Keep your Server/Plugins up to date
After the plugin detect a new build, it download to bukkit_update in the main-Folder. After that you must stop your server and copy the craftbukkit.jar from bukkit_update to your main-Folder.
After Version 1.4 I support plugins if a new version found it download to build_update/plugins. After that stop your server and copy/move the new files to your plugin-Folder
This is no autoupdater, it only download the new Version do the update-Folder, the user have to copy the files. On this way, he know which plugins he update and can check if he like to update.
I recommend to save your old craftbukkit.jar/plugin before update. Not all builds from CraftBukkit work correctly.
Download the newest build to build_update Config-File in plugins/CraftBukkitUpToDate/
- to enable/disable automatic download
- updateChannel (to choose between rb, beta or dev)
- set craftBukkitName (Default: craftbukkit.jar)
- deactivate pluginLog
- deactivate craftBukkitUpdateCheck
- blacklist to add Plugins, you don't want to update (blacklist=test1.jar;test2.jar)
- deactivate automatic pluginUpdateCheck
- deactivate serverLog if new Version available (broadcastOnlyToOps=true) Check for update in a configurable period.
- Configurable in in milliseconds lowest value is 24 hours standard is 24 hours Broadcast if new update available (To all Ops, or via Permissions).
- Configurable in default value is true
- Additional Plugin-Dirs to check (if you have a dir additionalPlugins in your Bukkit-Folder add additionalPluginDirs=additionalPlugins/)
Command to start plugin-Check, to start type /uptodate plugin
Command to start the update-Check, to start type /uptodate update
All commands work also at Server-Console type only craftbukkituptodate or uptodate without /
Automaticly download new updates for Plugins
- Download new updates in build_update/plugins
- with links to the plugins, this one download automaticly if a new one at my server
Pail Gui-Support check Thread for more infos
Permissions/GroupManager is optional else only ops can use the commands. Available permission nodes are (case sensitive):
- craftbukkituptodate.broadcast - these users get a message if a new build available
- craftbukkituptodate.plugin - these users can use plugin-Command
- craftbukkituptodate.update - these users can use the update-Command
Automatic update
For Linux-User, if you like to move your new plugins automaticly, try the script from Myx0x3:
or for more features use the one from Tealk:
or use the Bukkit-Build-In: You can configured it by yourself, all you must do is to open the bukkit.yml and change the update-folder to ../bukkit_update/plugins. I don't recommend this, because all plugins updated automaticly without any user-interactions.
My Plugin didn't supported, how i get it to work with CButD?
There are three ways, you have to make only one of them:
1. Add it to Your link should be like the jar-File-Name if your jar-File example.jar your link on should be If not no problem you have two other options:
2. Add dev-url to your plugin.yml this should look like : dev-url:, please replace the url with your one, else it didn't work. Also you should know that only works.
Here is a example plugin.yml:
name: Your name main: Your main class version: Your version dev-url: this with your url of dev-Bukkit/ commands: your command: description: descrition usage: /<command> <function> [buildnumber] aliases: [alias1, alias2]
3. If option 1 and option 2 didn't work for you let me know this and I add it to my Please remember I only support
Also you should know that your project at should contain file-Downloads, else I have no chance to check for updates and download the newest version.
Need help or have any questions use the Forum:
Did the update automaticly?
Yes, if a new one available it update automatic.
Did you download all plugins every time to check for updates?
No, I use the rss-Feed of dev-bukkit
Do you automatic update my plugins?
No I'm only download the new version to bukkit_update/plugins you have to copy them to your Plugin-Folder. I will never implement a autoupdater, you are the Admin and you have to choose which plugins you like to update. This is only a little help to do this.
How can I choose if between recommend and beta version?
In set recommendedBuild=true, if you like the recommend Build, or recommendedBuild=false if you like the beta-Version.
Now that Bukkit supports a plugin update folder, will CBUTD add support for it, so we are able to run a /reload after CBUTD runs and have the updated plugins load?
Not by default. But you can configured it by yourself, all you must do is to open the bukkit.yml and change the update-folder to ../bukkit_update/plugins. I don't recommend this, because all plugins updated automaticly without any user-interactions.
Can I add additonal Plugin Folders that will be check if I like to deactivate a plugin but check for updates?
Yes, use the additionalPluginDirs-Option in the
I agree, why should we be limited to using the command manually only every 24 hours when the reason bukkit had to many connections was because the automatic update check cooldown was every hour or so, having a 24hr cooldown on the automatic check is perfectly fine, but don't restrict the manual one as well.
/uptodate plugin
tells me it has been run less than 24hours ago
(not good after an update and everything is broke)
and bukkit's request that there be a 24hr limit should only apply to an automatic process.
IMHO if their server can't hack it they need an upgrade.
/uptodate update
works fine
Command to start plugin-Check, to start type /uptodate plugin
Command to start the update-Check, to start type /uptodate update
ok nice pluggins but without a way to force and update check its kinda useless.
i would suggest adding a manual update command
i agree with the 24 hour thing, but Bukkit asked him to make it 24-hour. I guess so many people were using this that it crashed Bukkit servers or something lol
I'm a longterm user of CBUTD and I like it very much. Thanks for making it!
I do dislike the 24 hour thing though. It is way too long inbetween imo.
Probably not a bad idea, although I have made a shell script to do that (compare files/versions, etc) on my server, so I don't really have much need for it.
Maybe you should create a ticket for your suggestion? I'm not the developer of this plugin :)
Perhaps then a check update command, which would not download the newest but would notify if all plugins are up to date...
As NoFear13 already stated further down the page:
"The changes to the 24 hours is because of a request from I did this to resolve the performance-Problems of, there was a many users that uses the command many times a day, to prevent this I made the 24 hours check."
So, I'm guessing your request will be denied :)
Sorry to complain but I do not like the 24-hour wait between being able to run the plugin update command. Can you make an option to override that, or a -force flag for the command?
Ok, thank you for your tests and all, I didn't want to make you work for it :) Just was wondering Only now understood that you actually check the local timestamp, had my mind somewhere else, sorry dude! And many thanks!
I checked it and you done all right, you add the dev-url to your plugin.yml.
If you not done this it should also already works, because the plugin try to replace big cases to -lowercase if to find a right url.
I checked also this and if I modify the modification-Timestamp in my filesystem it works fine.
If you download an old version and replace the new version this plugin find no updates because the modification-Timestamp of your lokal file ist newer the the servers one.
I hope this help you do understand why your tests didn't works, but be sure your plugin already supported and works fine.
Best whishes NoFear13
Ein Sehr Gutes Plugin :D
I like this Plugin :D
But it's not updating my plugin, you might want to add it to your plugin.yml maybe:
last modification-Timestamp of the jar. If the modification-Timestamp of a File 26.12.2012 and you upload a new Version it download the new version. Because of the different Version-Description of each Developer I have no other chance to check for updates.
Hit there!
How are updates found? My plugin, SuperSeeds, on, doesn't get downloaded. I've intentionnally downgraded mine to 1.5.0 and left my server running a few days. It never detected the new update to 1.6.0...
I'm sure it wouldn't be as big of an issue if it didn't also automatically check it.
Thanks for the info with the 1 hour, it was a little bug, fixed with the next update.
The changes to the 24 hours is because of a request from I did this to resolve the performance-Problems of, there was a many users that uses the command many times a day, to prefend this I made the 24 hours check.
I'd be okay with just manual checks and never automatic, I usually check for new plugins a couple times a day, that would be more than sufficient.
Same here New build is not updating plugins... For example I just restarted my server and got: "The automatic update-Check only work every 1 hours, the last check was 1346 minutes ago."
So Yeah, definitely reverting back a version cause it was working.
EDIT: OK read the change log, its set to every 24 hours now, then please change the message in the plugin.