CrackShot v0.98.1


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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • 1.8.1


Version 0.98

Compatible with all Minecraft versions above 1.7.2.

Important Note

  • This version corrects a bug in the Burstfire module that resulted in every shot following the first to occur 1 tick earlier. Therefore, you may notice a slight change in the shooting pattern of older weapons that use this module, and minor adjustments may be required.

New additions

  • Added the Fully_Automatic module.
    • Offers superior control over the fire rate of fully automatic weapons. Supports values ranging from 300 to 1200 shots per minute.
    • Using the Burstfire module to achieve fully automatic weapons is no longer recommended. You are advised to make the switch.
  • Added the Run_Command node to the Extras module.
    • Allows players to run any combination of commands upon shooting.
    • Supports console commands.
  • Added the WeaponFireRateEvent event to the CrackShot API.
    • Alter a weapon's fire rate depending on the situation.
  • (Version 0.98.1) Added a configuration file for the customization of certain messages.




  • Patched three sources of NPEs (eR, BlockFromToEvent, ItemSpawnEvent).

Version 0.97

New additions

CrackShot API


  • The Reload_Bullets_Individually node can now be used with dual-wielded weapons.
  • The Bukkit bug concerning technical block items is no longer considered.
  • Older CrackShot weapons (v0.9 and below) are no longer considered.
  • (Version 0.97.2 - 0.97.4) A smarter verification system will automatically correct weapons corrupted by external plugins that fail to save the display names appropriately.
  • (Version 0.97.6) Splash projectiles now support the On_Impact_With_Anything node of the Explosions module.
  • (Version 0.97.7) The Break_Blocks node now supports secondary data values.
  • (Version 0.97.8) Attachments can no longer be applied if a weapon is already being dual wielded (vice versa).
  • (Version 0.97.9) Remote-detonated devices now consider the Delay_Between_Shots node.
  • (Version 0.97.9) The Break_Blocks feature can now be logged and rolled back by external plugins (i.e. LogBlock, MobArena, Minigames).
  • (Version 0.97.11) Improved auto-correction for dual-wielded weapons corrupted by external plugins.
  • (Version 0.97.12) Switched to Bukkit's new ProjectileSource system.
  • (Version 0.97.14 & 0.97.16) The Reset_Hit_Cooldown node considers Bukkit's newer damage-handling methods.
  • (Version 0.97.15) The Open_Duration node can now be used by slide-type weapons. This makes possible the HK slap method of reloading.
  • (Version 0.97.18) The Skip_Name_Check node actually skips name checks if it can.
  • (Version 0.97.18) Tweaks to the bolt firearm-action.
  • (Version 0.97.18) Minor rework for the energy projectile type.


  • Remote_Place_Anywhere has been replaced by Remote_Bypass_Regions.
  • The method behind accessing CrackShot functions has changed.
  • Some default weapons now use the Remove_Unused_Tag node.
  • The default weapons no longer use technical block items, which are being removed in Minecraft 1.7.
  • (Version 0.97.14) The default weapon Harrier Strike now uses a Block_Type value of 85.
  • (Version 0.97.16) The default weapon Olympia now uses the Projectile_Flames node.


  • Stray damages caused by fireball and wither skull projectiles have been filtered out.
  • Friendly-fire checks will no longer trigger a melee interaction.
  • The setDamage function of the WeaponDamageEntityEvent now accepts double instead of int.
  • (Version 0.97.1) Corrected a fault in the CSUtility class.
  • (Version 0.97.4 & 0.97.5) Corrected a minor reloading bug introduced in version 0.97.2.
  • (Version 0.97.4) The Remove_Unused_Tag node can no longer be applied to weapons using the Firearm_Action module.
  • (Version 0.97.6) Item-bombs will now function on items lacking lore.
  • (Version 0.97.6) Cancelling a WeaponDamageEntityEvent for energy-type weapons will no longer throw an NPE.
  • (Version 0.97.8) Enable_Owner_Immunity no longer affects the owner's invulnerability time.
  • (Version 0.97.8) CrackShot items with corrupted display names will be automatically corrected instead of throwing harmless (but unattractive) errors in the console.
  • (Version 0.97.9) Added a sanity check for landmines and remotely detonated devices.
  • (Version 0.97.9) Sounds_Alert_Placer will only be played for item-bombs when there is a bomb to be triggered.
  • (Version 0.97.10) Corrected a CCE that occurs when non-living entities (i.e. fireball) are struck by melee weapons.
  • (Version 0.97.11) Accounted for two uncommon NPEs. (PlayerDeathEvent & BlockBreakEvent)
  • (Version 0.97.13) Items using remote-detonated explosives will now be appropriately removed if One_Time_Use is activated.
  • (Version 0.97.15) For 1.8.1 clients, stray experience orbs will no longer be observed with energy-type projectiles.
  • (Version 0.97.17) Remote-type explosive devices now function correctly for newer versions of CraftBukkit.

Version 0.96

New additions


  • A more efficient algorithm allows weapons to be identified approximately 8× faster.
    • Humans will not be able to notice a difference.
  • Collision checks are now absolutely precise.
    • Particles, lightning and explosions are spot-on for even the speediest of projectiles.
  • Headshots are now shooter independent.
  • The Region_Check module now considers projectiles using the Break_Blocks node.
  • Attempting to load incorrectly configured YAML files will now alert the player.
  • Realigned the explosions caused by fireballs and wither skulls.
  • The Maximum_Damage node can now be used for negative values.
  • (Version 0.96.3) The Spawn_Entity_On_Hit module no longer accepts invalid mobs.
  • (Version 0.96.3) Technical improvements to booby traps.
  • (Version 0.96.3) Cancel_Right_Click_Interactions now considers Villagers and Horses.
  • (Version 0.96.3) Implemented a workaround to a Bukkit bug that prevented weapons from firing when used to smack enemies at a close distance.


  • Python has been renamed to Python / Knife to make the melee attachment more obvious.
  • Olympia has been modified to demonstrate the use of the Removal_Or_Drag_Delay node.
  • M320 has been modified - Projectile_Speed increased to 20.
  • AK-47 now uses the Close_Shoot_Delay node.
  • Each weapon must now have a unique name.
    • Color codes can be used for duplicate names (i.e. "&eWeapon" and "&eWeap&eon").


  • Corrected a minor and unlikely bug concerning attachment reloads.
  • Boolean checks for booby trap configurations are no longer case-sensitive.
  • Region checks now work correctly for remotely detonated devices.
  • Corrected a bug where slide firearm-action weapons ignored the Close_Shoot_Delay node.
  • (Version 0.96.4) Corrected a caveat introduced in v0.96.3 involving booby traps.
  • (Version 0.96.4) An alert will no longer be displayed for nameless attachments.
  • (Version 0.96.4) Region checks of the blacklist-type now consider other worlds.
  • (Version 0.96.6) Corrected a minor caveat introduced in v0.96.5 involving landmines.
  • (Version 0.96.6) Freshly applied potion effects will no longer be denied by existing ones.

Version 0.95

New additions

  • Added the Close_Shoot_Delay node to the Firearm_Actions module.
  • Added a safeguard to the Bukkit bug mentioned in the Known issues section. Only Pumpkin Stem (104), Melon Stem (105) and Cocoa Plant (127) are considered by this safeguard.
  • The Disable_Creative_Message node has been added to the general.yml configuration file. You may use this node to disable safeguard alerts.


  • Headshots are now absolutely precise.
  • Replaced the default weapon M40A3 with: Hunting Rifle
  • Technical improvements to the sign shops feature.
  • (Version 0.95.1) Technical improvements to the Bukkit-bug safeguard and the weapon-searching process of the give and get commands.
  • (Version 0.95.1) Users will now be alerted should they attempt to place the Take_Ammo_On_Reload node into the wrong module.


  • Corrected a bug where Sounds_Out_Of_Ammo would be played when a user runs out of the currency required for a weapon purchase.
  • Corrected a bug where bolt/pump/lever firearms could be fired 200 milliseconds faster.
  • Corrected a bug involving the Starting_Amount node and bolt or lever action weapons.
  • Corrected a bug where the Starting_Amount node could not be used for attachments.
  • (Version 0.95.1) Corrected a minor caveat involving the Bukkit-bug safeguard.

Version 0.94

New additions

  • Added melee mode.
  • Added melee attachments.
  • Added the energy projectile type.
  • Added the splash projectile type.
  • Added the 17th default weapon: Gauss Shotgun
  • Replaced the default weapon Python with: Python w/ tactical knife
  • Added the Mob_Name node to the Spawn_Entity_On_Hit module.
  • Added the Jetpack_Mode node to the Abilities module.
  • (Version 0.94.1) Added the Starting_Amount node to the Reload module.


  • The Message_Victim node of the Explosions module now supports the special variable "<shooter>".
  • The Spawn_Entity_On_Hit module is now compatible with explosions.
  • Potion effects can now be given to players upon shooting.
  • Technical improvements regarding no-interaction periods after weapon purchases and attachment toggles.
  • The user will now be warned if an invalid block ID has been provided for BLOCK_BREAK particle effects.
  • Tweaked the default weapon Python.
  • (Version 0.94.1) Users can no longer provide invalid attachments with the Info node.
  • (Version 0.94.1) Melee weapons are now compatible with the Ammo and Reload modules.
  • (Version 0.94.1) Users can no longer unnecessarily reload bolt-action weapons.
  • (Version 0.94.2) Potion effects can now be given to the shooter upon weapon reload.


  • Corrected an issue where firearm-action interactions can flow from one identical weapon to another upon item switch.
  • (Version 0.94.1) Corrected an issue where energy and splash projectiles, as well as melee weapons, neglected the Explosions module.
  • (Version 0.94.1) Re-aligned the placement of landmines.
  • (Version 0.94.2) Corrected a CCE regarding energy and splash projectiles.
  • (Version 0.94.2) Inventory control now considers weapons using the Melee_Mode and Melee_Attachment nodes.

New nodes

  • Melee_Mode
  • Melee_Attachment
  • Jetpack_Mode
  • Mob_Name

Version 0.93

New additions

  • Added inventory control to the general.yml configuration file. This feature is demonstrated on the default weapon Bazooka.
  • Added the Reload_With_Mouse node to the Reload module. Reload with left or right click.
  • Added the Death_No_Drop node to the Abilities module. The weapon will not drop upon player death; great for donator weapons.
  • Added the Hurt_Effect node to the Abilities module. The player will appear to be damaged upon each use of the weapon.
  • Added the Super_Effective node to the Abilities module. Deal more or less damage to certain entities.
  • Added the No_Vertical_Recoil node to the Abilities module. Nullifies all vertical components of the recoil.


  • Hit messages involving mobs will now return the name of the mob for the <victim> variable, instead of just "Entity".
  • Dispensers now dispense booby traps in the direction they are pointed at, as opposed to just upwards.
  • Re-aligned the list command.
  • Explosions with Explosion_No_Grief set to true will no longer damage experience orbs.


  • Thrown grenades or flares will no longer enter hoppers.
  • Attempting to use the One_Time_Use node with booby traps will no longer cause a person's computer to explode.
  • Corrected an issue where firearm actions are triggered even when weapons are out of physical ammo.

New nodes

  • Inventory_Control was added to the Item_Information module.
  • Reload_With_Mouse was added to the Reload module.
  • The following section was added to the Abilities module:
  • The following section was added to the general.yml configuration file:

Version 0.92

New additions

  • Added attachments.
  • Added the 16th default weapon: Carbine
  • Added the first default attachment: M320 Grenade Launcher
  • Added the Firework_Explode node to the Fireworks module.
  • (Version 0.92.1) Added a blacklist feature to the Region_Check module.


  • A warning will now be displayed for weapons that have the Ammo module enabled but have not specified when ammo should be taken.
  • Weapons with Item_Name and Item_Type values similar or identical to other weapons will no longer be viewed as ambiguous.
  • (Version 0.92.1) The Region_Check module will now alert the user upon misconfiguration.
  • (Version 0.92.1) Fired projectiles are now affected by the Region_Check module. For example, if you fired a Bazooka or threw a Grenade from outside of a restricted region, the projectile will not explode if it lands inside the restricted region.
  • (Version 0.92.1) Minor tweaks to the Carbine.


  • Corrected an issue where weapons, when out of ammo, may zoom out before the last shot of a burst is fired.
  • Corrected an issue that caused dual-wielded weapons to have frozen ammo-readings when Take_Ammo_Per_Shot is enabled.
  • (Version 0.92.1) Corrected an issue introduced in version 0.92 that caused CrackShot to reject older weapons.

New nodes

  • Firework_Explode was added to the Fireworks module.
  • The following section:
    ...was added to the Item_Information module

Version 0.91

New additions

  • You can now dual wield (akimbo) weapons.
  • Added the 15th default weapon: Desert Eagle
  • Added the Take_Ammo_As_Magazine node, which causes "magazines" or "clips" to be taken upon each reload.
  • Developers can now hook into CrackShot to give weapons directly to players using the giveWeapon() function.
  • Updated the complete guide to CrackShot accordingly.


  • The Ammo and SignShops modules now support items with secondary data values.
  • The launching of projectiles no longer violates the Speed checks of anti-cheat plugins.


  • (Version 0.91.1) Corrected an NPE that was thrown whenever external plugins called an InventoryOpenEvent with certain properties.
  • (Version 0.91.1) Corrected an issue introduced in version 0.91 that caused weapons to reject ammunition with custom names.

New nodes

  • "Dual_Wield" was added to the Shooting module.
  • "Take_Ammo_As_Magazine" was added to the Reloading module.
  • "Single_Reload_Duration" was added to the Reloading module.
  • "Sounds_Single_Reload" was added to the Reloading module.
  • "Sounds_Shoot_With_No_Ammo" was added to the Reloading module.


  • Most default weapons have been fine-tuned. You are recommended to regenerate any old default weapons and use the new ones instead.

Version 0.90

This version marks the conclusion of the first collection of incremental updates (Explosives) and the commencement of the second (Mechanics).

New additions

  • Added two new projectile types: witherskull and fireball.
  • Added the 14th default weapon: Bazooka
  • Added the Knockback node to the Explosions module. This feature can have some interesting uses - implosions can be used to kill enemies by pulling them into the air and letting them die from the fall damage, and so forth.
  • Added the Shrapnel module.
  • Pressure-plates that are stepped on within 4 blocks from a booby trap mounted on an item frame will now generate an explosion.
  • Added the Remote_Place_Anywhere node to the Explosive_Devices module, which allows remote-detonated explosives to be placed anywhere, bypassing all region-protection plugins.
  • Added the Sneak_Before_Shooting node to the Sneak module.
  • Added a multiworld-management system to the new configuration file: general.yml.
  • Added the Message_Shooter, Message_Victim and Sounds_Shooter nodes to the Explosions module.


  • Players with no permission to use a certain weapon will no longer be able to convert it.
  • CrackShot will now accept values of zero for the Damage_Multiplier node in the Explosions module. You can never truly deal zero damage without using the Explosion_No_Damage node, though.
  • Fixed a minor error that occurred when a remote-detonated explosive is broken by another player while the owner of the device is offline.
  • The reload tag (superscript 'R') will no longer be shown in Minecraft's death messages.
  • Multiple particle-effects are now accepted.
  • Impact-explosions have been made a little more precise.
  • (Version 0.90.1) Corrected a permissions-related bug introduced in the first variant of version 0.90 that resulted in the premature termination of an item-verification operation.
  • (Version 0.90.2) Minor optimizations.
  • (Version 0.90.2) Eggs fired from CrackShot weapons will no longer hatch chickens.
  • (Version 0.90.2) All bullet-spread nodes now support decimal values (i.e 2.345).


  • Loading weapons using the config.yml file located outside the weapons folder is no longer possible. This was the old method of loading weapons and has been completely phased out.
  • The default weapon Trinket has been slightly modified to account for the new item frame feature.
  • (Version 0.90.2) Several default weapons have been fine-tuned.
  • (Version 0.90.2) The bullet-velocity of all default weapons have been lowered to account for Minecraft's visual bug.