Creative Fireworks
With CreativeFireworks you are able to create your own firework effects!
How to install:
- Download this plugin.
- Put CreativeFireworks.jar into your plugins folder.
- Start your server and get ready for your first firework effect! :)
/creativefireworks or /cf - Shows information about CreativeFireworks.
/cf help - Shows helping information.
/cf help types - Shows information about all available types.
/cf help colors - Shows information about all available colors.
/cf add <type> <colors> - Adds an effect to the firework rocket. <colors> can also be splitted by commas.
Example: /cf add ball orange,white
/cf add <type> <colors> <flicker> - Adds an effect with flicker (if "true") to the firework rocket.
/cf add <type> <colors> <flicker> <trail> - Adds an effect with flicker (if "true") and trail (if "true") to the firework rocket.
/cf add <type> <colors> <flicker> <trail> <fadecolors> - Adds an effect with flicker (if "true"), trail (if "true") and fadecolors to the firework rocket. <fadecolors> works as well as <colors>.
Example: /cf add ball orange,white true false green,red,blue
/cf add random - Adds a completely random created effect to your firework rocket.
/cf remove <type> - Removes a type from your firework rocket. Replace <type> with "-a" to remove all effects.
/cf set duration <duration> - Sets the flight duration to the specified <duration>.
<type> can be replaced with "-r" to get a random type.
<colors> can be replaced with "-a" for all colors or "-r" for a random color. To get more random chosen colors, you have to add ":amount" to "-r".
Example: /cf add star -r:6 - This adds 6 random chosen colors to your firework rocket.
<flicker> can be replaced with "-r" to let "true" or "false" be random chosen.
<trail> same as <flicker>.
<fadecolors> same as <colors>.
creativeFireworks.* - Gives you access to all permissions of CreativeFireworks.* - Gives you access to all helping permissions of CreativeFireworks.
creativeFireworks - Gives you access to the default CreativeFireworks permission. - Gives you access to the helping information. - Gives you access to the helping information about types. - Gives you access to the helping information about colors.
creativeFireworks.add - Gives you access to add effects to your firework rocket.
creativeFireworks.remove - Gives you access to remove effects from your firework rocket.
creativeFireworks.random - Gives you access to add a completely random created effect to your firework rocket.
creativeFireworks.set - Gives you access to set options for a firework rocket.
To-Do list:
Nothing. Do you have any suggestions? :)
Found an error or bug? Please let me know! Copy the command line you typed in before the error occurred and post it.
- Version 1.1
- - Bug fixes
- Version 1.0
- - Official release
Maybe firework luncher? [Command: /cf launcher create random|<type> <colors> <flicker> <trail> <fadecolors>] Launcher working in redstonelamp :D
too bad thats impossible with bukkit, because that has to be inplanted in minecraft.
you should add fireworks that shoot and explode then have the letter the person add to the command show in the sky just an IDEA :)
Thanks guys! :) Version 1.1 uploaded! (just needs approval).
Thanks man :)