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UploadedFeb 27, 2013
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Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.4.7-R1.0
3.1.2 Release:
If you are converting from another system. Please use a dev-build. It fix a quite big issue with it :P
You need to delete your lang.yml!
Mostly a bug fixing release:
- Added a fail-safe if the display format is wrongly saved in the database.
- Fixed the plural name not being saved by the setup wizard.
- Fixed the database mode not being saved to the config.yml when selecting MySQL
- Added the possibility to modify the command prefix (the [Money] part) through the lang.yml
- Added the possibility to create the account on login (System.CreateOnLogin node in the configuration)
- Added a fail-safe if the wrong database type is saved. The plugin will disable if it's wrong.
- Fixed the /money top command.
- Added a help command for /ccgroup.
- /ccgroup addworld didin't have a description.
3.1.1 Release:
Fixed some bugs.
- Formatting doesn't show the default group now.
- Fixed the balances in the any group to the default group.
3.1 Release:
YOU NEED A DEV-BUILD OF VAULT TO BE ABLE TO LINK TO THE PLUGIN: http://ci.herocraftonline.com/job/Vault/ )
- Accounts are now case sensitive if enabled in the configuration.
- Fixed a bug about currency display.
- Fixed payday not giving the correct amount of money.
- Improvements on converters. Now 500% faster!
- Rewrote the whole Setup system. Way easier to maintain now.
- Fixed some Unit tests bugs.
- Fixed some help messages not showing.
- Currency Exchange implemented! (Static value)
- World Group implemented! Ex: World A & World B shares the same balance but not C. Use the /ccgroup command for this. It replaces the current multiworld implementation
- Added commas to long balance. Example if you have 100000000 it will be shown as 100,000,000
Developer changes:
- CurrencyManager.getDefaultID is no more available. You must use the proper get & set
- You can now download the javadoc & sources in your IDE when using maven.
- the world variable in Account functions now take either a world group name or a world. If the name isin't found in the world groups, it search in the worlds (and then retrieve the proper world group).
3.0.4 Release:
- Added language support for all commands except /ccsetup. The language file is called lang.yml. If that file already exist in your plugin folder, please delete it.
- Improved /payday info
- You can skip steps of the setup wizard if needed. Not entirely tested tho
- /money top only gives the default currency top list.
- Now support craftconomy.* permission flag
- New display format: Major only. Will write balance like this: 100.30 Dollars
- Fixed a bug in /currency default/delete. It was allowing to have no arguments, causing a NPE.
- Made sure there's a valid display format on update.
- Made sure the plugin is loaded to be able to load Bukkit events. Was causing some issues
If you got issues with MySQL, put strings in the config.yml between ' ' . (Example: user: 'root' instead of user: root) It may fix it.
There seems to be a bug with displaying balances if you are upgrading from 3.0.X. Simply type /craftconomy format to fix it.
3.0.3 Release:
- A LOT of code improvement as suggested by the Sonar system
- BoseEconomy import system
- H2 database support.
- Added currency sign (Example $100.35)
- /craftconomy longmode is now /craftconomy format
- /money top improvements. Only shows 10 per page now.
- /money delete command fixed. It had some issues.
- A version Checker. Alerts you if you are running a old version! Can be disabled in the configuration file.
- General bugfixes for the Spout server implementation.
- MySQL port was not saved correctly. It is now.
- Some help commands are now directly in the / command (Example "/currency" shows the help.)
- Completely reworked the command handler. Less duplication!
- Console text from commands now shows with proper coloring.
3.0.2 Release:
- /payday cmds fixed a lot.
- Fixed /money set command (Wrong text and was withdrawing instead of setting)
- Huge number with a lot of coins (500,394032857329576325 just to give a example) was causing issue. It's been fixed.
- /money top has been implemented. Thanks GuillaumeDerval!
- You can now modify offline accounts. Thanks again to GuillaumeDerval!
- /payday list implemented
- Fixes for new SpoutAPI features.
- Code optimisation at some places.
3.0.1 release. Bugfixes for the iCo6 importer with MySQL and added a /currency default command. This command will help people with depositPlayer & format stacktrace errors.
3.0.0c release. Contains a Bank fix with withdraw.
3.0.0b release. Contains a database fix glitching the setup wizard.
Total rewrite of Craftconomy!
You can't load the Craftconomy2 settings/database into Craftconomy3. There's a importer for that.
Here is the major changes:
- Now dual-loading in both Craftconomy & Spout. The plugin is programmed in a way that it can be loaded in any type of servers with 3 files!
- In-Game setup wizard! Simply type /ccsetup in the console or ingame to setup craftconomy on first boot-up!
- /payday command to manage payday
- /craftconomy now handles main settings about the plugin
- /currency manage the currency
- Database Handling is now working through SimpleSave by Alta189.
Check the Wiki pages for all the commands information & Permission nodes (Some changed).
The plugin now contains the SQLite & MySQL library due to the requirement with Spout Server.
Dev information:
- User accounts & Bank accounts are now merged in a single table. Bank accounts are prefixed with bank:
- Completly new API. Check the javadoc link on the frontpage to know everything! (Basicly you check if the plugin is running and if it does, everything goes through Common.getInstance(). A more user-friendly guide will be created soonish on the wiki.
Add the Interest system for banks.