guides/Upgrading from old versions

Upgrading from old versions

Converting your old (1.5) config files

This only helps you update from 1.5 to 1.7, after which the configupdater will do the rest.

To update to this version of Likeaboss, you will have to convert your config files manually (for the time being). Below I will try to explain you how I would do it myself. If you want, you can run Likeaboss without your config files first to let it create the default ones.

1. The first thing you'll notice, is that all the world config files are no longer stored as '<worldname>\config.yml', but as 'Worlds\<worldname>.yml', which unclutters your Likeaboss plugin folder. So first you will want to move all these files and rename them. For people running windows, I have made a batch script which will, if placed in the 'plugins\Likeaboss' directory, do this for you. You can get the batch script (here). (Source)

2. The next step is to move all the bosses you have in each world config to the bosses.yml file. If you still want to distinguish between bosses with the same name from multiple worlds, it is advised to use the first three letters of the world name as a suffix to the bosses name (e.g.: in a world name AdventureWorld and a boss named Creeper use: Creeper#adv) This can take pretty long if you have many bosses and/or worlds, unfortunately I don't have an automated method for this.

3. You will have to replace the 'Drop' node to 'Loot' in your world configs

4. Edit the config file for your worlds to comply to the world config format.

5. Replace 'CheckBossProximity' to 'CheckEntityProximity' and 'BossVisualEffect' to 'DrawBossEffect' in your config.yml

6. Add the 'ViewerMessage' and 'ViewerDefeated' nodes.

7. Run Likeaboss in your server to let it update from the V1.7.0 configs to the V2.0 configs.

Updating from Likeaboss-mcdr(2.0) to Corruption(2.1+)

Likeaboss-mcdr has been renamed to Corruption.

To update from 2.0 to a later version is really easy. Just delete the Likeaboss.jar currently in your plugins folder, put in the Corruption.jar and rename the plugins/Likeaboss folder to plugins/Corruption. The configupdater should take care of the rest.

You should also change all the 'lab' permissions to 'cor' in your permissions file, which is a simple search and replace.

Because of the name change, the autoupdater will not let you update from 2.0 to 2.1+ automatically.


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