CrazyCore v9
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UploadedOct 10, 2012
Size235.39 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- 1.3.2
- 1.3.1
- 1.2.5
- improved language management
- fixed mysql problem spamming your database when not using name column as primary
- improved commands (they show you what you made wrong, or where you can go from there (additional help feature, will be added soon)
- improved command performance
- cleaned up API
- improved possebilities (/crazycore player delete+ <Name> will delete associates for the given account too, currently disabled)
- improved info command (/crazycore player info <Name>, added associates info)
- cleaned up language files
- improved multiline messages
- improved lists (you can change header/listformat/entryformat with your command, this kind of lists are possible as well "A,B,C" and "A\nB\nC" )
- page command inlcuding (previous/next page command)
- improved pipes
- added pipe command to execute multiple times example give multiple players some permisions, including preset lists (offline, onlines, ops...)
- improved error messages
- added ability to use longer parameters in some cases (ex: parameter:"This is a very long message" interval:3 targets:"player winner admin")
- added support for alliases for rootcommands (such as crazycore,crazylogin,register)
- improved language commands
- reworked database config saving (sorry you have to change this manually)
- improved logging command
WARNING: CrazyCore v9 is not compatible with CrazyCore v8 Plugins
This is a beta update, so you have to export the language files using:
/language extract *