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UploadedJun 29, 2012
Size111.28 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.2.5-R4.0
- == V 4.7 ==
- Fixed ClassNotFoundException
- == V 4.6 ==
- Fixed update check
- New plugin.yml
- Remove all inactive code
- == V 4.5.2 ==
- Readded update check
- Possible fix to ticket 29
- Small changes in the configuration handler
- == V 4.5.1 ==
- Fixed Null Pointer Exception if BlackList is null
- == V 4.5 == Thanks to @Digi for the help :)
- Enchanted inventory handler
- Enchanted Attached blocks detection
- Possible fix the problem with AuthMe
- Fixed query flood on block replace
- Final code clenup
- == V 4.4 ==
- Fixed Null Pointer Exception on enable
- Fixed Pistons
- Fixed possible block duplication on database
- Enchanted Block Place event
- == V 4.3 ==
- Enchanted Database handler
- Enchanted Configuration handler
- Enchanted Block protection
- Enchanted Commands
- Enchanted Inventory Manager
- Added Statement cache
- Added SQL Index
- Added Configuration cache
- Added Configuration auto updater
- Added Attached blocks detection
- Added build-in regions support
- Added build-in area selection
- Added option to prevent from breaking the world bedrock
- Added option to clean mob drops
- Added option to disable gamemode handler
- Added command to check player gamemode
- Code general cleanup and opmization
- A LOT [Really, A LOT] Of stuff that I can't remember now.
- == V 4.2 ==
- Cache reworked
- Command BlackList reworked
- SQL Index started [not done]
- Small Bug fixes
- Creative drops on death fixed
- God i need to make a list, I can't remember nothing.
- == V 4.1 ==
- New Multi World Config Files
- Small changes in the cache
- Dump Queue rewrited
- Fixed Protected areas with nodrop? AGAIN AGAIN AGAIN
- Fixed OwnBlocks droping with cache
- Fixed Commands BlackList
- Fixed some sutff with pistons
- Fixed Drops with suicide in creative mode
- Fixed Enchantment table
- Fixed MineCartStorage
- Fixed del area command not removing the cache
- Added more texts to the messages.yml
- Added color support to the messages.yml
- Some small changes that i can't remember.
Old ChangeLog