CrazyCore v10.0.3
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UploadedFeb 20, 2013
Size397.61 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.4.7-R1.0
- CB 1.4.6-R0.3
- CB 1.4.5-R1.0
Compatible with:
1.3.2-R3.0, 1.4.2, 1.4.5, 1.4.6, 1.4.7
- Uptodate compatiblilty builds are available on request too.
- protected defaultLanguage against invalid selections
- removed (some unused) compatibilitiy code
- moved and enhenced CreatureParamitrisable from CrazySpawner to CrazyCore (required for other plugins too)
- minor performance improvements
- added checkForUpdates option
- added plugin modes
- improved database not accessible error messages, when checking (mysql) database connection
- some additional null checks
- code simplifications / cleanup
- show first and last connect value with PlayerData
- updated plugin metrics
- fixed bug in update checker when no file uploads are found
- massive recoding simplifications and improvements
- made jar standalone to show plugin infos if executed without bukkit (mostly for linux users)
- fixed invalid language selections
- added load user languages option
- improved Date and Location Paramitrables
- fixed PluginChannels being not handled properly
- improved collection editors
- improved command executors
- improved crazycore player info command to show more data
- improved CrazyEvents
- added player associates command
- ignore character case when sorting lists
- improved plugin mode command (options)
- added chatHeader mode
- improved some error messages
- added message when loading languages, because this may take a while (depending on how much languages must be downloaded)
- added more paramitrisables (for CrazyCaptcha)
- improved parameter reading
- fixed issue with empty lines in lang files
- improved access permissions for subcommands
- don't allow access to subcommands if they don't have the permission to do anything in there
- improved database code
- fixed some very rare ConcurrentModificationExceptions on save (FlatDatabase)
- fixed issues in ConfigurationDatabase due to corrupted databases.
- show permission groups in player info command
- some code improvements and changes for CrazyLogin & CrazyChats
- improved flat database security
- fixed issues due to incomplete saves
- repair entries up to four times
- added a message, which entry failed loading (for manually repairing)
- fixed player info command when using no args
- fixed some NPEs
- made chatHeader changeable in config
- added PermissionBukkit to Permission Systems
- added SQLite support
- fixed getMinecraftVersion not working for Spigot/Tekkit
- added GroupSupport to PermissionModules (required for CrazyChats)