Version 2.12
Promote Players after a certain time if they are in a special group. Condition Tree for finding matching players and simple view.
- Fully costumizeable condition tree. With predefined datastructures.
Availiable:- Condition_TRUE, Condition_FALSE, Condition_NOT, Condition_AND, Condition_OR,
ConditionPlayerPermission, ConditionPlayerPermissionGroup - Conditions served by other Plugins
- Condition_TRUE, Condition_FALSE, Condition_NOT, Condition_AND, Condition_OR,
- Checking for promotions on Command, Login, Intervals
Planned features
- More Conditions
CrazyCore (Version 10.7.1 or later)
Optional Requirements
- CrazyOnline
- ConditionPlayerOnlineTime
- ConditionPlayerTimeSinceFirstJoin
- ConditionPlayerTimeSinceLastJoin
- ConditionPlayerTimeSinceLastLogout
- CrazyLogin
- ConditionPlayerLoginHasAccount
- ConditionPlayerLoginIsLoggedIn
Commands with their Permissions
- en_en (English)
- de_de (German - Deutsch)
- fi_fi (Finnish - Suomi, thanks to suomenlippis)
- fr_fr (French - Français, thanks to FireBurst699)
- nl_nl (Dutch - Nederlands, thanks to blipman17)
- pl_pl (Polish - polski, thanks to MegaManNT)
- ru_ru (Russian - русский, thanks to kilolife)
(Please post additional translations here, so i can share them to everybody!)
Sorry i haven't updated this plugin for a few months now.
So i guess it does not work anymore.
In addition to that i don't have any time to fix this issue right now, thanks for telling me this.
Is this plugin still working? I am trying from since two days to make it works but nothing. I just want to promote player based on time... Here my log when my test player joined the server for the first time, my cfg before, and after.. I got creazycore and crazyonline
Have you seen the usage page?
There is an example at the bottom.
If that does not help you please describe what you want my plugin to do.
I dont understand how to configure. Plz help!
sure, see usage page
The Condition_NOT is required sometimes to block downgrading a player.
(Depends on PermissionPlugin / PermissionConfig)
Page management
Can/Does it do auto-promote after a certain amount of time?
Im confused like crazy on this one how to configure this.. I have no idea.. So Can someone help me out? PM me please.
Ehh Java Lang is out of date. Just the security risks. This is going to be funny because mojang is going to drop Java soon. Going all natives. PM me and I can help with the documentation.
i won't abandon the entire CrazyCore project.
Just rarely used plugins to focus on my other plugins and maybe on new ones too.
Currently i don't need any CMS, but the documentation help would be great.
btw Java is not out of date. A lot of companies use it to run their maschines due to multi os compatibility
Well, don't abandon this. The CrazyCore project it amazing. If you want I can give you a CMS of your choice hosted on my domain :) Free of charge :D. Developers that abandon their projects have never learned to develop then. You should add new features. If you need someone to document the changes you can PM me and I can set the pages and everything up :P. Think of it as my donation to the developing community. But, I can redo the entire BukkitDev pages for something so people understand. All you will have to do is PM me the changes and I'll go through everything. Just don't abandon these projects. The only thing I can't do is code in Java. Java is an out of date platform so I never took the time to learn it.
I already thought about coding a GUI for that.
But due to a lack of time i thought i should abandon the entire project,
so i currently just keep it up to date.
@TheOneMadHawk Could you redo the config file to something a bit easier to understand?
@TheOneMadHawk Hello,
We have had this plugin installed on our server before, and it worked perfectly. But recently it behaved strangely and started setting people who were above the rank to the rank that we had set the players to be promoted to when they hit 12 hours. If possible could you maybe fix the bug?
It would be very appreciated.
Under some circumstances i don't know you have to use ' around your string.
Otherwise it won't be loaded properly.
I guess its an issue with special chars (everthing excluding a-zA-Z0-9)
If the plugin loaded correctly once you don't have to use '
What do you mean by..
'SpecialString+' ?
BTW, your edit seems to have worked.. i had to add a NOT condition for Member+ though or it just spammed it still.
if the config resets itself you have to use 'SpecialString+'
You found/stumble upon one of my biggest difficulties.
Its really hard for me to explain things to other people.
So shouldnt this technically work then?
But its promoting people before they reach 12 hours, what am i missing o.o
FirstJoin 2012-12-15 12:00:00
LastJoin 2012-12-16 12:00:00
LastLogout 2012-12-15 13:00:00
Now 2012-12-16 12:15:00
ConditionPlayerOnlineTime=1h 15m (this time the player was really online! =1h (last time)+ 15m (this time))
ConditionPlayerTimeSinceFirstJoin=1D 1h 15m (There is the one day included where he wasn't online, =Now-FirstJoin)
ConditionPlayerTimeSinceLastJoin/CurrentOnlineTime=15m (The time since last Join, =Now-LastJoin)
ConditionPlayerTimeSinceLastLogout=23h 15m (The time since last Logout, =Now-LastLogout)
Im still a little confused... So which condition will count since they have first joined the server, till now in current time? First joined the server as in.. the first day they joined the server. Not since they logged in for that day.
Say i joined 3 days ago, and i have played for a total of 15 hours since then. I want the condition that calculates that amount.
TimeSinceFirstJoin= firstjoin - now > limit
this condition does not require storing data at all.
It just uses the the firstjoin value and the current time to calculate the value.
This could be used to reset a player every month.
There is also a ConditionPlayerCurrentOnlineTime.
Not since they have been online because then no one would be able to achieve that.
I did that already, but with short pauses (being afk but still online)
have it backwards?
I don't know any.