Current Version: 1.1 [1.1-R4]
Original Plugin by nisovin (link), taken over with his permission.
This plugin allows you to play sports like soccer on your server by kicking/throwing around certain items within a specified field. Currently fields will have to be set up manually within config.yml, but an user interface is planned in the future.
- Make fields in config.yml, play sports!
- Use any item as a ball, you can even set it on fire when playing with it!
- (BETA) Multi World support
Video Demonstration:
Planned Features:
- In-game methods for creating/editing fields (possibly using WorldEdit)
- More efficient Event-Listening system
- Using an item in hand (bat) to hit the ball
- Pressure-plates that are in-field activating on items only to create goals and scoring-systems with redstone.
Known Issues:
- Render distance of items is somewhat short. This is a client side problem and could only by fixed with some mod.
- Items do not bounce of walls/floor. This might be possible, but could be very tricky. Not looking into it for now, but if anyone else wants to feel free.
HowTo Setup config.yml
HowTo Update from 1.0
does that plugin ignore ClearLagg? becaus it's a good plugin but it's bad if the ball just disappered in mittle of the game.
Please update this to 1.11. Thanks!
Hey I love this but how do we use it?
Hey, this plugin looks awesome, but i can't use it because it keeps saying "only admins can use those commands" I AM an admin/op. i actually own the server, so is there a way i can change this? Oh, and also, it seems that i can not use this plugin. it doesnt generate my fields, maybe because it has the -corrordinates?
Hey man, I lost your version of the plugin, and the download link seems dead. Could you re-upload it somewhere?
I have problems with Multi world. Who can help me?
Update for 1.5 will come today ! =P
pls update!!
this is the best football plugin ever :D
Please Update it! I love this plugin!
So, how do I do ANYTHING? Instructions? Please? I typed /craftball and it says "only admins can do this" even though I am op AND I even added permission node * out of desparation. Apparently, even the CONSOLE isn't an admin. My server apparently has no admins at all.
hey nice plugin,
can i use world edit ? to create a field ? cause i confuse how to configure the field in config.yml,
i mean you add some feature like residence, select area by using wand
Hi. Before I download this, I was just wondering, how would I pick the ball thing up once it is on the ground? Thx :)
I'm having the same issue, im taking cords from world edit, the parttern im using is
n1 n2
n3 n4
n?(z,x) I have also switched it to n?(x,z) to check for OOB problems, and still nothing. Have you had any luck with this?
Hi, This seems to drop in nicely, and using that upated version the commands now work (which they didnt when using the one on the main download link) But after setting up the stadium (and it shows up in /cb list) but nothing happens, i just pick up the ball.
any help pls, im using the 1.2.5-dev bukkit version (the latest one seems to make maps not work and several other features dont work with the latest dev but thats for a differant forum)
Mors (please quote me if you reply to me so i know, thank you.)
I just set up a server with this mod and it's working well except i needed to use the .jar provided by XefirDestiny below. TY Xefir!!
My server is running it now you can check it out at
I dont really understand how to make it work
I got it in the plugins folder but every time I throw a slime I just pick it up like a normal item
Hey, thought I'd let you know that your version fixed my problems :D Did you read and consider my suggestion btw?
Thanks, I'll be trying it now. But do you think oyu could look into the suggestions I made? Would be awesome to be able to adjust kick velocity by changing your walking speed.
Have you tested my modified version below ?
The plugin appear to be dead, I just modified some crappy code to get it working with the latest CraftBukkit.
Try and bring back to me ;-)
XĂ©fir Destiny
Hi, the plugin works great, except for the /craftball reload. I'm OP and it still tells me Admin only. Permissions would be great. Secondly, I'd like you to add support for different walking speeds. Say, you kick the ball hard when you are running, slower when you walk, and give the ball just a small pass when you sneak. Also it would be cool if you could not use a fixed speed, but a random one between 2 speeds you set in the config.