CrateReloaded [ArchonCrates & More!]
Now includes Archon Crates
Crate Reloaded
Now with Keys, GUI, and the Original Mystery Crates
Crate Reloaded is an plugin that allows you to create Crates to give great rewards and prizes! Crate Reloaded is fully customizable and features five types of crates ....
- Supply Crate
- Mystery Crate
- Menu Crate
- Key Crate
- Archon Crates
Come check out the forums! Don't be afraid to ask for anything.
Useful Links
- Full Documentation
- Commands
- Permissions
- Installation
- Configurations
- Create a crate
- Report an Bug
- A Page of Dedications
- Screenshots
Need to know how to create crates or what the commands are? Check out the wikia.
- This plugin features metrics which collects and sends stats to Metrics can be freely turned off via pluginmetrics / config.yml.
- This plugin features an auto-updater. You can turn it off freely via cratereloaded/config.yml by changing updater to false.
Hello There, this plugin is built with your support!
This plugin relies on your feedback! Everything that is here now is the result of fellow community members messaging me feedback about the plugin. If the plugin contains any bugs or requires any necessary changes please don't be afraid to send me a message or post a ticket here.
A small thanks goes a long way.
If you sincerely do enjoy my work, kindly send support to the developer.
[Important] Please check this page for the latest information.
For Questions please refer to the link above.
Trying to send a crate give command through rcon does not work. Is there any fix? :D
"03.05 02:53:34 [Server] INFO Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_9_R1.command.CraftRemoteConsoleCommandSender cannot be cast to org.bukkit.entity.Player"
Hey, so when I open a crate it says [CrateReloaded] (message) Is there a way to delete that
Hello im MineVilleTV and for some reason when i load the plugin i try to get my crates and when i do /cr list it only has %list% please contact me if you can help me fix this.
Best Regards, MineVilleTV
Dear ManBeastPigDev,
I will have to let Dino about this bug but since you are the only one that has reported about this bug and no one (including me) has experienced this bug I want to guess it's something to do with your hosting source. For now I will have to say that I can't fix your bug, but if you do find a fix feel free to comment on this page or Spigot so others can fix it right away.
From, Andy
Dear Deadrasaurusm,
I believe all the variables are listed in the plugin's files.
From, Andrew
Does anyone know all the variables?
Actually Its still not working right. The odds are set right but its not what is happening in reality. People are winning items often that are set to 1% or 0.1% chance. I have latest spigot and crates, i dont know what else to try.
Dear slakteris,
I have never seen that bug before. I am also not trained to work with RCON due to the fact that when you get an error like that, it usually means the plugin is not at fault with the "bug". I would suggest showing this to your server hosting company, check to make sure you are in the right version as well. If you run your server on your computer then a few other reasons could be the problem. One, you could not have enough space for the plugin, causing it to crash (or not load correctly). Two, you may have uploaded the plugin into your server incorrectly. Three, your server could not support the JAVA files we use PLEASE NOTE: I may be wrong with these answers, because again I am not trained with RCON so I am just taking a guess.
From, Andrew
Dear ManBeastPigDev,
Okay good. Sorry about the the bug, we will try to fix it ASAP.
From, Andrew
Yes i have Vault and Economy plugin.
What is the problem ?
I got the latest buildtools and updated again. The odds seem ok now, i'll leave it for a day and see if anyone reports anything.
Dear ManBeastPigDev,
That is not what I am saying. I am saying the plugin works with spigot, but you may need to get it off of this website and not the spigot website to get a working later version. If that does not work then I can contact you with the developer. Although if you want to, try and get the March 20 build and try that out to see if the bug is in there or not.
From, Andy
So your plugin doesn't work with spigot? If i have to use craftbukkit i must use older version of 1.9 from March 20?
Dear ManBeastPigDev,
Well there is the March 20 build you can get from Bukkit but if you prefer to stick with Spigot then I can't help you. The Bukkit plugins work for both Spigot and Bukkit servers.
From, Andy
Is there a specific version of spigot? I updated spigot a few days ago to the latest build. They seem to have 3 versions a day most days.
Dear ManBeastPigDev,
If you have that problem and you are using a 1.9 server that does not support 1.8 plugins then please downgrade to the last 1.9 release and we will try to fix that bug as soon as possible.
From, Andy
I had 1.8 and the 1.8 version. I updated server to 1.9 which broke crates. I updated to the new crates build and it started working fine. But when you did the latest update yesterday the chance/odds are not correct anymore.
Dear slakteris,
Please make sure you have a vault and an economy plugin.
From, Andy
Dear ManBeastPigDev,
Did you have the 1.8.1 verson of the plugin before the update and then updated to 1.9? If so please make sure your server can support 1.9 plugins and if not then please downgrade to the latest 1.8 verson (1.8.1).
From, Andy
Why you ignor my ?
You can FIX ERROR with RCON ?