About CraftIRC3
CraftIRC3 is a highly customizable and flexible plugin which links Minecraft chat and events to Internet Relay Chat (IRC), allowing players to interact with users in local or more broad community channels. Throughout CraftIRC's history, the plugin has been used to link multiple Minecraft servers' chats together, allow administrators to use in-game and console commands and keep commerce, roleplaying, and community spirit alive.
Linking IRC to Minecraft with CraftIRC allows players/administrators to interact with the server using any Internet-connected device, making keeping in touch or administrating an absolute breeze.
Get started with CraftIRC3:
- Complete Idiot's Guide to YAML (for config.yml)
- CraftIRC3 Tags/Endpoints/Paths (how messages/events/data get from IRC<->Game<->Bot<->Plugin)
- Setting up IRC bots and channels
- Frequently asked questions
- Communicating with other chat plugins
- Command list (includes permissions)
NEED THIS - Config files for CraftIRC3
- Save as plugins/CraftIRC/config.yml
- CraftIRC 3 config.yml
Version compatibility
The latest release works with any bukkit version since 1.2.5, including 1.7.4.
Also reported to work with other non-bukkit things that look like bukkits.
For sponge support, see craftirc4:
Want to use CraftIRC3 with Herochat 5?
For other chat plugins see here
To determine popularity of versions and lingering usage, plugin installs are automatically tracked by the Metrics plugin tracking system. If you don't want to help or are paranoid, edit plugins/PluginMetrics/config.yml and set opt-out to true.
Come hang out in #craftirc on
or click here
(remember to state your problem right away after joining, don't ask to ask, and be patient)