Version 7.1
This plugin tracks players login/logouts and counts onlinetime.
- Lightweighted.
- Five commands to get all information you need.
- Integrated Config, Flat and MySQL-Database support.
- Integrated Logging support.
- Integrated CrazyPipes support.
- PluginAPI available
- CrazyCore (Version 10.7.1 or later)
Commands with their Permissions
- en_en (English)
- de_de (German - Deutsch)
- es_es (Spanish - Español, thanks to Sirikon)
- fi_fi (Finnish - Suomi, thanks to suomenlippis)
- nl_nl (Dutch - Nederlands, thanks to blipman17, jekeke123)
- pl_pl (Polish - polski, thanks to MegaManNT)
- ru_ru (Russian - русский, thanks to kilolife, SannyOK)
(Please post additional translations here, so i can share them to everybody!)
The "List Options" links on the Commands and Permissions page do not work. Says "You don't have the permission to access the requested resource".
EDIT: Fixed. Thank you.
Guess i never saw that extra .1 on there :P Thanks
Have you downloaded this version?
@TheOneMadHawk: ->
Thanks for your help
It does not start?
Please send me the error log.
I was wondering how your doing on the update for 1.5.1? CrazyCore seems to be working fine but crazyonline won't start. Thanks for all your hard work!
I'll add "delete custom files" to my todolist in CrazyCore.
then you can define in config which files should be deleted
(May take a couple of days due to Minecraft 1.5 Updates)
example config:
- '/plugins/MyPlugin1/$0$.dat'
- '/plugins/MyPlugin2/players/$0$.yml'
@TheOneMadHawk, I do want player.dat files to be deleted, but I would also like the player files from the other plugins to be deleted also. That was why I was asking if there was any way to make that happen.
If you don't want him to delete player files
disable autoDelete and removeShortTimeVisitors
because this plugin currently has a bug with them i guess.
If you want him to delete more
Just add some player wipe commands to CrazyCore
Do you have a list of plugins that this is known to work well with? If not, do you know if it is known to work well with: mcMMO? PEX? Griefprevention? I ask because it seems to be deleting player.dat files but not PEX ranks, mcMMO player data, or griefprevention player files. Maybe they are not listening? Does anyone know?
You're welcome and thanks for the update! ;)
Thanks for this bugreport.
I'll fix that asap.
EDIT: Try this dev build
Whenever doing /list in-game or list in console, the following happens:
Console-output after in-game command:
Console-output after console-command:
This occurs under CrazyOnline 7.1, the latest (approved) CrazyCore, the CrazyLogin dev-build you created for me + latest CB dev build.
Can CrazyOnline use or loading CrazyLogin database?
Why should it? Of course you can merge CrazyLogin and CrazyOnline databases (SQL only).
But you can't gain anything from that. (unless you use that for some code within another application)
Also, how can do CrazyOnline won't registered /list command?
Currently this is only possible by removeing it from the plugin.yml inside CrazyOnline.jar
I may add a option for that too.
I currently have no time to improve this.
And, how can I do CrazyOnline will show specified date online player amounts?
/co player list since:"2013-01-24 01:00:00" before:"2013-01-25 03:00:00"
/co player list since:2013-01-24 before:2013-01-25 entryformat:"$0$ $2$"
Only displays players which logged in during this period for the last time.
Can CrazyOnline use or loading CrazyLogin database?
Also, how can do CrazyOnline won't registered /list command? And, how can I do CrazyOnline will show specified date online player amounts?
You forgot to add a NOTCondition
Please further discussions for CrazyPromoter on CrazyPromoters page or via pm.
Thank you, that fixed the problem with Crazy Online. Now Crazy Promoter is moving ALL my players to the "Novice" group due to the config.yml.
Pastebin here
Am i missing a "if this false" statement? Because I have other groups too that are higher than the ones listed. If they are that group or higher they should not get promoted to the lower group. So like if you are a Newbie, you get promoted to Novice. Not if you are a Builder. Because then you go down rank.
Try the dev build:
Currently i haven't got enough time for a proper fix
@TheOneMadHawk Yes, as you can see by the error message below, i am using v6.2 of Crazy Online. Crazy Core is also v9.7.2
Are you using the latest versions of CrazyCore/CrazyOnline?