Info Tool
  5. Removed old messages nodes
  • == V 5.2.2 ==
  1. Fix blacklist permissions
  2. New EconomySigns blacklist
  3. Fix Signs and survival players
  • == V 5.2.1 ==
  1. Improved SQL Connector
  2. Improved SQL Queue
  3. Improved SQL Cache
  4. Improved configuration cache
  5. Improved anti-economy sign
  6. Improved anti-itemframe
  7. Improved anti-bonemeal
  8. Improved inventory manager
  9. Added inventory black list
  10. Added dump stacktrace
  11. Fixed queue not saving on plugin disable
  12. Fixed protections not being removed in some cases
  • == V 5.1.5 ==
  1. Fixed ItemFrame
  2. Fixed Permissions
  • == V 5.1.1 ==
  1. Added temporary Wither fix
  2. Added itemframe usage
  3. Added Anvil block
  • == V 5.1 ==
  1. xAuth Updated
  2. new '/cc cleanup corrupt' command, to remove corrupt protections
  3. brand new sql class, better now.
  4. added missing call to dump the queue if it isn't empty, losing the protections that are in queue
  5. updated to 1.3.2-R0.1
  6. I'm testing this update for so long, that I forgot what I changed!
  • == V 5.0.4 ==
  1. Fixed NoDrop don't working.
  • == V 5.0.3 ==
  1. Started WorldEdit Support [Only set, undo and redo yet] under testing
  2. Possible fix to HawkEye
  3. Added Only Creative can break creatives blocks option.
  • == V 5.0.2 ==
  1. Fixed inventory lost
  2. /cc reload now check events/database changes.
  • == V 5.0.1 ==
  1. Fixed Null Pointer Exception on block break.
  2. Update checker now can be toggled off. [bukkit rules]
  • == V 5.0 ==
  1. Added anti villager interaction
  2. Added anti potion usage
  3. Added MultiVerse-Inventories detection
  • == V 4.9.5 ALPHA ==
  1. Update to 1.3.1
  2. Added Adventure gamemode
  3. Properly saves player's inventory
  4. New default configuration
  5. New inventory save/restore metod
  • == V 4.9 ALPHA ==
  1. New update check
  2. New block detection metod
  3. New loggedin detection
  4. New default configurations
  5. General Code Reorganization
  6. This is a bug fix release and is not fully tested.
  • == V 4.8 ==
  1. Fixed Server Crash
  • == V 4.7 ==
  1. Fixed ClassNotFoundException
  • == V 4.6 ==
  1. Fixed update check
  2. New plugin.yml
  3. Remove all inactive code
  • == V 4.5.2 ==
  1. Readded update check
  2. Possible fix to ticket 29
  3. Small changes in the configuration handler
  • == V 4.5.1 ==
  1. Fixed Null Pointer Exception if BlackList is null
  • == V 4.5 == Thanks to @Digi for the help :)
  1. Enchanted inventory handler
  2. Enchanted Attached blocks detection
  3. Possible fix the problem with AuthMe
  4. Fixed query flood on block replace
  5. Final code clenup
  • == V 4.4 ==
  1. Fixed Null Pointer Exception on enable
  2. Fixed Pistons
  3. Fixed possible block duplication on database
  4. Enchanted Block Place event
  • == V 4.3 ==
  1. Enchanted Database handler
  2. Enchanted Configuration handler
  3. Enchanted Block protection
  4. Enchanted Commands
  5. Enchanted Inventory Manager
  6. Added Statement cache
  7. Added SQL Index
  8. Added Configuration cache
  9. Added Configuration auto updater
  10. Added Attached blocks detection
  11. Added build-in regions support
  12. Added build-in area selection
  13. Added option to prevent from breaking the world bedrock
  14. Added option to clean mob drops
  15. Added option to disable gamemode handler
  16. Added command to check player gamemode
  17. Code general cleanup and opmization
  18. A LOT [Really, A LOT] Of stuff that I can't remember now.
  • == V 4.2 ==
  1. Cache reworked
  2. Command BlackList reworked
  3. SQL Index started [not done]
  4. Small Bug fixes
  5. Creative drops on death fixed
  6. God i need to make a list, I can't remember nothing.
  • == V 4.1 ==
  1. New Multi World Config Files
  2. Small changes in the cache
  3. Dump Queue rewrited
  4. Fixed Protected areas with nodrop? AGAIN AGAIN AGAIN
  5. Fixed OwnBlocks droping with cache
  6. Fixed Commands BlackList
  7. Fixed some sutff with pistons
  8. Fixed Drops with suicide in creative mode
  9. Fixed Enchantment table
  10. Fixed MineCartStorage
  11. Fixed del area command not removing the cache
  12. Added more texts to the messages.yml
  13. Added color support to the messages.yml
  14. Some small changes that i can't remember.

Old ChangeLog

Please, report if you find bugs!