Create Coupons that execute console commands.
- Redeem Coupons only once
- Coupons can do anything, you can add as much commands to a coupon as you want
- Quick and easy to use, ingame commands
- Use the player name and world in your commands
- Very lightweight on your server
Commands and Permissions
Command | Permission | Description |
/cc <Coupon name> | CouponCommands.claim | Claims the coupon |
/cc add <Coupon name> <command1;com2;...> | CouponCommands.add | Adds a coupon |
/cc remove <Coupon name> | CouponCommands.remove | Removes a coupon |
/cc save | | Saves the coupons to disk |
/cc reload | CouponCommands.reload | Reloads the coupons from config |
/cc list | CouponCommands.list | Shows available coupons |
Additional Permissions
Permission | Description |
CouponCommands.createsign | Allows creation of CouponSigns |
CouponCommands.* | Gives access to all commands |
%name% ==> The player name
%world% ==> The player world
Planned Features
- Better chat markup
Block coupon names in chatAdd signs that redeem coupons- Add coupons that execute player commands
I now also support signs. To create them, you need the permission: CouponCommands.createsign To use them, you need the claim permission and you just right click the sign.
Plugin Metrics
Don't expect a lot of servers/users. The plugin has only been added since a day. This plugin uses PluginMetrics to get this data: (click the image to see more information)
If you like what I'm doing. Consider donating :) Please use the donate button in the top right.
Not needed :)
Any update for 1.7.4?
I would like to see that implemented sometime in the new update
Good idea, create a ticket for it, and i might do it somewhere this week.
Can you make it so players can have a claim permission per coupon. (couponcommands.claim.<coupon name>) Would benefit a lot of people.
No sorry, good idea, but I'm not going to add that due to the low demand.
Dumb question, but are the coupons actual items you can hold? Cause' having an item (empty map) with a description of what is does would be pretty cool.
Sign support has been added! Now we just need to wait for bukkit to approve the file.
Best coupon plugin I've ever seen.
There will be. I'm going to add signs right now.
Is there anyway to get physical objects to execute commands?
The command is executed by console.
Does the player need access to the commad or is it the console that runs it...
For example
I make a coupon that gives u 5 diamonds. But the player cant type /give %name% diamond 5. Is it to where the server console issues the command so that they get it?