- !/bin/sh
-- Excerpted from "Learn to Program with Minecraft Plugins, CanaryMod Edition",
- published by The Pragmatic Bookshelf.
- Copyrights apply to this code. It may not be used to create training material,
- courses, books, articles, and the like. Contact us if you are in doubt.
- We make no guarantees that this code is fit for any purpose.
- Visit for more book information.
- Set the variable MCSERVER to $HOME/Desktop/server,
- unless it's already set in the environment.
- To set it here explicitly, use MCSERVER=your_directory instead of
- this next line. : ${MCSERVER:="$HOME/Desktop/server"}
MODS="$MCSERVER"/CanaryMod.jar EZ="$MCSERVER"/lib/EZPlugin.jar if [ "$OS" = "Windows_NT" ] then OSPS=";" else OSPS=":" fi
- Make sure that the library jar
- exists and is readable if [ ! -e "$MODS" ]; then echo "$MODS doesn't seem to exist. Make sure you have CanaryMod.jar installed at $MCSERVER and run again. If your server is not at $MCSERVER, set your MCSERVER environment variable to point to the correct directory." exit 1 fi
if [ ! -r $EZ ]; then echo "$EZ doesn't seem to exist. Make sure you have EZPlugin.jar installed at $MCSERVER/lib and run again." exit 1 fi
- Make the build directories if they aren't there.
- Throw away any error if they are. mkdir bin 2>/dev/null mkdir dist 2>/dev/null
- Remove any previous build products rm -f bin/*/*.class rm -f dist/*.jar
- Get the name of this plugin
- from the directory it's in HERE=`pwd` NAME=`basename "$HERE"`
- 1. Compile echo "Compiling with javac..." javac -Xlint:deprecation src/*/*.java -d bin -classpath "$MODS$OSPS$EZ" -sourcepath src -g:lines,vars,source || exit 2
- 2. Build the jar echo "Creating jar file..." jar -cfm dist/"$NAME.jar" Manifest.txt *.inf -C bin . || exit 3
- 3. Copy to server echo "Deploying jar to $MCSERVER/plugins..." test ! -d "$MCSERVER/plugins" && mkdir "$MCSERVER/plugins" cp dist/$NAME.jar "$MCSERVER"/plugins || exit 4
echo "Completed Successfully."